• expired

Glad Wrap 80m $1 + Shipping


Normally $5.54 now $1 ea. MAXIMUM of 5 units per order.

Sydney metro delivery was $6.64 for 5 units.


Australia's number one cling wrap! Made from microwave safe polyethylene, GLAD Wrap offers superior cling and ease of handling. It's ideal for covering bread, butter plates, bowls or tins. Using GLAD Wrap means less cling wrap wastage which saves on time and money.

Product Features
♦ 80m of superior stretch and cling quality guaranteed

Related Stores

Door Buster
Door Buster

closed Comments

  • +7

    Umm… there's only one reason i can think off why you would need 400m of glad wrap. Are you the bay harbour butcher?

  • -5

    $1 for the Glad Wrap & $7.75 delivery to Melbourne….

    • +6

      Clearly the value is in ordering 5. Harsh neg IMO.

      $10.36 for 5 to Adelaide. Not a super bargain, but if you use a lot, worth it.

      • I use glad wrap multiple times per day. I'm a pre-cook for the week and re-heater and I use glad wrap for microwave reheating. I go through about 100m/year. Getting 5 would last me ~4 years…

        But I agree. Harsh neg.

    • +1

      Not worth the neg, how about some basic arithmetic? i.e. purchasing 5 for ~$10 when they're $4-$5 each in Coles/Woolies.

    • +1

      You could do a GROUP BUY, and share the postage costs. Do you have 4 friends?

  • 10.50 delivery to Brisbane area for 5 of them

  • +2

    So that works out to $2.33 per roll if I buy 5 in Sydney. I'm pretty sure Aldi's Goliath cling wrap (around $1.50 IIRC) works out cheaper even though it's 60m compared to 80m.

  • +3

    When shipping cost is nearly 8 times cost of item savings are destroyed.

  • -6

    Good deal, though postage kills making it a bargain

    • Yet you still neg it, but say good deal. Buy a couple rolls of it, then it's a deal.

  • +3

    when is the best before date?

    • -4

      … is this for realzies?

      • -1

        fo sho

      • +3

        Coming from jv, what do you think?

    • +7

      Jan 3013

  • This is pretty good if you're in metro melb - worked out to about 2.55 a roll inc postage. Added some BioZet http://www.doorbuster.com.au/biozet-front-loader-bottle-380m… another great deal.

  • If you want to see expensive postage, then check this out:

  • Shipping to melb metro is $10.36…zzzzzzz

  • +1

    what about wrapping your Suitcase (maybe this should be called Schapelle wrap ?)

    • sadly that is actually a good use of the product

      • +1

        The baggage wrap is thicker though, this is too flimsy. Or should that be filmsy? :)

  • +1

    Bad Boy Bubby

    • Hahaha, that was such a great film. It wasn't afraid to take on big themes.

      • Showing my age :) (and my sense of humour i might add.lol)

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