Found in the Herald Sun today
1/2 Price Australian Beef Market Value Porterhouse Steak $10
24 Cans Coke Varieties $16 save $9.89
Found in the Herald Sun today
1/2 Price Australian Beef Market Value Porterhouse Steak $10
24 Cans Coke Varieties $16 save $9.89
Check online if available in you area:…
They're rolling out those $10 off leg of lamb deals regularly. Found one this morning for $16 (=$6) so had to grab it, even though my last one is still in the freezer :)
They often do the $10 MSA rump and porterhouse at Woolies and I have to say that I have never been disappointed with the quality. Top Ryde Woolies even cut up some fresh steaks for me to a specific weight if you ask (and the ones on the shelf are not the size you want).
Yes prices are down. Oh wait, wrong supermarket chain.
can anyone recommend good places to get quality steak? people say local butchers are good, but I don't think there are any near where I live. Eastern side of Melbourne?
where is "Eastern side of Melbourne" ? IMHO VicMarkets is the consistantly best value for price & quality in Melb. Free parking weekdays (Tue/Thur/Fri) if you're out before 10am.
more accurately, eastern suburbs - like doncaster/boxhill area.
Id like to know as well.
Box Hill Central has a food market - fresh meat, fish, fruit/veg, etc… Jackson Court (Doncaster) has a popular green grocer and butcher. The Pines has butcher, fishmonger, baker, etc…. Pretty much any centre with a supermarket will also have these sorts of services!
Do butchers at box hill sell beef that has been aged?
Hmm.. Should I get yearling porterhouse steaks for $12.99/kg from Tasman Meats or value porterhouse steaks for $9.99/kg from Woolworths? Is there a difference in quality/taste?
Yearling is rubbish, really tasteless.
$2.78/kg is a decent price for green capsicum from one of the duopoly, have paid $2.99/kg recently from my local greengrocer.