ISOFIX Child / Baby Seats

Hi fellow OzB's…

Just wondering if any of you are currently using the ISOFIX system child safety seats?

If so, where is the best place (online) to get them?

Are there any models that you can recommend for a 6 month old?

I have looked on Amazon UK but have not gone to the extent of looking at postage.

Help appreciated.

Note :

a) Yes I know they are not currently compliant with Aus standards.
b) Yes I know they may be compliant sometime this year.


  • Just curious: Why are you keen on getting one rather than an Australian model?

  • We were really keen on getting one because it is much easier to take in and out of the car and whilst isn't safer in itself, tends to be safer because they are easy to reinstall safely. Aust ones are very safe but are often actually reinstalled incorrectly without parents being aware they haven't actually done it right (and therefore no longer safe). I watched the installer putting ours in…no chance we are taking it out!
    We didn't end up getting isofix, because it has taken so long for government to approve it (was supposed to be done by now!) and in terms of ordering overseas: the whole issue of postage of such a big item which may or may not have been easy to self-install first go and then warranty issues etc.

  • There is a couple of European places that send carseats to Australia - not sure of their names, I've just heard them being mentioned a lot on carseat forums.

    I'm not sure an overseas ISOFIX would become compliant even if they do ever bother getting around to making it legal here. The reason being that I think part of it being legal is it having an Australian compliance tag on the seat. This could change I guess for ISOFIX, but I doubt it. The Australian carseat makers seem to have control of the regulators and seem determined to slow international competition down as much as possible.

    It's so frustrating isn't it. Such a simple, great system and we are stuck with stupid straps and hours of fiddling - and then just hoping our babies are sitting in a safely installed seat. My husband has to install a new capsule tomorrow because our local installation service is booked out until June and I am due in April! Thankfully we are now pretty experienced in what to do, but it was very daunting at first. Especially as the experienced car seat installer had such a trouble with our old car, even he was confused in the end.

  • The Australian carseat makers seem to have control of the regulators and seem determined to slow international competition down as much as possible.

    I'm curious to know what you base this upon? To my understanding, the manufacturers are just waiting for the new standard to be finalised and published so that they can begin testing their seats for compliance.

    • Yes. Furthermore the official line has always been that educating people how to use a single system is better than confusing people with multiple system. The biggest issue with either system is installation mistakes, both are very similar in regards to safety when installed correctly.

    • Possibly blame SAI Global - Standards Australia have outsourced a lot their activities to them years ago.

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