UPDATE: They have just blocked BOGO 50%. Just now. So you will have to wait until the 12% off ends before you can buy this.
So this meal replacement is very popular. It works out to be $1.25 per serving with the shipping factored in.
Strawberry flavour is the only one discounted. It has 24g of protein and under 1gram of sugar per serve. It has a host of vitamins. Myself and a friend buy this and it's a great product and tasty.
By all means use the coupon code until it expires(1BIGSALE). You can use my affiliate code for $10 off the order, but you need to spend over $30. So you would need to buy something before shipping is added.
iherb.com doesn't sell this brand.
There are over 100 reviews for this flavour and brand.
Remember to keep it under 3.4lbs to get the cheap shipping.
I also buy these Vanilla Crunch bars. Then are cheap and brilliant and a great flavour.
http://www.vitacost.com/bionutritional-research-group-power-… About $1 per bar with shipping. However you can not add these to the same order as the weight is too high. But still for losing some weight these 2 products are very helpful.
"Walker Diet" = food for zombies?