Looking for Laptop under $1k or a website that helps you filter through laptops

Ideally, I'd like a website where you can select all your criteria (RAM,pointing device, HD, price) and then recommend you something.

I currently have a faulty Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E320 which I will be getting a refund. Without going into the long drawn out story, I won't be purchasing my new computer from Lenovo.


Under $1K
At least 6GB RAM
Pointing device
Built in webcam
Not a Lenovo

SD Card read
Long lasting battery
Smaller size laptop

Not fussed:


  • FootballFriend just posted this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/95464

    Otherwise check out http://www.msy.com.au/ HP Sleekbook ENVY 6-1111T (only has 32Gb SSD + 500Gb HDD) if you only want the SSD for the OS you should be ok.

    • FootballFriend just posted this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/95464

      Slightly expensive but also it has no pointing stick and only 4GB RAM.

      http://www.msy.com.au/ HP Sleekbook ENVY 6-1111T (only has 32Gb SSD + 500Gb HDD)

      Looks like $969 at MSY. Checks all the boxes except for no pointing sticks.

      What models have pointing sticks? I know for sure Lenovo and Dell do, maybe they are the only ones?

      • I think the poiting device comes only with the professional series.
        Dell, Lenovo and HP. ( Pro series).
        Not sure about other manufacturers.

  • +1

    most low end and midrange laptops don't have SSDs,you might have to buy the SSD seperately and install it yourself , but be warned, many models don't have a spare drive bay and it might void the warranty

  • Horize ultranote:
    what's a pointing device?

    • its a thinkpad nipple

      hard choice because as far as i know, only Dell and HP have them on selected models and he doesnt want lenovo

      i'd love a site that allows you to cut down your list via features but what i normally do is look at a model of laptop and i can tell straight away if it fits what i'm looking for

      for this guy i'd probably recommend a dell latitude from the factory outlet

  • Bhphotovideo is a good place to look.

  • Would recommend either of these laptops all have 1920x1080 res




    Thanks for that. None of those have trackpoint/pointing stick/ultranav/nipple. I know it seems minor but I've only ever used laptops with these (since '99).

    i'd love a site that allows you to cut down your list via features but what i normally do is look at a model of laptop and i can tell straight away if it fits what i'm looking for

    Yeah. Surprised no one has made one. gdgt gets close.

    As an FYI, my current e320 (i5, ssd) was $726, bought 9 months ago. Strange that no one makes anything similar. Unfortunately, it appears that Lenovo is the only one that fits the criteria.

    Even if I did want to order a Lenovo that would fit the criteria (S430), Lenovo is currently not shipping out SSDs with that model. Some quality control issue. Not sure if that affects other models.

    I'll probably forgo the SSD to get something with a pointing stick/trackpoint.

  • http://laptops.techcrunch.com

    US site, no option for RAM though.

  • Both current Toshiba Tecra R-series and Dell Latitude E6xxx series have track-point like features. I have used both (my wife's work used to provide her a Tecra, and my old work place used to provide me a Latitude). Both aren't as good as Lenovo's implementation.

    That's quite unfortunate, as Lenovo is really let down by its support right now :(

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