FTL:Faster than light is now 60% off, the cheapest it's been.
Only available for another 21 hours.
From Humble Bundle Store so includes steam key and DRM-free copy.
A great game.
FTL:Faster than light is now 60% off, the cheapest it's been.
Only available for another 21 hours.
From Humble Bundle Store so includes steam key and DRM-free copy.
A great game.
No. If it was I would say it would be a "beat the average" game so this is a good deal too.
totally worth it, but also frustrating as hell
Getting boarded by raiders during a supanova. who hit your shield generator? My favourite!
Great game, great deal
Edit: stupid virtual keyboard
Unless you're viciously opposed to steam the steam version is better in that it has cloud-synced savegames. This is one game where you really don't want to risk a lost savegame ;)
You'll get a DRM-free version if you buy from http://www.ftlgame.com/ anyway if locking the game into steam isn't your thing.
Having thought more about this, what exactly is the appeal of the GOG version? surely getting the DRM free version as well as a steam key for the same price as just the former is a better deal, The only real incentive would be to support GOG's business model at the cost of getting less value for money.
Bonus content that's usually unavailable anywhere else incl soundtrack & artwork
Awesome little game. Not for everyone, but amazing if you can get into it.
One of the hardest games I've ever played, and kept playing.
This game can induce some serious rage when your ship dies it the most BS way possible.
Hence the name being opposite of ftw
get the steam version. gog has a warped way of delivering the patches.
Roguelike aka fery unfair in every way! And we love it ;)
Despite people saying it's hard and rage inducing, it's actually a really well balanced game, meaning if you use the appropriate tactics then you can win almost every single playthrough. Getting all the ships & achievements is a little harder though…
Either way, it's well worth $4.
Aye the ships and achievements are the unfair bit. Worth $10
Still not sure whether to wait till it's in a humble bundle.
No, you shouldn't wait. Get frustrated and luvin it nowwwww!!! :)
Agreed, very bloody frustrating.
thanks wasn't sure to buy it at 10 dollars definitely now! thanks op
Mark this as expired, it's now back to $10.
However you can still get it for $4 (without a Steam key) from GOG.com
GOG changed the price back to $9.99 as well.
Has Faster than Light been in a HIB before?