Selling on NQR promo week Surf 1kg ultra concentrate for cheapo $2.49 each
Also Swisse High Strength Fish Oil 200 capsules for $10.99
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NQR Surf Laundry Powder 1kg Ultra Concentrate $2.49 & More [Victoria]

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I think it's more the "I have money, I don't need to buy near expiry products" Toorak folk. :)
There used to be one in brunswick but it has shut down. Probly for the reason ryang stated would be my guess.
Also, how does laundry powder having an expiry date (possibly just a date to say its gone stale) make our lives a political mouse farm?
haha, you're funny man;) close to expire date? not all of them. recently they changed a lot. many good branded products that last for another 3 months or more also on shelf with discounted price.
and mindful the difference between 'use by' n 'best before'. both have different meaning. so keep browsing and find a good dealI've been there a few times now. And almost all items have normal expiry dates
Si je me trompe pas ("if I'm not tricking myself"), NQR is mostly about things that are close to 'expiry', non?
It is a travesty, and an indictment upon the degree to which we have permitted our lives to be controlled by political vermin, that laundry powder should have an expiration date. I mean FFS.
But it's also hella cheap, so I'ma grab a tram from South Yarra to the nearest NQR.
Speaking of which - why is there not an NQR in Richmond, or somewhere more accessible to us Tooraqi-SouthYarranian folk? Are youse all racists or summink? Is it coz I is black?
Fish Oil is evil, BTW (b/c I'm vegetarian - and not the hypocritical "fish-Holocaust" type, neither).