The survey takes 1 min and they email you a $5 code per survey
Allow 72 hrs for delivery
$5 vouchers are stackable
First Survey $5
Second Survey $5
The survey takes 1 min and they email you a $5 code per survey
Allow 72 hrs for delivery
$5 vouchers are stackable
First Survey $5
Second Survey $5
Ozbargaining…Like a boss.
I think you mean "Like a Professional"
Thanks heaps!
$5 or $10 off Zinio's massively inflated prices for digital magazines won't get me in.
I cancelled my three magazines in 2011 after Zinio price-gouging.
I cancelled a subscription too. Know any cheaper digital magazine service? I installed Google Currents and that has plenty of free content to flick through when you're in the mood for digital reading.
Buy the iTunes cards from the current deal at Harvey Norman, and then get your magazines from the Newsstand, search via the App store. Voila, half digital price magazine subscription/s. A magazine I used to pay $8.95 for one paper issue now costs me about $13 for the year digitally, and bonus no trees cut down either.
It's mainly the Australian magazines that are a complete rip on Zinio. I subscribed to a good magazine recently, $13 less a $10 coupon they emailed me = $3 for 12 issues. Win!
You need to pick and choose carefully via Zinio for example they want $40+ for one year US Elle magazine, however on Apple Newsstand it is $20 (which you can bring down to $10 using half price iTunes credit - see comment above). Shop around before you click "buy". There are still some crazy cheap deals on Zinio, like daily deals and 2 years for the price of 1 deals. Plus, if you stay subscribed, they seem to continually send free credit, $5 here, $10 there.
Zinio is not worth the effort. Cancelled my subscriptions after I couldn't get the account to work with my new computer.
Great idea wasted IMHO.
Your mileage may vary.
Why do people down vote someone for having an opinion about a product/service? Which may or may not assist someone's decision?
I've found it quite good. I use on my iPad. You need to wait for a 'deal' I think. I got my 2 subscriptions very cheaply, and since then I've scored at least $45 in free coupons (thank you OzBargain!). I usually use them to buy single issues, so not spending anything extra. Only complaint, I now have too much to read!
How do you stack vouchers?
Also, this is from 28 Jul 2011 or earlier (…)
Are these still current? Can you tell us, how did you find out about the deal?
Not wanting to hijack the thread, but many people might not know that your local public library probably has Zinio subscriptions. That means that if you have a library card, you can read magazines for free on your devices at home using Zinio.
My local library currently has 48 magazines, but if more people use this, I think they will expand. Go to your library's website and search for the eBooks and eMagazines.
Our instructions say:
"You can view Zinio magazines via a web browser or via an app. To get started, create a Zinio account using your West Torrens Library membership number (barcode)"
On a related topic, you can search if your local library has free ebooks
Also we can check out toys and sports equipment from the library.
Good tip regarding local library Zinio collections. I wish my rates were used by the council for some Zinio copies.
I think that it's a better idea than having multiple copies of a specific magazine issue at multiple library branches and which may only get read or borrowed a few times.
Zinio copies could get more people interested and involved with their local libraries - or at least help with Zinio's uptake and usage.
In 2013, librarians need to get more awareness and public use of their library's digital assets!
I'll get off my soapbox now.
My library doesn't :( (City of Sydney)
I like Zinio. I use it regularly (have about 6 active subscriptions). Overseas subsriptions are really good value (eg Popular Science can be had for $10pa which is a bargain) but Australian magazines are not much chepaer than print subscriptions which totally misses the point.
When asked how they could make the service better, I suggested removing DRM.
I still haven't received any vouchers. Did anyone receive theirs?
I haven't received mine either…
neither have i
But they sent me a $10 promo voucher, this is the 2nd $10 voucher they send me in March :)
no vouchers here either
No voucher for me, either.
To anyone who received one, did you get an email to confirm a code ora credit on your account?
I think that the surveys were already expired, so no voucher or credit.
i finally contacted zinio (something i want to buy). they sent on the voucher codes within the hour :)
Thanks. Will have to wait until Aliens is over.