• expired

Mwave - USB Volcano $18.95, T-Bot 2GB USB Flash Drive $12.95

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Rock USB Powered Volcano with Light Changing Effects (PUL1024) - $18.95

Team 2GB T-Bot USB Drive, White (TG002GR501W) - $12.95


  • Offer ends 28/01/2009 12mp
  • While Stock Lasts

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Mwave Australia
Mwave Australia

closed Comments

  • gotta get myself a T-Bot. looks so cool

  • tbh i really don't see the point of companies posting their own deals, i feel it brings down the site a little. Kudos to mwave for not setting up 'spoof' addresses to post deals, but still - i just don't think it's good practice on this site. Opinions?

    • I disagree. I don't have a problem with companies like mwave posting the occasional deal. I only have a problem with it when 6 deals are posted within 3 days by the same company/website.

      • They've posted on the 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th (x2), 20th, 23rd, and the 27th. So in around 20 days they've made 9 posts… approx every 2 days…

  • Well, if the posted item is a bargain, why not? Each of us is smart enough to make up our own minds and not be swayed by popular misopinions, should someone try that here. Just because they're using the site as a platform, isn't that the purpose of the site anyway, to broadcast good bargains?

    • The purpose of this website is for users to submit bargains and deals that would benefit consumers. (have a read of http://www.ozbargain.com.au/about ).

      Mwave seems to be using this website as a form of self promotion and advertising. Neither deal is that great anyway, and from what other users have said, the postage is too much.

      RE: your 'make up our own minds' statement. Yeah that's true, but this website is a community of bargain hunters, not an advertising space. If Mwave want to 'sell' their "deals", then they should take an advertisment up in the local newspaper at their own expense.

  • this is just free advertising for them, not really cheap or a deal.

  • +1

    if it is indeed a deal another member of oz bargains would post it up. This i see as little more than self promotion. These arent really deals.

    • +1

      MWave, just post your rock bottom deals only please!

  • Delivery cost is a bit ridiculous for a small item ….

  • $12.02 for shipping to Sydney?

    That's a ridiculously high shipping cost for a USB stick.

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