This was posted 11 years 11 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

200 Must-Have Movie Classics ($160 Worth of Music) for $4.99 from Amazon (Download)

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I couldn't fit it it the title, but these are actually 2 bundles of 100 classics, the first costing $2.99 and the 2nd costing $1.99.
Both 100 classics have 4.5/5 star reviews.
Each song costs $0.99 individually so there are huge savings to be made.
Comes in the MP3 format and works with iTunes.

The 1st volume is $2.99

It contains awesome music like…
- The Ride of the Valkeries
- The Swan
- Sabre Dance
- William Tell Overture
- A Night of A Bare Mountain.

The 2nd volume is $1.99

It contains awesome classics like..
- Jupiter: the Bringer of Jollity
- Adagio in G minor (from Gallipoli)

The music might not be everyone's taste, but this music really is some of the best of the classical genre.
Check it out!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -6

    I haven't heard of one song there. :/

    • Ride of the Valkyries?

      • You don't recognise them by name. You would have heard a few of them, whether you went to the effort of looking up the song in the credits and remembering the name is another thing altogether.

        • I looked up Ride of the Valkyries on youtube. Yes I have heard of it. I recognize it from a bugs bunny cartoon from ages and ages ago. ^_^

        • Ferrel.

        • Apocalypse Now, if you haven't seen it do yourself a favour and see it. If possible the Blu-ray Full Disclosure Edition.

  • The second album is also $1.99 and worthy of a mention…

    EDIT: Can anyone see what the DRM is (if any). Want to play this on an old yum-cha MP3 player.

  • Don't you need a special account for amazon mp3 downloads?

  • +1

    Only available to US customers.

  • Is there a way to setup a US account? I've used a US address, but Amazon won't accept an Australian credit card number to go along with it.

    • I'm interested to know as well. Asked the same question in the DotEmu deal but nobody bothered to answer… :(

    • +2

      You need an American credit card or a credit card that Amazon considered US credit card.

      One of my mate's American Express card works, but not all of them will work. You cannot change the payment method after you purchased/placed an order for this (not sure why, but Amazon won't allow it - some items you can change payment method afterwards, but not this one).

      • Thanks for the response @netsurfer!

        • +1

          Using an American address only, didn't work. However, an American address, with my Amex card as payment method worked!


  • +5

    US only. Too much hassle to work around for a whim purchase.

  • Sounds like mostly classical music you can get for free or cheaply.

    Are they even the actual recordings used in the films named, or just the same pieces?

  • Most classical music is out of copyright so you can usually get recordings cheap or free.

    Depends on which orchestra records the tracks.:-)

    • This doesn't mean you can get it for free! You still have to pay the musicians. You could record it yourself and sell it though.

    • To elaborate, while the copyright on the music might have expired, i.e. you can buy cheap reproductions of the scores, the performers hold performance copyrights. There are a whole bunch of copyrights that could be active, e.g. there is such a thing as a compilation copyright which holds for collections of works. Very complicated.

  • +3

    $160 worth a little dubious?

  • +1
    1. Many of the recordings are old - so we're talking analog…. not necessarily a bad thing, but be aware that some of them may not be as 'crisp' sounding as you may be used to.
    2. With the collections, bitrate can vary as well.
    3. Amazon offer these deals most of the time. Probably the better ones would be the "big box" sets by the Bach Guild ( - eg - $0.99 for 131 tracks or roughly 13 hours of music). They frequently release them at $0.99 and later bump them up a little.
    4. The music is 'DRM free' MP3 (sadly, no alac or flac) so you can play it on anything.
    5. To buy off amazon, what I do is:

    [probably don't have to do the following - just having a US address is probably enough]
    Have a separate dedicated amazon account, with a US address

    [this bit is important]
    Add some credit into the account, through a gift card purchased with the normal account
    Use a service such as to get a US ip address when purchasing the music

    [and all is good]
    Then you can download the music from anywhere - no need to use cyberghost etc.

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