This was posted 12 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$0.50 for 1 Year of Australian Web Hosting, with True 24/7 Phone Support


Short for cash? Want to host your website cheap? We'll do an Australian web hosting plan for just $0.50 for the first year.

Seriously, 50 cents. Not per month, total.

With that you get - 5GB of disk space, 20GB of monthly transfer, 24/7 phone support, 1 hour guaranteed email response times, and cheap domain names.

To get this deal, order our Starter AU web hosting plan annually, and use the coupon code 50CENTS in the order form.

Only available until 13/3/13.

Matt Goodwin

Related Stores


closed Comments

    • Sydney, Australia

      • Thanks lukelegend.

        I realise the datacentre address is buried in amongst our FAQs.

        I'll speak to our guys about making it more prominent.

        Matt Goodwin

    • Hi mattgal.

      We're in the Global Switch datacentre in Sydney.

      If there's anything else you'd like clarified, reply here, email us at [email protected], or call us up 24/7 on 03 9005 7723.


      Matt Goodwin

  • Awesome price for one year's hosting with decent support and SLA!

    • +3

      Thanks steble.

      We're doing this in the hope that once clients see what we do, recommendations wont be a problem.

      Matt Goodwin

  • Cheers guys, just used it for my business website that hosting expired on a couple months ago :-)

    • No worries mattosoft, easy done.

      Were you on an Aussie server? That extra speed can turn visitors into clients.

      Matt Goodwin

  • Matt, how does the monthly refund bit work? hehe.

    • +2

      Hi Moots.

      Naturally, we'll do it. I don't think it'll cost us much.

      For those of you new to our services (Moots isn't one) we do a 100% of your monthly web hosting plan price SLA as standard with all our services. So if your web hosting account goes down for more than 20 minutes in a month, we refund that month in full.

      Pay for performance hosting, and when other hosts copy our SLA, we hope our clients remember who moved first.

      Thanks for the opportunity to spruik Moots.

      Matt Goodwin

      • Is that 20 minutes in a month the total downtime experienced in a month (e.g. more than twenty 1 min downtimes, rather than only guarantee that each downtime will not exceed 20 min?)

        Also, how is downtime measured usually?

        I'm new to this, so thanks in advance :)

        • +1

          Hi klrynflare.

          Thanks for considering ServersINseconds for your needs.

          It's 20 minutes of downtime collectively in a month. If we have 21 minutes of downtime, you get paid out your full monthly web hosting plan price.

          It's measured by our monitoring system, but we welcome clients who wish to use their own monitoring.

          If you've got any further questions, just let us know.

          Matt Goodwin

  • Thanks good deal just ordered for my domain.

    • No worries JoeSoap, I see an order from you.

      If you need any help getting set up, fire us off an email or give us a call, and we'll make sure you're sorted quickly.


      Matt Goodwin

      • HI Matt,
        What about the next year onwards mate?

        And do you guys have a website builder , wordpress , etc liek a built in package ?

  • Thanks. Registered my domain. Does it support APNS (Apple Push Notification service)?

    For APNs traffic to get past your firewall, you'll need to open these ports:

    TCP port 5223 (used by devices to communicate to the APNs servers)
    TCP port 2195 (used to send notifications to the APNs)
    TCP port 2196 (used by the APNs feedback service)
    TCP Port 443 (used as a fallback on Wi-fi only, when devices are unable to communicate to APNs on port 5223)
    The APNs servers use load balancing. Your devices will not always connect to the same public IP address for notifications. The entire address block is assigned to Apple, so it's best to allow this range in your firewall settings.

    • Hi sujithgokul.

      Thanks for ordering.

      With APNS - we just do a standard web hosting setup with this offer. For opening of ports you'd require a VPS or dedicated server.

      Thanks again.

      Matt Goodwin

  • What would happen to existing customers?

    • Yeah. I just signed up to 3 years a few days ago.. :(

      • Hi Andreu.

        You're welcome to use this promo for another account if you wish.

        I know you got your account on another significantly discounted promotion of ours, and it continues to offer great value for you and your site.

        Matt Goodwin

    • Hi xtremelywild.

      Existing customers are welcome to use this offer for a new account. Apart from that they are unaffected.

      Matt Goodwin

  • +5
    • Hello glitchx.

      Our techs have gone through the logs in fine detail, and have run varied checks on the server, and we don't believe any customer data was accessed.

      I know it's still not good, but these things happen with out of date Wordpress installations.

      We're still looking into the situation as our top priority.

      Matt Goodwin

    • hi rep, it seems your hosting servers have been compromised by hackers to crack the ABC websites last week.……

      how vulnerable your system now ???

      • What? Read the article again. It doesn't say their servers were used to crack the ABC websites.

        Nowhere does it mention a link between ServersInSeconds and the ABC website at all.

  • +2

    Do you guys charge to change the domain name? Im developing a website but the domain name hasnt been finalised yet and as such, ill be using a temporary domain initially.

    • I also want to know the answer to this

      • Hi basllv.

        You can change the domain name you host at any time by emailing us at [email protected] with the new domain name.

        We're very flexible, and are happy to help you get going with whichever domain name you want to go with.

        Matt Goodwin

    • That's fine cheese510.

      When you decide on a domain, just fire us off an email to [email protected] with the new domain name, and we'll modify your account on your server for you.

      Thanks for your interest in our promotion.

      Matt Goodwin

      • Thanks! Ordering now!

  • What happens after 1 year BTW? I assume that one reverts to the $4/month Starter plan then.

    • Hi Thaal Sinestro.

      As you say, the price reverts to the normal $4 per month after the first year.

      We back our services 100%, and strongly believe you'll see the value in them when it does come time to renew.

      Matt Goodwin

      • can you cancel after 1 year or are you locked in

  • AAAAARGH! I literally signed up on the $4-mo plan YESTERDAY!!!! Any chance I could be switched to this? Pretty please! :D

    • Hi jassep.

      Thanks for choosing us for your needs.

      Unfortunately we can't apply the promotion retroactively, but I'm confident you'll still see the value for your money in our services.

      Feel free to sign-up for a personalised email address or domain name with the new offer if that interests you.

      Matt Goodwin

  • I ordered, thanks OP! I would just like to know, do you stack your clients excessively on boxes?

    So far so good, currently getting a faster ping then the hosting in my local city!

    • +1

      Hi helnrich.

      With our servers we're very cautious about overloading them. As you likely know, if you put too many accounts on any single server, things break.

      We offer an industry leading web hosting SLA, and we simply couldn't do that with overloaded and unreliable servers.

      We'd get claims on our SLA if we did, and obviously that's not acceptable to us or our clients.

      Great to hear you're getting good speeds. Care to post a ping or traceroute?

      Matt Goodwin

  • How long have servers in seconds been around?

    How do they compare (in terms of professionality and service and uptime/reliability) with VentraIP or ServersAus?

    • Hi bazza236.

      We've been operating since 1998, but were formally using our parent business name Cherry Web Hosting.

      I'd put up our services against (almost) anyone's. Nobody else offers a sub one hour email response time guaranteed, with 24/7 phone support too, a premium environment and servers, at the price we do.

      You'd have to try our hosting and have an issue to see what I mean about the support levels, and all I can suggest is you give it a try and see for yourself.

      Matt Goodwin

      • ive been hesitant to try your service but this deal is unbeatable and low risk
        so im going to give it a try!

        great marketing strategy

        • Thanks furythree.

          I was wondering when you'd take the plunge. Is there anything that made you hesitant? It'd be great to know so we can alleviate those fears for future potential clients.

          Thanks again.

          Matt Goodwin

  • :)

  • +2

    The only way I can see this being feasible is if they don't have to offer much phone support at all. ie. make the call waiting queues over an hour so most people hang up beforehand. Anyone care to call their tech support line to test this theory? Otherwise, the economics of this just doesn't make sense.

    • +1

      Im guessing theyre taking a hit in the first year to prove themselves to customers. Well either that or they are practicing something called 'overselling' where they assume that not everyone will max out their bandwidth and or server space, allowing them to sell more product than what actually exists. Not saying thats what happening here, just that it does happen

      • I don't even care about the technology behind it. Every hosting company oversells. It's the human cost of phone support that is extremely expensive and the number one cost to the employer.

        • Hi watwatwat, I appreciate your skepticism. Really. For starters it shows you care about your site.

          We're claiming a lot, and ultimately we'll have to back that up with uptime, speed, and high quality support.

          As for phone support in particular, it is a significant expense, but one we've accounted for when deciding to run the promotion.

          What makes this promotion feasible, is we're relying on the support of the Ozbargain community, hoping that what we're offering at below cost is appreciated, and we're kept in mind for any other accounts the community might have for us at our regular rates ($4/month) in the future.

          We'll bring in high quality, low cost, pay for performance Australian hosting, and our clients will recommend us from there.

          As for phone support wait times, I've heard one client complain of a 10 minute wait, once. Give us a call to test us out. 03 9005 7723. Report back here, and we'll all see.

          Maybe a few of you could do it, so we get an average and high/low indication.

          Matt Goodwin

  • …. and I just renewed my bluehost for three years…… Your service completely slipped my mind…… Great offer though

  • Do you guys support Python?

    • I emailed them last night and yes they do.

  • Good stuff. Can we bring our own .com domain for this?

    • Of course you can. I'd be surprised if you found many hosts which didnt allow this (nor should you use any if you do find them)

  • +1

    Do you provide SSH access as well and support installing specific software such as git?

    • No SSH is not supported on our Starter AU plan.

      I'd recommend you contact our support staff at [email protected] to see what we can do as far as git goes.

      I'm a tech, but through the support and server admin staff you'll get a definitive answer.


      Matt Goodwin

  • I've finally come to realise that free hosting just doesn't work, especially with installations which use php because most of them have 50kb-500kb file size limits that can prevent them from working properly. All I'm looking for is hosting which does as I ask it to and doesn't destroy my WordPress installation because it can't handle the scripts. Would this be a good deal for me?

    • Not to mention restrictions on what functions php can be used (ie, email will often be disabled to prevent spam abuse).

    • Hi voolish.

      I don't believe there is a limit on PHP file sizes. You can check by emailing [email protected], but I'm pretty sure that restriction is one that free hosts use.

      Matt Goodwin

  • Hi Matt,

    I'd just like clarity on the following: I just registered my domains as per your 50c deal above, and noted on your FAQ page under Billing, the T&C under the question "Is my hosting account renewed at the end of the year automatically" that you state:

    • No. Because we use an established third-party payment processing company, we don't even have your credit card details on record.
    • Naturally, if you choose not to renew you may simply ignore the renewal notices.

    Can you please advise then, why when I just completed payment via Paypal, it automatically set up a recurring annual payment to 'Matthew Goodwin' with the original non-discounted annual cost? How can I cancel this recurring payment, so that I may choose which domains I would like to renew manually?

    • +1

      You can cancel that through paypal. Look under your settings.

      • +1

        OK, didn't want to cancel the initial payment. Something for buyers to note, however.

    • Hi stevem05.

      That page needs to be updated. If you use PayPal, the subscription is by default set to recur at the normal $4/month price at the end of the first year.

      You can cancel this if you wish, and either pay for the renewal if you think we're worth that $4/month, or cancel your account within your control panel with us.

      Matt Goodwin

  • +1

    Do you support Wordpress sites?

    • Yes these plans can support Wordpress.

  • Will this support a forum? Looking at setting up a forum

    • Should do quite happily, just be careful of the bandwidth if it grows.

  • EDIT: Ah you just answered my question above….

    Call me a noob, but do you support Wordpress? And how would that work, develop web site in wordpress then upload it, or can we run blogging software on your site and log in to add it.

    Sorry, totally new to how this would work…

    • Both. You can either ftp it and host your website or there is a one click fresh installation of wordpress and other popular opensource packages

  • Great deal, signed up and wandering what the turn around time is for new accounts, cheers

    • Disregard, was already active, Thanks

  • -1

    " Australian web hosting plan" … "5GB of disk space, 20GB"

    This is a misrepresentation.. The "Australian webhosting plan" has 100GB transfer.
    So do you actually get the webhosting plan with 100GB or some different plan with 20GB.

    If it is a different plan with 20GB it shouldn't be advertised as the "Australian webhosting plan" as it is something different.

    • Hi Aneurism.

      Let me look into this. I'm not sure if I've made a mistake.

      I'll update here later today.

      Matt Goodwin

      • Can you please let us know when this is updated. Thanks Matt.

  • Hi Mate,
    Can I support multiple domain names / websites (Wordpress installations) set up under one hosting account because the other sites won't take up too much space ?


    • I believe you would be looking for a hosting reseller account, which it seems Servers in Seconds does offer:
      Starting from $14/month.

      Rep, any chance of a deal on a reseller account?

    • You could Park the domains and set them up with subdomains under the parked domain and have the subdomain point to a local directory under the original account. I'm fairly sure. (NO need for a reseller account)

      • I think he means addon domains, for e.g. in this case it seems to be 15 which is more then substantial.

    • Hi dealman.

      You could set that up using addon domains, of which there are 15 on this plan.

      You wouldn't get a cPanel for each though, they'd all share the one.

      Matt Goodwin

  • Darn, I'm overseas right now. Getting hit by the MaxMind Error rejection code.

    • Hi hfhf.

      Send us an email with the details in the fields in our order system, and we'll put it through manually for you.

      Matt Goodwin

  • Whats the security setup? https throughout for login? SSH keys? SFTP for secure uploading? Can I host an SSL site?

    • Hmmmm…

      "You attempted to reach, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system"

      Oh you used a self-signer ?

      • Thats weird. The server im on doesnt give me an error message.

      • Hi bargain lover.

        Yes, it's a self-signed certificate on that server. I'll get one of the guys to put a proper certificate on it in the next few days.

        There's no SSL certificates on this plan, you'd need our Value AU plan ($8/month) for that.

        Matt Goodwin

  • Hi, if I transfer my domain will the privacy I paid for still apply.. and also do you support domain forwarding?

    • Hi kme3193.

      I'll have to check with our guys.

      I'll get back to you here later today.

      Matt Goodwin

      • Hi Matt… wondering if you forgot me here!

        • Hi kme3193.

          Sorry, we've had a busy week and I haven't get to this yet.

          We don't offer privacy protection at the moment, but it's something we're considering for the future.

          You can always keep your domain at your existing registrar, and just use us for hosting if you want your details private.

          Thanks for your patience.

          Matt Goodwin

        • That's great Matt! Will need to know how to sign up doing this as it appears I need to transfer the domain during the sign up process.

          Also can you tell me about domain forwarding also… do you support this?

        • Hi Kme3193.

          You don't need to transfer your domain, just select the option "I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain." in our ordering system, and you can transfer your hosting without transferring your domain name.

          We have free domain forwarding as well.

          Matt Goodwin

  • Hi Matt,

    Your support has been helpful, it all up and running thank you


  • Would I have to register a domain name to go with this hosting or could I use something like a free address forwarded to the ServerInSeconds address for my site?

    Trying to sign up it won't let me proceed without nominating a domain to register or transfer.

  • Just thought I'd give my feedback. I signed up yesterday - Really happy with the service. I received confirmation email within a hour or so. It offers all the standard cpanel features which are working well. I emailed early Saturday morning (today) regarding what Name Servers to delegate my existing domain - received a support email within minutes. Happy with the service so far. and for $0.50?? fantastic.

  • I would just like to add, to those who it concerns, when you pay it automatically applies auto renewal.

  • Hi Rep, how can u transfer my existing .info domains to your?Please help.Thanks.

  • For anyone that is considering ServersInSeconds.

    I have now been a customer for about 5 months. First off it was amazing service, never had hardly any downtime besides once which was about 4 straight days.

    Within the past month I am experiencing constant downtime. Constant SQL error messages on the homepage and admin.

    This seems to happen at least once a day for a couple of seconds. I am not on the site 24/7 so probably a lot more than expected.

    I do have a error log that when I check there is probably about 50+ entries of SQL data errors.

    I will be in fact looking elsewhere for hosting. I did get a call from Matt with a sensitive issue. He simply stated to send the back-up and they'll do what they can. That conversation was over within a minute and a half and not how I'd expect something like this to be handled.

    The e-mail and phone support is just an off-shore low cost service that Matt would be paying for on the site. They absolutely do nothing! You call them, explain the issue. They open a ticket on your account.

    They do not have the power to go into your Hosting plan to fix anything, they hardly know what your talking about and they are not doing anything that I cannot.

    • Hi Moots.

      Constant downtime is a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? We've been having issues with MySQL on your server going down for a few minutes, then being restarted automatically a minute later. This happens once to twice per day, again for minutes at a time. All other services (http/email/DNS etc) have been up 100%.

      We are taking the MySQL issue seriously, as even a few minutes of downtime for the service a day is unacceptable.

      We've narrowed it down to a corrupted database for one of the users on that server, and are working with our server admins to restore and optimise MySQL so it doesn't occur in the future.

      I invite you to claim against our 100% money back SLA, and we should have the issue sorted later today.

      Any glitches on any server are taken extremely seriously, and we will be fixing this as a priority.

      Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience while we sort it out.

      Matt Goodwin

    • Hi Moots.

      To follow this up, and ensure you're happy that we're thoroughly investigating the issue, I'll post the update I've got from the server admins here.


      We appreciate your patience.

      We would once again like to summarize the tasks. We understand that MySQL is often failing and getting restarted automatically. On analyzing the scenario we suggested following,

      1. Repair the table "Eximstats".
      2. Optimize MySQL as the the MySQL was found unoptimized.

      We hence proceed with the investigation. On detailed investigation we could see that the logs report "Database page corruption on disk".

      InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed
      InnoDB: file read of page 3.
      InnoDB: You may have to recover from a backup.
      InnoDB: It is also possible that your operating
      InnoDB: system has corrupted its own file cache
      InnoDB: and rebooting your computer removes the
      InnoDB: error.
      InnoDB: If the corrupt page is an index page
      InnoDB: you can also try to fix the corruption
      InnoDB: by dumping, dropping, and reimporting
      InnoDB: the corrupt table. You can use CHECK
      InnoDB: TABLE to scan your table for corruption.
      InnoDB: See also…
      InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
      InnoDB: Ending processing because of a corrupt database page.
      130325 15:44:43 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/lib/mysql/ ended
      130325 15:45:22 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
      130325 15:45:22 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
      130325 15:45:22 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 16.0M
      130325 15:45:22 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
      130325 15:45:22 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 1 3726646734
      130325 15:45:22 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
      130325 15:45:22 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
      Version: '5.1.68-cll' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
      130325 15:45:40 mysqld_safe A mysqld process already exists
      InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed
      InnoDB: file read of page 3.
      InnoDB: You may have to recover from a backup.
      130325 16:05:18 InnoDB: Page dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):

      Further on executing 'mysqlcheck' we could see that, following error is thrown after checking the database 'sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine' and hence 'mysqlcheck' is terminated.

      Got error: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when executing 'CHECK TABLE ... '
      mysql> show databases like "%sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine%";
      | Database (%sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine%) |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine |
      1 row in set (0.04 sec)

      We suspected that all the databases from 'sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine' has been corrupted. We hence randomly checked some databases and found that there are no issues with other databases (databases after 'sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine)

      root@sis [~]# mysqlcheck zxznqddc_wp84
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_commentmeta OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_comments OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_links OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_options OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_postmeta OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_posts OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_term_relationships OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_term_taxonomy OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_terms OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_usermeta OK
      zxznqddc_wp84.wp_users OK
      root@sis [~]#
      root@sis [~]# mysqlcheck ynlbrgkr_wp397
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_commentmeta OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_comments OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_links OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_options OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_postmeta OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_posts OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_term_relationships OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_term_taxonomy OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_terms OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_usermeta OK
      ynlbrgkr_wp397.wp_users OK
      root@sis [~]#
      root@sis [~]# mysqlcheck xfcdiazl_joom417
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_banner OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_bannerclient OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_bannertrack OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_categories OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_components OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_contact_details OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_content OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_content_frontpage OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_content_rating OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_acl_aro OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_acl_aro_groups OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_acl_aro_map OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_acl_aro_sections OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_log_items OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_core_log_searches OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_groups OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_menu OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_menu_types OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_messages OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_messages_cfg OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_migration_backlinks OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_modules OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_modules_menu OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_newsfeeds OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_plugins OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_poll_data OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_poll_date OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_poll_menu OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_polls OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_sections OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_session OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_stats_agents OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_templates_menu OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_users OK
      xfcdiazl_joom417.jos_weblinks OK
      root@sis [~]#

      We could hence infer that the issue was with the database 'sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine'.

      root@sis [~]# mysqlcheck sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_assets OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_associations OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_banner_clients OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_banner_tracks OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_banners OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_categories OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_contact_details OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_content OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_content_frontpage OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_content_rating OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_core_log_searches OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_extensions OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader_conf OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader_user OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_languages OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_menu OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_menu_types OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_messages OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_messages_cfg OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_modules OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_modules_menu OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_newsfeeds OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_redirect_links OK
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_schemas OK
      mysqlcheck: Got error: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when executing 'CHECK TABLE ... '

      Hence we revised the plan of action.

      1. Repair the database.
      2. Proceed with the MySQL Optimization.

      We manually checked all the tables in the database.

      mysql> check table jos_aicontactsafe_config;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_aicontactsafe_config | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_aicontactsafe_contactinformations;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_aicontactsafe_contactinformations | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.02 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_aicontactsafe_fields;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_aicontactsafe_fields | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.04 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_aicontactsafe_fieldvalues;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_aicontactsafe_fieldvalues | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_content_frontpage;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_content_frontpage | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_content_rating;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_content_rating | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_plugins;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_plugins | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_poll_data;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_poll_data | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.26 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_poll_date;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_poll_date | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.01 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_poll_menu;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_poll_menu | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_polls;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_polls | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_sections;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_sections | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.02 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_session;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_session | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (1.45 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_stats_agents
      -> ;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_stats_agents | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_templates_menu;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_templates_menu | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_users;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_users | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> check table jos_weblinks;
      | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
      | sdkahrmo_coppercoastcommandos.jos_weblinks | check | status | OK |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      We could not find any table reported as corrupted.

      However we manually attempted to repair and optimize the database. We could see that only following tables were optimized with this default option.

      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader Table is already up to date
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader_conf Table is already up to date
      sdkahrmo_coppercoastshowandshine.jos_joomla_flash_uploader_user Table is already up to date

      Following error was thrown since other tables has engine 'InnoDB'.

      note : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
      status : OK
      note : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
      status : OK
      note : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
      status : OK
      note : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead

      We are further investigating on the same. We shall keep you updated with the status.

      Please hold on.

      Hopefully that reassures you that we are taking this seriously and looking at it in depth.

      Matt Goodwin

      • Matt, appreciate you trying to rectify that but still am experiencing downtime. When you asked if it was a tad of an over exoneration I wasn't kidding. I am still til now waiting for the entire website to go back up as it's down. AGAIN. Can't access e-mails, the website, cpanel.

        The usual from ServersInSeconds.

        It's been down for over 20 minutes now.

        • Hi Moots.

          There was a downtime on your server last night, which again was the MySQL issue. It's being worked on as our top priority.

          If you've got a ticket open in our support queue you'll be updated once we've got the final fix, which will be very soon.

          Matt Goodwin

        • Hi Moots.

          Can you please update your mobile number in your account.

          I'd like to give you a call.

          Matt Goodwin

        • Matt seriously don't even bother. AGAIN the server was down last night. It's completely down now, can't access the Client login to even open a ticket.

          Your phone support is so crap, what a joke!

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