This was posted 11 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Da Vinci Code Kindle Edition for Free Save $9.99 till 24th


Celebrate 10th annual for the book publisher offer the free promotion for all platform.

Need a US amazon account to login and purchase cause I bought it using my US amazon account.

The Da Vince Code in iTunes book store is also free but you need a US iTunes account to download it from iBooks

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Seems to require US Amazon account to "purchase".

    • Yep shows as $6.15 for me.

    • I'm seeing USD $6.13

    • same here

    • $6.24 for me..

  • "not available to purchase now"

    • sorry, was able to get by logging out and try to buy. it complain after login, not available to your country but had link to kindle account page to change country.

  • It was listed as free for me, I've already read the book, but got it for free anyways :p

    • Just checked, the country for my kindle is set to be US - I have a US postal address for a drop shipper I used ages ago still on my account and from memory that's what let me change over to the US.

  • Got it, thanks, OP.

  • "This title is not currently available for purchase"

    Still get this even if I log out of Amazon.

    Perhaps they are all out of stock.

    • +7

      an ebook Out of stock?

      • Still they could apply a limited number for free, but this seems only free to US people.

  • I get "This title is not currently available for purchase" but it does show up as $6.13 at the same time.

  • This does not work for me. For those who got it working, are you guys using US Amazon Store?

    • I think you have to switch the country to the USA on your Kindle Management, but since I dont have a US address I couldn't do so.

    • Worked fine for me, but I've got my Amazon account set to a US address.

  • Free for me… thanks! :D

  • With US address, it seems free. Thanks.

  • +2

    It is free in the US as a publisher promo as it contains an extract of the new book Inferno
    It is also free in the US store of itunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Sony

    • Thanks! I can never register a US account with Amazon but no problem with iTunes

  • +3

    Also currenlty free on US Amazon and possibly worth a look Cold Fear by Rick Mofinaand Suckerpunch by Jeremy Brown

  • +1
    • Huh?

      • He's commenting on the quality of the book(in his opinion)

        • Yeah, but you had to pay for the toilet paper… but the book is free

          Pity you can't use an e-book for the same purpose as a paper book in this case ;)

        • You could, but the plumber's gonna charge an arm & a leg to remove your kindle from the S-bend! ;)

  • +1

    Changed my kindle account to a US address and I was able to purchase this book for $0.

    Awesome ! Thanks OP.

    • same here, was able to purchase it, but it isn't showing up for me to read.
      Any suggestions ?

  • +6

    Still overpriced. Dan Brown is the beats headphones of authors.

    • +2

      Come on man. Don't sully the good name of Beats.

    • +1

      You obviously haven't read James Patterson.
      He churns out a book a month…actually co-authors a book a month…actually just writes the plot outline and takes 60% of the author profits.

      Compared to James Patterson, Dan Brown writes Booker quality literature

    • +2

      Infinite monkey theorem:

      A million monkeys on typewriters for a million years, one of them will write the bible.

      Half a dozen monkeys on typewriters for a weekend, you'll get a Dan Brown.

      • True (about the weekend bit).

        However, its an infinite number of monkeys; a million monkeys typing 4 characters a second for a million years, would be lucky to type the first 20 characters of the bible (assuming they're truly random, and have only a-z, space and full stop)

  • Damnit man, said free for me, i got it, then it charged me the 6bux!!!(can see it on my cc statment)

    i got the paperback!

    refunded now anyways…hopefully they dont charge me.. only 6 bux but still! pretty dodgy!

    • That's strange. What did your invoice say? Mine says $0.00.

      • yeah so did mine, but then when i got the email from amazon, it said the 6 bux, also when i checked my bank statement it was six bux, suggest you do the same.

        • My invoice says $0:
          Item Subtotal: $0.00
          Tax Collected: $0.00
          Order Total: $0.00

          …I'm using a US account, though.

  • spoiler alert—- the book is craptacular

  • Shows $9.99 for me

  • I know this has been marked as expired however I think it's just temporary Amazons auto pricing genie has been acting a little dodgy lately so I wouldn't be surprised it it soon reverts back to free later today.

    Meanwhile it is available to US accounts for free at other retailers………

    • And now it's free again on Amazon US accounts

  • Just got an email asking to verify my country of residence. In part

    We are writing because the home country registered to your Kindle account may not match your country of residence. Due to publishing rights, the home country registered to your account must match your country of residence.

    To continue purchasing titles available for the United States, please send a copy of your valid government-issued identity card, passport, or a utility bill received within the previous 90 days to our secure fax line

    Then a bunch of instructions about faxing in the paper work, and then at the end

    We may restrict your home country setting if you continue to purchase from the catalog of titles for the United States without completing the verification process.

    They're onto us! Or, onto me at least. Doesn't sound like they'll take anything away at this stage, though.

    • I got this email way back when, I just did nothing let the account sit for ages then went back and started using it as a US region account again(mainly freebies) and have had no issues or emails since

  • If you got this book on your US Amazon account and you already have a US Audible membership then you should be able to get the audiobook for just 99c follow the links from the kindle edition.

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