Noticed a heap of paper 3.99 for 500 sheets.HP paper and WC penfolds brand.
OK same as this however now 15 bux down from 25 clearance…
They have stock in QV few on the shelf when i was there a couple days ago…(assume more in the back)
and apparantly 20 or so in Richmond when i called to find out who had stock…
using it for the inlaws who want to talk to relies over seas, noticed the mic on the camera was a bit sensitive and picked up a fair bit of background noise… (might have it up too high)
but the mouse seemed to work pretty well (note that i had it plugged into the side of the laptop and the mouse was right next to it, uses only 1 battery.
its good as an add on pack for those with a basic laptop that doent want to spend to much.
ideal in my situation for the inlaws…
most likely this will be store specific… you should probably mention which store…
yeah, got some a few weeks back, it seems to be their normal price now for a few brands there…