• expired

Aldi Mobile Plan - Telstra 3G ($35 = 5GB + Unlimited AU Calls/TXT etc + $10 International Call)


saw this this morning

ALDImobile uses part of Telstra’s 3G mobile network. The ALDImobile mobile product provides a 3G coverage footprint of 97% of the Australian population covering more than 960,000 square kilometres. Outside the 3G coverage footprint, customers will revert to 2G coverage and speeds. The combined 2G and 3G footprint covers 98.5% of the Australian population.

it says "part of Telstra 3G network".


  • Standard national calls to fixed lines
  • Standard national calls to mobiles
  • Calls to 13/1300/1800 numbers
  • Voicemail
  • Standard national TXT/MMS
  • 5GB data
  • 30 days expiry
  • $35
  • inclusive of $10 international/premium services

Related Stores


closed Comments

    • My Live Connected to Kogan took all of 5 minutes yesterday.

      I was very impressed!!

  • +2

    Where I am, there is ONLY Telstra coverage.
    Comparing this deal to amaysim or TPG is invalid because the provider and coverage is different.

  • So is it $35 for the unlimited pack PLUS an extra $10 for the international credit, totalling $45 or is it $35 for unlimited access PLUS bonus $10 credit for international use? Considering I just got my Kogan sim yesterday after a month's wait, I think I'm going to go with these guys instead if International's included

  • +1

    I think I'll give Aldi a try.

  • +3

    Hey that $10 intl credit has a disclaimer saying "For a limited time only".

    Does anyone know the details on that point?

    Limited so that if you jump on now you keep it or
    Limited as in, they will remove this inclusion at some point

    • i really wana know this too… if someone calls up helpdesk please ask this question..

    • +6

      hope you don't drive…cause i don't think there is an aussie owned fuel refiner either

      • Caltex still has a refinery in Australia and is 50% owned by Chevron, and 50% by Australian share holders. You can buy a piece of it today if you like.

    • +10

      Who cares, these aussie companies have all the chances to compete, if they don't come to the party, then screw them.

    • +3

      At least the money you give Aldi for these mobile plans goes mostly to Telstra, an Australian company.

      Compare with Optus (Singapore government owned) and Vodafone (50% British owned). Guess where the profits go?

    • +2

      Need to read the article in the Age today, about how Aldi tries to buy locally & (from a suppliers perspective) is much better to deal with. Suppliers prefer Aldi to Coles, Woolies

    • +2

      Don't tell me you are using iPhone or other smartphone since the profits will go overseas too

      • +1

        Maybe he's using the Australian smartphone called "Boomerang"…I should have done marketing.

    • +6

      Considering that Aldi doesn't screw aussie farmers as much as the other two and does not bulli everyone around them, and have more aussie made product (% wise) I think they are more Fair Dinkum that the other two evil brothers.

      • Germans are know for their goodwill :P

    • +4

      Please don't castigate Aldi. Aldi Sud is the best thing to ever happen to this overpriced, over-unionized land. Let us eulogise German thrift and efficiency.

  • +3

    I've been using Savvytel prepaid, call credits never expire 24c /min 20c flagfall.
    But, the Aldi Pay As You Go, 365 day credit limit will see me switching over asap, 12c/min 0c flagfall.

    I've never really bothered looking around because that burn phone doesnt get used much.

    • +1

      If, like me, you are a light user you should have a look at the Amaysim As You Go service.

      • Yeah its not bad but still only 90days and I could look at the Savvytel PrePaid Lite if I was after that.
        Thanks for the suggestion tho.

    • +2

      Arrrrgh literally just recharged my savvey and thought "while I'm online I'll just see what's happening on ozbargain"
      Must remember - check ozbargain before doing anything!

  • Are you able to send International SMS with Aldi or Kogan? In the case of Aldi, does it come out of your $10 credit or is it unlimited?

    • Not with Kogan. Should be possible with Aldi.

    • no…if you need international messages go with vaya or think mobile

    • Do you mean send an SMS to an overseas number or send an SMS while overseas? The former is possible with Aldimobile, 25c per SMS.


      • vaya does both,sms to overseas numbers are unlimited in 29$ plan and 35c on other plans…sms while overseas available after connecting the global roaming service,not sure about the rates though

        • Not something I'd do unless desperate. I'd just wait until near Wifi and then use a Web to SMS service. More serious is not being able to receive authentication codes from bank.

  • no Telstra NextG speed on this plan right?

    • -2

      My understanding is that you are correct - this is the older 3G network from Telstra, not their NextG network. The old Telstra 3G frequency.

      • Does that mean it is only the 2100MHz 3G band, not the 850MHz? That would make it a lot less interesting us out here in the bush.

        • I doubt that would be the case because I thought the 2100Mhz band only really covers CBD areas?

      • I thought they were one and the same networks? I thought that 3G got upgraded to NextG.

        But for these wholesalers, they are speed limited to 7.2mbps 3G speeds.

      • Pretty sure this is wrong. Exact same network, just speed limits in place.

        • +3

          Telstra Retail mobile coverage map

          Telstra Wholesale mobile coverage map

          Perth, Darwin, Cape York all show significantly more coverage for Telstra Retail than for Telstra Wholesale.

          The 850/2100MHz split was what I had originally read on Whirlpool - hence I stated it was what I understood rather than saying it as a fact. However those maps indicate a difference in the network coverage provided.

      • -1

        So much ignorance.

        • +2

          So little useful contribution. If you know so much better, why don't you enlighten us?

        • -2

          Because I'm sick of helping people too lazy to spend a few minutes Googleing.

        • +1

          When I've tried going through Google I've been lead back to Telstra pages and the quite long Whirlpool thread which has differing opinions all over the place. Some say its the same network, some say Retail has extra towers, some say they are separate. The Telstra pages say that the Wholesale and Retail networks have different percentages of population coverage. Then there are various news sites which all lack any detail whatsoever.

          I'm not sure how to draw an accurate conclusion from all that, gathered in "a few minutes of Googleing".

        • +1

          Not necessarily too lazy, perhaps not as fortunate as yourself to understand all the technology and associated jargon. I appreciate all the efforts of others to explain this evening, hence I didn't buy the Aldi offer until I consulted the words of wisdom offered by other more techonologically minded Ozbargainers. Thank you to all.

        • resellers use exactly the same network as the 3 main providers,but their customers have a lower priority

  • +2

    Good value for light users — a lot of people don't want to speak on the phone these days but they do use quite a lot of data. So $30 recharge with 365 day expiry + $15/month data pack is a win for me.

    • Interesting. Very interesting…

  • -1

    inclusive of $10 international/premium services

    Would stay with Telstra where I get $550 worth of calls for $40, plus the added bonus of 4G in some areas !

    • +3

      You do realise that you are actually getting $40 worth of calls for $40, the only reason Telstra make the "value" (and per-minute rates) so ridiculously large is so they can empty your bank account when you go outside your cap.

      • +1

        They don't call em Hell$tra for nothing lol

  • AldiMobile's $15 Mobile I'net pre-paid offer for 2 GB (30 days)
    reminds me of Live Connected's -old- $18 deal - no longer avail.

    • This will be the cheapest plan for Tablet data.. i think

      • +1


        there are still some Windows-based netbooks around with 3G inbuilt,
        that let you leave your dongle / access point / mobile behind.

        Oh, what is their -minimum- charging "data-chunk" (e.g., 1 KB, etc.)?

  • -1

    Am I right in saying that there is no way to get onto Aldi Mobile without heading into an actual Aldi store?

    Yet another FFFFFUUUUUU to Aldi for not having any shops in Adelaide. :( The PAYG plan would be perfect for my grandparents.

    • +2

      You can order a sim online, I can't be bothered going into Aldi to get one so I've ordered a $5 starter kit online - no delivery fee either!

      • +7

        Anything to avoid going to an Aldi store. Apparently Germans haven't heard of express lane. Having no kids I only need to pick up a few items, and every time I get stuck behind 5 fat bogans who seem to be buying enough groceries to feed an entire fleet of baby bonus kids.

        Not once do they offer to let me go in front, to busy planning the next days soap opera viewing in their heads I guess.

        • I suppose it depends. I have let a few ppl through and others have given me the same curtosey. But yes I donot understand why people purchase so many items at once, specially at Aldi where there are no buy2 to get cheap deals. Tomorrow will come ppl.

        • +2

          I do it so I only have to go to the store once a fortnight.

        • +2

          hopefully there's an Aldi Autobahn in the near future

        • You fat bogan!

        • +1

          I agree that Aldi should consider having an express lane but I resent being classed as a bogan (but that's okay… I'll get over it LOL)! I always shop at Aldi and not ashamed to say it… I save a considerable amount of money shopping there and I am always considerate of people behind me with only a few items and let them go before me as I know how annoying it can be having to wait in line when wanting to "nip in and nip out" plus it actually aids me when I have to unload the trolley and the check-out person is waiting for the empty trolley at the end of the check-out :-)

    • +1

      Am I right in saying that there is no way to get onto Aldi Mobile without heading into an actual Aldi store?

      Well, you can order a SIM online, and recharge using the iPhone App or their webpage.

      Surely it's not that hard to read the linked site?

      • Another periodic, manual operation to forget to do on time, muck-up, etc.

        I hope the bank's got a suitable auto-pay mechanism that works with AM…?

        Or… that they can pu;; the monthly fee out, like others' plans do…?

    • +1

      Actually the fact that Aldi have stores for you to go to grab this in a way trumps Kogan IMO.

  • -2

    given kogan has such a similar deal but with more data, its hard to see how this could be worth switching for if kogan wasn't worth switching to.

    I see a lot of people going on about the massive $10 international calling/ premium, but surely they are not serious, calling internationally is done free using data, and even thou data has a cost, kogans extra GIGS means you have heaps more international talk time than the 10 measly bucks.

    as for premium services, if you want some serious premium credit, go to woolies. for $26 (with everyday rewards card) you get $29 to burn on stupid ring tones. Not that woolies is a good comparision given the different terms.

    • +10
      1. Some people don't like Kogan
      2. Some people want in store recharges
      3. Some people don't like Kogan
      4. Some people don't like Kogan
      • +2

        Ever since that lame stunt Bogan-Kogan pulled by jacking up their prices and giving free shipping, I'm avoiding them.

    • +1

      Can you elaborate more on the calling international free using data? And don't tell me you mean using Skype or viber cause that would required both party to have data

    • +1

      Each person has different scenarios. Where my folks live, data speed is crap so calling data to data is not applicable. Surely you don't want people also to get a data plan then it will cost them more. In this scenario $10 is MASSIVE.

    • +3

      Unfortunately, my relatives overseas don't have the money or technology to contact me via Skype from the comfort of their home. With the $10 international inclusions, I get 100mins of talk time to my relos overseas which my mum can now use instead of making me pay an extra $30 a month for international usage via an apparently 'cheap' calling card.

      Might not be worth switching over for you, but for an extra $6 compared to Kogan, I (and a lot of others) will benefit it much more compared to the other MVNO's on Telstra

  • -1

    Aldi Mobile claims 98.5% coverage but Telstra NextG claims 99% coverage.

    Has Telstra rounded up or is there an actual difference?

    And how does Aldi Mobile compare with Boost & Think or are they all using the same network?

    • +2

      My bet: Telstra makes them claim a smaller number as part of the deal so that Telstra looks better for the $too_much they charge.

    • No difference. Business just fooling the filthy commoners.

    • my guess would be the differences in 850MHz & 2100MHz coverage?

      but hell, do you actually believe in these numbers?

  • +1

    I reckon it's the best SIM for making occasional international calls - especially when comparing to other re-sellers providing SIM card targeting to users making international calls, like Hello or Labara mobile etc - while their rates may seem cheaper; you will need to recharge every month (or 3 months on some plans) to keep rolling the credits over, so I always end up with having lots of credits on my SIM, but still keep recharging just for the sake of keeping the number active.

    So if you want a SIM to make occasional calls without costing too much just for keeping your number, this is the one you should really consider - at least for me, $15 / $35 with 1yr expiry alone is really my cup of tea.

    For sure this will beat any international calling cards too, as they charge flag-falls, only 0.5yr expiry (at most), and cost even more when calling from your mobile too.

    Thanks OP for this great find! Will get one on the way home tonight :)

    • -1

      Amaysim is better for some countries:
      6c/min calls to landlines and mobiles in US, Canada, China, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore,
      6c/min calls to landlines in UK, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand
      8c/min calls to landlines in South Africa
      9c/min calls to landlines and mobiles in Pakistan

      • Use data to power Skype, i.e., with a 1 or 40+ country Skype annual subscription for UNLIMITED Int'l calling, on a $15 plan.

        (Eg, 40+ countries cost USD$ 149 per year, last time I checked.)

        Calls to normal AU landlines would be included.

  • +2

    Just grabbed myself 2 over the counter. (Now to use up my Amaysim credit before activating.)
    For me its all about the reception, I can see the optus (amaysim) tower from home, but reception is poor, 2 to 3 bars plus dropouts and travelling up and down the QLD coat there are gaping holes.
    I did have a telstra sim for a while and it was a solid 5 bar performance pretty much everywhere I go.

  • Telstra NextG - 3G info here
    "You may have a device that is set to access our 3G 2100MHz network, even though it is capable of accessing our Next G® network.

    It's important to check that your device network settings are changed to access our Next G® network, otherwise you may have been impacted by changes we made to our 3G 2100MHz network on 31 August 2012."

    More here

    • +2

      This is just because that is the date they are turning off 2100 in many areas. If your phone is 2100/850 but for some reason set to only use the 2100 network you have been losing out for years. If you phone doesn't do 850 - too bad.

      • Aldimobile doesn't use Telstra's Next G network.

        Only the old 'wholesale 3G' network - the one they are planning to shut down.

  • +1

    What is the difference between the $15 and $30 365 day plan? Having difficult working it out…

    • +2

      i couldnt tell either, it seems to be exactly the same except total value. So i'd just be getting $15 and recharge when im out.

      • Exactly. Might as well just get the $15.

      • This is correct. They are the same. If you are a user who would require $30 worth a month it just saves the bother of recharge.

        I enquired with Aldi this afternoon (sounded like Telstra in India to me, in Feb they even asked if I was still in Summer where I was!)and they say that if you recharge before the 30 days are up you just get 2 expiry times, each 30 days from activation so you can use the rest of your first recharge, you don't lose it… but it will expire 30 days from first activation. The second recharge will expire 30 days from its activation. Hope that isn't too confusing, since even the Aldi officer had trouble explaining it!

  • it says the $10 credit for international/premium services is for a limited time only

  • I've got a low use prepaid phone that's been locked to Telstra for the past couple of years. Does anyone know if this sim would work since it would use the same network. I know TPG works on optus locked phones.

  • To add to the network discussion:
    Aldi 3G coverage map: https://www.aldimobile.com.au/#coverage-tw
    Telstra Next G coverage map: http://www.telstra.com.au/mobile-phones/coverage-networks/ou…

    Compare for yourself. They are not the same.

  • I think we're going to have to wait for people to do a speed test on this.. I think it will be like Kogan. Capped at 300kb/s instead of the usual 650kb/s.

  • i'm with telstra atm so gunna swap, can keep my number, already bought the sim card just gotta wait for the month to run out, also works with iphone 4 as comes with a micro sim was worried about that. If ur not sure about coverage go on their website they have a coverage map

  • do they offer the 60 day refund policy…?

  • Both Kogan and Aldi charge data in blocks of 1MB minimum. That's a deal breaker. Also, the limit of 7.2mbps is also a deal breaker.

    I've gone with TPG pay-as-you-go — $1 per month, 9.9c/minute and 9.9c SMS … although calls have a flagfall. 12 months of $1 access is $12, now I know that isn't call credit, but it compares to the $15 plan with 365 day expiry of Aldi.

    btw My TPG payg plan has 50MB of data (counted in 100KB blocks minimum), then 2.75c per MB. I did have a much better deal with Exetel, but they pulled the plug on the plan :(

    • 'might as we'll go with RedBullMobile for a year & save a few $$.

      • I understand that RedBullMobile uses what is commonly known as the Vodafail network.

  • +1

    Not the cheapest plan overall, but for those of us low end users with Telstra as our only option due to reception, this pre-paid plan kicks butt!

  • +1

    Are there any RESTRICTIONS… e.g.:

    • no servers (running on your computer)

    • no VoIP

    • blocked ports

      etc. ???

  • if anyone could tell me if we want to port our number to a new telco , do we have to call our old service provider and tell them that i want to port out and then go for a porting process. When do they start charging us (the new service provider), when the sim is activated or when the actual porting takes place ??????

    • If you are on prepaid as far as i know you dont have to tell you old service provider anything. But if you happen to be on a plan or a lockin contract, you have to tell your new service provider that you are on a contract and they will work it out with your old service provider. Usually, you have to pay a penalty fees and disconnecting fee. The new service provider start charging after your sim is activated.

      • so that means we will be paying for 2 services until the porting takes place and the old sim stops working. I am with 3 mobile on a plan but its over now. I think for 3 mobile i will be charged on pro rata basis… is it rite ????

        • No you will not be paying for 2 service. You just have to pay what ever disconnection fees if any to your old provider. If you chose to port a number using a new sim your sim will not be activated until porting is done. Porting usually take a few hours one-two days max.

        • just transfered from vodafone to vaya
          when the voda sim stopped working,I installed the vaya sim which was ready to go straight away…no breaks in service,no double bills

        • What the others wrote is correct, let the gaining provider do all the work.

          As to what you will be charged or it will cost you…

          If you are on a plan, you pay for any breaking of the contract. But you are not on a plan.

          If you are out of a plan and billed as you go, that's easy, you pay the final bill and that's it.

          If you have a prepaid, you lose any credit that was in the account. In this case you should use it up before churning.

          This applies to any provider, not just Aldimobile.

    • You don't have to deal with the old one, the new telco will do everything for you. The old one still can charge you some fee if you're still on contract.

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