• expired

ING DIRECT - A Year of 2 for 1 Movie Vouchers, Popcorn and Soft Drinks!


10,000 available to existing Savings Maximiser customers

The details:

  1. Register at http://ingdirect.com.au/saverrewards

  2. Receive your ING DIRECT
    Saver Rewards wallet card

  3. Start enjoying 2 for 1 Movie Vouchers, popcorn and soft drinks for 12 months

Full terms and conditions here:

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closed Comments

  • AWESOME I LOVE U , thank u!

  • +38

    My mind is betraying my eyes this early in the morning.
    What they wrote:

    ING DIRECT - A year of 2 for 1 Movie Vouchers, popcorn and soft drinks

    What I read:

    ING DIRECT - A year of 2 for 1 Movie Vouchers, porn and soft drinks

    • +3

      More like your mind is betraying your mind. :)

    • +2

      In truth, it was I who was betrayed.

      • +1

        "cue epic lightning and thunderstorms"

    • +6

      Well, ING says "We are just checking your details to ensure you are an ING DIRECT Savings Maximiser customer that is eligible for the offer and not just a hardcore movie buff." They know me too well!

      • Well then they won't open for me !

    • Would've been a great deal if it was the latter. Good deal nevertheless.

  • -5

    o wait 2 for 1? its not free? my eyes also got me wrong lol

  • I'd rather the $50.

  • +1

    From T&Cs;

    1. This 2 for 1 movie pass is valid for repeat use for 12 consecutive months following the day of
      card activation (i.e. activation occurs upon first purchase of movie vouchers). Maximum of two
      movie vouchers can be purchased per day (receiving four vouchers in total), per customer
      during validity – subject to promotional availability.
    2. b) eVouchers: Customers are required to purchase at least one full adult price movie eVoucher,
      plus a $2.50 admin fee which leads to two movie eVoucher being sent to their nominated
      email address. The eVouchers are valid for a maximum of 3 months from purchase and should
      be printed off and presented at a participating cinema.
  • +4

    It says its for event cinemas… Can this be used on village too?

    I personally rather they extend my 4month 5% interest promo!

  • +6

    Damn, I was excited initially and event applied for it (I have an old ING saving account). If you are a Victorian, this deal is not really worth it as there are only two places you can use it and one is the Moonlight Cinema. The other is the old Greater Union cinema in Russell street which is not a very nice (or clean) cinema.

    "Movie Vouchers and eVouchers can be used to redeem movie tickets at participating Event Cinemas, Greater Union, Birch Carroll & Coyle cinema locations Australia wide"

    Oh well. Maybe I will pop into Sydney and see a movie there this year.


  • +1

    ING sure have some good promos +1!

  • +3


    I canceled my account not too long ago because I wasn't using it T_T.

    • +1

      It's kinda foolish cancelling ING account. They always take care of their existing customers by sending promos like this and the referral program. Besides, it costs nothing to keep the account.

      • +1

        they dont send me anything except statements

  • ING DIRECT’s colour orange is a trade mark of ING DIRECT and the ING Group of companies

    I smell a lawsuit LOL

    • ???

    • The trademark would be in relation to financial services, not bargaining services.

      • Its called a joke guys.. Settle down

    • +1

      don't worry, they haven't trademarked the entire colour orange, they've trademarked a very particular shade of orange :)

      • +1

        I just think its funny people thought I was serious.. I guess 'LOL' has been thrown around to liberally these days.

        It was a joke in the reference to OzBargain also being Orange.

    • +1

      Does it smell like an orange?

  • Terms need to be read carefully to qualify. Existing Savings Maximiser customers only.

    What say you open a new SM account - you'll automatically get the promo 5% Welcome rate.
    Then presumably you'd go to the sign up page to register for the 2for1 deal. Clause 4 of the terms reads.:

    4) This 2 for 1 Movie vouchers, 2 for 1 Popcorn and small post mix soft drink offer and 2 for 1 Popcorn offer
    applies to the first 10,000 existing ING DIRECT Savings Maximiser customers who are not earning the Savings
    Maximiser 4 month Variable Welcome Rate (except for those who hold another ING DIRECT product)
    and who qualify for this offer at ingdirect .com.au/saverrewards (“Eligible customers”).
    One movie pass per customer.

    Anyone know if existing Orange Everyday accounts qualify ?

    Looks like Event cinemas has reworked their website since the OB fiasco - and seems a lot of tickets are cheaper than before.

    • +1

      Yep, promo codes are now verified remotely instead of locally by javascript.
      A bit of a no-brainer.

      • +1

        O B Wan

        or OzBargain even.

      • +1

        You know, this website?

      • tixeachitem

  • +6

    Interesting (for us Victorians) that the full terms and conditions includes Village cinemas, although they are not included on the promo page.

    • +3

      That's a lot of stress for this early in the morning lol. If you go to the link and fill in your details you get sent a code or voucher where you can buy a movie ticket at greater union and get a second movie ticket free. Also there are special prices for popcorn etc.

      Only for existing customers who are not on promo rate.

      • Except those who also has another ING direct product? No harm trying, just applied. They will assess the eligibility anyway. Plus they do have village in the T&C for VIC.

  • thanks op
    fingers crossed can get one

  • yesss it works with village (according to T&C's) awesome!

    • +1

      Make sure you get vouchers mailed out instead of eVouchers. Says Village doesn't accept eVouchers:

      "13. Movie vouchers and eVouchers can be used to redeem movie tickets at participating Event
      Cinemas, Greater Union, Birch Carroll & Coyle, Village and Independent cinema locations
      Australia wide. eVouchers cannot be used at participating Village and Independent cinemas.
      Exclusions include any screenings after 5pm on Saturdays, Gold Class and Europa Cinemas,
      Movie Marathons or any other special screening. Vouchers purchased for Independent
      cinemas can be used at any time."

  • +1

    Thanks OP. More incentive for date nights…away from kids!

    • +1

      You need an incentive to get away from the kids?

      A movie or dinner is just enough time to "get away" and then feel like getting home to them again I find.

  • +2

    +1 for rewarding existing customers, more companies should do it.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, have applied :)

    Wow, I haven't logged into my ING account for ages, lol

    Last Login - 12:43 PM Sydney Time, 11 May, 2011. Contact us if this is incorrect

  • +1

    I think ive had a ING Savings account for like 10 years. It has 20cents in it rofl

  • thanks OP!

  • How much is the popcorn and softdrink at Event cinemas nowadays? Just deciding if it's still cheaper to bring own softdrinks and food even with the 2 for 1 offer. It's been ages since I purchased anything at the candy bar but I remember them to be pretty expensive.

  • Has anyone received any confirmation email?

  • +6

    The web site is asking for sensitive information such as date of birth, yet the server is not secure (http, not https). This is either very careless from ING or this is someone other than ING trying to gather information so they can later steal people's identities.

    • +1

      Someone from ING must have been reading this - the website has now been changed to https

  • Dude, you just won the whole OzBargain

  • THere's no site at tlcrewards.com …. there is a tlcrewards.com.au but no ING movies. Hmm..

  • So if we're not an ING customer without a Savings Maximiser account, can we just open up a SM account and take advantage of this offer?

    • +1

      There's a slim chance if you open or already have an Orange Everyday account.
      T&Cs #4 says (except for those who hold another ING DIRECT product)
      I've got ING customer service looking into it for me and ringing me back.

  • great thanks for this

  • +3

    Hmm, now Chrome is giving me a warning that the site may not be what it claims to be.

    Be wary.

  • +1

    Sweet! $50 bonus received last week after opening a joint account with my partner (I was already an existing customer, she wasn't), now 2 for 1 movies.

  • I joined in decmeber last year.. Am I still able to take up this offer?

  • +6

    Telstra = $10 movie tickets. Thus 2 for $20.
    ING = $18.50 full priced adult tickets (2 for 1) + $2.50 admin fee. Thus 2 for $21.

    So, if you have the Telstra offer, use that instead of ING. Sign up for ING though, in case Telstra remove the offer within the next year :)

    • +2

      Telstra = BYO food
      ING = Candybar Popcorn & coke

    • Do Optus still offer movie tickets? How does that compare?

  • Wish event brings bk the $7 tickets, nothing beats those.

    • Some tix are $8 atm

      • where from?

  • I tried to open the website and got this messege:

    There is a problem with this website's security certificate.
    The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.
    Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
    We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.

    • +1

      I sent ING an email to see if this promo is legit

  • -1

    Since you can't use a event cinemas gift card it's not that great a deal. Telstra and gift card make the tickets cost $8.

    • -1

      Please explain?

  • Finally, I've just received an email from ING that my Saver Rewards card will arrive in 7-10 days.
    It's been a while since I submitted the request.

    Thanks for being a loyal customer and for
    sharing your savings goals with us. Your
    ING DIRECT Saver Rewards card will
    arrive in 7-10 days.

    • Got my confirmation email today too. Thanks ING.

  • Ah I received mine too!

  • Got an email today too. Forgot all about this.

    Still don't really understand completely what we will receive - coupons, codes, a card? Do we have to book online?

  • Also got this email. Also have no idea.
    Look forward to chatting again in 7-10 days.

  • I got my email today too!

  • +1

    Looks like we have to visit this website to purchase the vouchers


    2 for 1 Movie Deal $19

    2 for 1 Movie vouchers and 2 for 1 Popcorn and small soft drink $29.00

    2 for 1 Movie vouchers and 2 for 1 Popcorn $25.50

    there is a $2.50 per voucher admin fee

  • Why do they send you a superfluous card in the mail when you have to book online?

  • Just got the confirmation email too. Wished they'd just email the code rather than make us wait for a card in the mail.

  • It shows that theres admin fee for postal voucher order too.

  • +1

    No extra fee for postal voucher - its the same $2.50. What I really dislike is that if you order 2 at one go, you still get charged the fee for each voucher - which means $5 although they will come together. Not happy.

    With the Village Cinema Membership card I can usually get $10 movie tickets for most of the movies after they are out for a few weeks. I can also get a Popcorn and a drink for $10 - which comes to $30 for 2 movie tix + one popcorn + one regular drink (not the small, although you do get two for an extra $1.50 with the card). Also get a free movie ticket if I see ten movies - so I actually save more with the village cinema card!

    5 x $21.50 = $107.50
    10 x $10 = $100 - free tix (valued at $19)

    Don't really see the point of the card since you have to wait for the vouchers to arrive for a few days too. I suppose it will still be good if you want to keep a few handy just in case there is a movie you really want to watch as soon as it comes out.

  • If this is true and you cannot buy tickets which thy send the code, then this is dumb. Not very convenient.

    To the post about using event gift cards and telstra does not give you $8 tickets, since neither works online.

  • Got my email yesterday confirming that I will receive the card in 7-10 days :)

  • Received card today.

  • waiting?? should I worry??

    • Nah. I got 2, and they're equally as shite as each other. Best to go to the movies on tight-arse Tuesdays and you'll beat this deal. No fussing about.

  • You guys have the offer after handing in 2 for 1 Movie Vouchers online

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