This was posted 11 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Reid Cycles Million Dollar End of Season Sale 10% off Bikes; Upto 75% of Parts; Upto 50% of Acces


Looks like Reid are having a big clearance. From what i gather it is on until they sell a million dollars worth of stock?

Most Bikes 10 - 15% off
Up to 75% off parts
Up to 50% off accessories
plus more offers.

Usually good quality for the cheap prices they have,definitely worth it with these discounts. Not sure how much longer it will be on either.

Rang the Melbourne store and they are honoring this in all stores as well (Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne)

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Reid Cycles
Reid Cycles

closed Comments

  • Can someone who has one of their bikes comment on the quality? I've heard mixed-reviews about Reids.

    • heavy but reasonable value for money. the problem about bike riding is if you don't like the bike, you wont ride it and then its a colossal waste of money.

    • +2

      Better off having a hunt on eBay for a second hand bike. You'll get a much better bike for the same price.

      You'll end up otherwise paying for a heavy bike with average/poor group set.

      • +3

        Maybe, but likely not. eBay bike prices are over inflated at the moment. People price their secondhand bikes on what they paid for them 5 years ago, not what an equivalent bike would cost today now that prices have dropped.

        Add to that the wear on components which can be really hard to judge visually. Add the trickle-down of technology due to SRAM agressively trying to tap into the road-bike market, and you find that for the same price secondhand you are not getting better at all.

        I've been watching eBay for a bargain for a while now, and on the rare occasion that one pops up it's not the right size or it's in another state and shipping is either prohibitive or the seller isn't willing to ship.

    • +1

      The lowest bike I'd go there is the Osprey.

      Those gear shifters in the middle of the handlebar is really awkward.

      • Yes those middle of handlebar gears are a joke, i dont know why people think thats a good idea, its a right out dangerous.

    • +1

      I was a complete reid convert until the weekend gone by, when my year old Aquila (priced around $350) bucked and threw me off. Appears the crankset(front big cog) warped, so the chain popped off, and consequently I am left with a soft tissue injury barring me from work for a couple weeks. The Aquila doesn't weigh much (11kg-ish), has been mistaken for a far more expensive bike, and despite reasonably heavy use (I probably ride 6 days a week-sprinting to uni/work late) I've had no problems until now. I'm hunting down my receipt, might be a one off fault might not…

      • So you are blaming Reid? Those cranksets, derailleurs and chains are the same low-end gear that Giant, Specialised, Trek etc etc put on their bikes at the same (or slightly higer) pricepoint. They are cheap and they do warp over time, nothing Reid can control.

        From your description however it sounds just as likely that maintenance could have been an issue. Over time cables stretch, limit screws vibrate loose, components wear, chains can rust and stiffen, and these things all contribute to the chain not staying in the right spot. When did you last adjust the gears?

        • how often should one maintain their bikes and adjust gears etc for 2-3x use a week bike users

        • +1

          yeah I have never adjusted the gears, and it was well overdue a full service. But like you say the parts are low end, and I was commenting on the quality in light of my recent experience. Realistically what is the lifespan of a crankset? surely longer than a year?

        • I think the cheaper cranks can last longer since they use steel rather than aluminium. The more expensive cranks have elaborate designs which allow for smoother shifting. Having said that, a bit of maintenance and good shifting technique can make the cheapest parts last a long time. Anticipate shifting to avoid shifting under heavy load - although this seems difficult with a 42t as your smallest chainring. Avoid cross-chaining - a 14 speed bike doesn't necessarily mean 14 useable combinations. Another possibility is that it might have even hit a kerb.

        • Is that 100km 2-3 times a week in rain and off-road or 5km 2-3 times a week on bitumen in the sun?

          For case #1 probably weekly clean and tune for case #2 six monthly.

    • I was going to get a Vintage 6-speed one for my partner…
      I am glad I checked it in-store before buying online… I didn't like the build quality and the way it rides… So I ended up buying another brand.
      Other models might be different.

    • I rode their top of the line road bike and I can safely say that it was the roughest thing I've ever ridden. Well specced, definitely, but overall awful. You should definitely try before you buy.

      I'm also not surprised that OP has no posting history. Read through this thread over at BNA and witness the number of zero history posters who pop up to sing Reid's praises:

  • A couple of good items but mostly more expensive and a less comprehensive range than

  • My only comment is that the chroming is cheap. Saw a friend's reid fixie start to rust on the chrome parts within a few months…

  • with only 10 to 15% off bikes, does anyone believe this is a "million" dollar sale?

  • +2

    This deal now has 10 +ve votes, yet nobody has pointed out one good deal or anything that is significantly cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Come on guys, if this deal is so good, what should I buy?

  • im actually visiting these guys tomorrow for my first entry level mountain bike! i guess comparing these guys to Burwood Cycles you get a lifetime warranty on the bike frame and fork as well as 1 year of servicing which is giving me a good peace of mind for the bike's lifetime value, you also receive $100 credit towards accessories when you buy a bike from these guys which means i get to buy already discounted stuff with that $100 credit.

    Definitely worth a lookie in store or on the website :)

    • Go down the road about 200m on same side to cell bikes also, some of their bikes are as good or better value. It's traditional to visit both and make a decision.

      • Go Cell over Reid every day of the week. Better bikes, better service hands down.

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