Save 10% or more on your Private Health Insurance without One Big Switch (SA residents)


I noticed recently that One Big Switch are doing another sales pitch. As far as I'm concerned, these guys are all hype and no substance. Their big electricity switch got everyone a deal that was already available. It was also riddled with caveats which made the deal worthless for many people (eg. people with a solar install that didn't get bills).

Now One Big Switch are at it again. They will get you a 10% discount while maintaining your private health cover. I don't know how they do this, because each provider gives you different coverage.

I managed to save more than 10% by doing the following,

  1. I worked out my shopping list of my private health needs.
  2. I obtained quotes for my needs and found that BUPA and HCF were the best value for money private health insurance providers. I used CANSTAR as my shopping list.
  3. I looked on Google and found out that HCF provide 10% discount for RAA members, making them 10% cheaper than BUPA for my shopping list
  4. I saved almost 50% on top of my previous private health provider, plus an extra 10% with the RAA discount

To be fair, part of the 50% that I saved included the free swimming lessons for my kids. My previous provider (who was a lot more expensive) did not provide free swimming lessons for the kids. I also saved on free dental cleanings and free glasses (none of which my previous provider offered). I also saved on reduced premiums!

I highly recommend you do your homework. Both BUPA and HCF represent good value. Your RAA discount will give you the 10% off HCF that OBS will supposedly get you with bargaining power.

If you happen to live outside of SA, I don't know if there are any discounts available. Try a Google search to see if you can get any discounts with memberships that you already have (eg. NRMA/RACV/etc).


  • How was the OBS electricity deal already available? I was already with TruEnergy (now EnergyAustralia) on a 4% plus pay 3% pay-on-time discount and got the pay-on-time increased to 12%. It was a good deal for me.

    I didn't know about the 10% RAA discount with HCF though. As with all these discounts though, you have to compare the actual prices. I'm currently with BUPA on a package that suits me and isn't available any more. I'll have a look at the OBS deal when it becomes available (it seems rough to criticise it when the details haven't even been announced yet).

    I'll also see if HCF has a package that suits me, as I am an RAA member.

  • I'm a regular switcher between MBP and BUPA to take advantage of their free month or 6 weeks. Thats a good percentage saving 7.5% & 11%. I'm not into loyalty when its not rewarded.
    I was with MBP for years and years - not once did they say "hey, have 6 weeks free on us" Bupa did when I joined them. MBP will too, when I go back.

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