Sorry guys there was an error with coupon code, corrected amount should be 20% off Your Final Purchase in the cableking store including cables, electronics for all new customers.
Sorry guys there was an error with coupon code, corrected amount should be 20% off Your Final Purchase in the cableking store including cables, electronics for all new customers.
Sorry there was an error with our coupon code , this has been corrected . Thanks
The coupon has been Corrected it is 20% off goods .
The Eneloops under Clearance with the "Special Price" of $16.50 comes up $24.95 in the checkout.
Does your Cat5E network cables come with snag free boots?
Is it 20% or $20? I just tried an order and it removed $20 instead of ~$35.
Subtotal $176.50
Discount (20offgoods) -$20.00
Grand Total $156.50