Steam Box $1000 USD

An article on kotaku stated that the steam box piston is going to come out in the US holiday season with the price tag of $1000…

This bring up many questions, is it worth it, will it replace my console/pc, what games will it have?

If you pre-order steam box before March 18 you will save $100.

So what do you think? At the moment i'm sitting on the fence not sure if this is going to be another PS3 incident with the pricing. That being said the steam box will have more cheaper games, frequent sales and is made by a company that made some epic gaming moments.


  • +1

    is it worth it

    In a word: no. This is for people prepared to pay a premium over a pc for something that just works.

    will it replace my console/pc

    Console yes. PC unlikely.

    what games will it have?

    You can check right now (Linux steam games). I expect most of the valve catalogue will be added.

  • +3

    If you only use steam and only play steam games. it MIGHT be worth it. But honestly you might aswell build a 1000$ computer you can do many things on

  • One thousand bucks is a lot for a machine that only does gaming.

    And that's in USD! If it comes over to Australia, you can imagine what happens to the price tag.

    It would no doubt cost a ton to upgrade too since you can only get the upgrade modules from the one vendor.

  • +2

    To clarify, Valve have been pretty clear that you can just DYI your own steam box, or competitors can build one. Think of this as like the Google Nexus, an example of how it can be done, not the only option.

  • I find it hard to believe that the little box can produce enough power to make that price point worth it.

    Build your own…

  • Wait for Valve's Steambox, this isn't an official steambox.

    • There may never be one. The idea is that Valve let manufacturers make their own. This one Valve have helped work on, which might be the closest you get.

      • This one Valve have helped work on, which might be the closest you get.

        If OP's article is reliable then Valve is working on one

        Valve is helping finance the machine, although the Steam makers are developing their own Steam Box that will also be released this year, according to Valve boss Gabe Newell.

  • too expensive. I will wait till PS4 & XBOX720 get released. Then I will compare all three & take decision.

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