Hearing comments about and from today's Fair Prices Hearing in Canberra - twitter: #FairIT4Oz - reminds me how annoying I have found it in the past, where some - EVEN here on the wonderful Ozbargain site, including Oxpete who seems to have a conflict of interest - have found it necessary to defend the big boys, including Apple who were at the hearing today.
Anyone who defends the multinationals' prices (esp. when they pay little or no tax) is doing the bargain-hunting Australian consumer a disservice … as they are if they defend the pricing of Woolworths & Coles, just to name one of Australia's consumer gouging oligopolies. Other culprits have included Foxtel, Telstra & other telecoms companies, utilities, the Banks ($1,400 profit per man, woman & child) etc etc etc
imho :)
Being upset is fine, but how do you solve it?
One solution I can think of is to charge 30% tax on digital products. The market price is not likely to change to much (after a short term spike they blame on the tax). They will end up profiting the same as the US, Australians will pay the same amount they do now, and the difference will at least go to funding the country.
This solution will NEVER get public support though. I'm sure there are other issues, but it would never happen anyway.