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While I realise DDC must be cutting their margins to a thin sliver on some of the titles, I'm not sure I'd go as far as a bargain. Definitely some good buys there though. Just a quick comparison with JB on the titles mentioned above:
Title —- DDC —- JBHF
Batman animated titles —- under $10 (mostly $8.49 or $9.51) —- under $10 (mostly $9.99)
X-Men Evolution titles —- under $10 (mostly $8.49 or $9.51) —- under $10 (mostly $9.99)
The Unit Seasons 1 & 2 —- $27 —- $32.98
Eragon —- $8.50 —- $9.98
Family Guy —- $10.80 —- $12.98
So as long as you get more than $70 worth and get the free shipping it's good value.