As title states , can't see in catalogue
Got it from burwood plaza woolworths, not sure other woolies
4 bubble o bill
6 splice pine lime
4 magnum temptation fruit
6 paddle pop rainbow
As title states , can't see in catalogue
Got it from burwood plaza woolworths, not sure other woolies
4 bubble o bill
6 splice pine lime
4 magnum temptation fruit
6 paddle pop rainbow
Adult supervision is recommended for children 0-3 years.
No ice cream for jv?
It's an Australian icon, but you can't buy it by the box.
Really? I picked up a packet of jv the other day.
Nah its not in qld woolworths.
No fair :( Did notice that all their Sistema plastic ware is half-price again though.
Bubble O Bill… Woot!! :P
nice combo - something for everyone :)
Fueling up the truck now…
All I wanted was a golden gaytime :(
I wanted golden gaytime too but that was in the summer favourites 2012
<insert a pun about the name of some cheap but popular chinese android tablet here>
i love the flintstones,
NOT a bargain…
jks, ice cream is always a bargain, nom nom!
Can't help you there Rozay but maybe you can claim the coupon code from this deal- it might be what you are looking for !!
Deal of the Day!
bloody Tony youre everywhere, but at least youre contributing here unlike the selfish dick you are irl
you referring to me?
Ice cream is worse than heroin. Goddamn it ozbargain, i thought u lose weight over summer………
Switch from ice cream to heroin and you'll keep the weight off.
I'm pretty sure none at Ermington NSW, I didn't see any when working yesterday, unless they arrived on the load today. It looks like it's leftover stock at burwood from an earlier allocation
None at Brentford square woolies. 10pm run for $10 sim card Telstra and wanted bubblo bill, no dice on the bills
looks like burwood plaza is the only place that has it on special.
i love bubble o bill, the yellow is my favourite but there is not enough.
i cant stand paddle pop sticks, wish they would make the plastic connecter ones permanently.
10 dollar, enough to get a look in cf. aldi's positively splendorous gourmet variety, 47c per 100ml. mmm
Oh man! Just as I'd threatened the family that if they didn't eat the left over Splices and Rainbow Paddle Pops from the last 2 boxes we weren't getting any more Bubble o Bills…..
Who would have thought magnum FRUIT would be a favourite to anyone.
Streets' thought process, "Hmm how can we make this delicious icecream shitty? I know! Let's put processed fruit
in it!"
lol true, clearly by ozbargain majority its the bubble o bills everyone wants, the rainbow pp is just ok but the other 2 i dont want.
I'll buy it just for bubble o bill.