This was posted 12 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pepsi Next 1.25L at Woden ACT Coles $0.20


Pepsi Next seen at Woden ACT Coles for 20 cents per 1.25L bottle. Dated for March 2 2013. Not really my drink but perhaps it could be useful to someone.

Heaps left at the end of 23/2/2013:…

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Wow.. this drink must be bombing hard.. or they bought too much..
    I love this drink.. almost as much as pepsi Blue

    • +5

      $2.40 a slab

      is a good price…

  • Not bad.. guess I'll be popping down tomorrow, shame it's not at Mawson it's a little easier to park.

    • +26


      it's amusing when people from Canberra or Adelaide complain about traffic or parking…

      • +25

        And rush hour from 4:55 to 5:05.

      • +1

        But it means I have to walk a whole 10 metres more where there is ample parking to the car spots near the front door!!!!

        • +8

          Make sure you let the only other person in the car park know how you feel about that…

        • +2

          With all these Pepsi you will be drinking, shouldn't you be walking 100km to the shop to pick them up so you can burn off all the calories you will be consuming?

        • +1

          Not with Pepsi Next! 30% less sugar, so now you only have to walk 70 km!

      • Canberrans always want to show off their geographic knowledge by naming slightly more obscure areas than Woden, Civic and Belconnen. It's less about parking, more an excuse to be a Canberran hipster ;)

        • +1

          Yep that's exactly it. I guess when people from other cities talk about a suburb near them they're trying to be a cool hipster too, or does it only relate to Canberrians?

    • Seriously? You can park directly under Coles if you want. The escalator is ~30m from the front of the shop…

  • +5

    wonder if this stuff is anygood for cleaning the BBQ ?

    • +3

      There's the $2 Australian flag paper towels that didn't seem to sell all that well right next to it. It could be a sign.

    • +1

      Can confirm that it does kill bindis and broad leaf plants in your lawn.

    • +1

      It's definitely good for the toilet!

  • $1 yesterday at my local Coles.

  • Was $1 at my local Coles this evening.

  • faaaark

  • +2

    Ken Bruce has gone completely mad!

  • This is one hell of a bargain.. Next isn't that bad, for that price I would buy a few bottles.

  • will be doing shopping there tomorrow let's hope there is some left :)

  • -1

    that cheep.

    • +8

      and cheap…

      • cheep as cheps.

    • I don't get why people down votes for spelling errors?

      • Grammatical errors too. Otherwise, how will they learn? :-P

  • Ha, Pepsinextfail.

    • Or for people living nearby it's a pepsinextwin.

  • +2

    aww yeah

    Drinks on me ozB!

  • The baby in the ad is sad. Like so many in this country, he'll be out of a job soon

  • will officeworks price match less 5% ??

  • +1

    Bonus 500 Skill Points to the staff member who managed to cut all those boxes without slashing any of the bottles.

    • +2

      when I worked nightfill (18 years ago) they had box cutters with recessed edges which meant you had to push pretty hard through cardboard to cut the contents of the box. Pretty sure things might have improved since then. No bonus points for the staff :(

      • Yeah, if you managed to cut the stock in a box you were most likely going to spend the rest of your life in a similar job.. The box cutters have not changed in years.

  • +6

    Remember to pay using your ING Visa, 19c/bottle :P

  • the TV commercial with the baby/toddler was horrible for Pepsi Next

    • Better than most commercials I see nowadays.

  • +2

    Basil, this tastes like shiiiit
    It is shit Austin
    Glad, its not just me then

  • +4

    much prefer this shit to the original or diet pepsi… winning at 20c

  • +1

    load up the truck!

  • The whole display would only cost $388.80, if I had the room, I'd probably buy it all. It's not necessarily the greatest drink, but at 90% off, it's certainly worth the compromise.

    I can also state that this is only $1 at my Coles (Kilsyth), but I have seen a couple of other cheap items:
    Bushells Blue Label Tea Bags 200 pack - $1
    Kleenex Viva Paper Towel Australia Day 2 pack - $2
    Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Cartridges 6 pack - $27.98
    Gillette Fusion ProGlide Manual Cartridges 6 pack - $25.18
    Gillette Fusion Power Cartridges 6 pack - $24.16
    Most of the 3Dollar, 6Dollar and Wiltshire kitchen utensil range is 50% off or greater.

  • That's the cheapest I have seen a 1.25l bottle of soft drink. I don't mind pepsi next either. My fav was the blue.

  • Really hope this isn't a sign it's on it's way out. I don't mind it at all, tastes like Pepsi Max Kick (which is delicious) but without the caffeine.

  • Just a heads up, no rush, it's pretty much all there still, lol. It's only these bottles on sale btw, the cans and the large 2L are still usual price.

  • Beats the 1.80 ish I paid the other day at woolworths.

    All these Pepsi next bargains lately and nothing near me.

  • Is it OK to drink expired soft drink? still have some coke from last year deal…

    • Only problem is it might be a bit flat.

  • i got some from rite price for 69c today and thought that that was a bargain!

  • It's $1 for the 1.25 at Woolies Bonner, nothing special with the price. The rest of the Pepsi range is still at the full price

  • Went to a different Coles today - still $1. Definitely think these 20c bottles are a one off store that simply bought in way too many.

    • hey guys

      I went today. They are now 5cents each! I bought two cartons and there was still plenty left

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