Went into Harvey Norman and was wondering around for fun… Saw these in the electrical section.
Pretty decent deal I guess if you need a 3G modem on the cheap with some data.
Went into Harvey Norman and was wondering around for fun… Saw these in the electrical section.
Pretty decent deal I guess if you need a 3G modem on the cheap with some data.
Not really. Outdated technology more than 2 years old. Max download speed 7.2 Mb/s is slower than a smartphone. Limited to 802.11b/g. Does not support 850 MHz band. Probably locked to Virgin/Optus with unknown unlock cost. http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc/hardware/?action=h_view&model_…
At Christmas, got 2 Pocket Wifi for $31.60 http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/89216
Each included 6GB of data and 94 day expiry.
Would not want to pay more than that!
Near Liverpool NSW.
Need to find someone in NSW to buy it for me…
Next door to Peach Orchard :-D
And I am wondering why the OP was "wondering around" in such a place.
Where's Peach Orchard? :S
I had this question too, hoping it'd be near the Orange Grove markets in Sydney but I think this one is in WA.
Edit: Oh it's in Sydney, but still too far away from me
Need to find someone in WA to buy it for me…
Are you sure? There is an Orange Grove in WA…
Given the unclear deal title, for those interested, this is the Harvey Norman in Liverpool, NSW, located on Orange Grove Road.
You went into Harvey Norman… for fun?
Thats an OBer!
For prepaid data packs, please visit http://www.quicksales.com.au/buy/auctions.aspx?type5=alink
Hi tramperleo — as you have been linking to quicksales.com.au, is "alink" your ID on quicksales? Please be aware of our Store Rep Code of Conduct and commenting guideline. Please refrain from posting your own products on an existing deal post.
Some Vodafone WiFi modems (eg Huawei E585 Pocket WiFi 2) are free to unlock online https://unlock.vodafone.com.au/ - enter IMEI & your details & they SMS the unlock free.
Or follow above link & instructions.
Thanks for the comprehensive information. If anyone does know a way to unlock the ZTE K3571z, I would be keen to know.
$30 Pocket Wifi with data? a true bargain!