Got an email this morning outlining that the program is now 30% off.
I am NOT affiliated with the store but I do use it, had it recommended to me about a year ago as something superior to UltraMon, found that incredibly hard too believe, tried it and was blown away.
Best part- 30 days free trial full version is on their site obviously though the deal ends in 5 days, so try to evaluate before then.
Features are listed on the website here: however the long and the short of this is: if you like UltraMon but want significantly more features this is worth checking out.
Some small things off the top of my head
- Ability to have the start button on all extra monitors
- Adding an extra 'task bar' down the bottom of extra monitors and making the task bar translucent
- Pull down random background images for each monitor for flickr, google, etc and you can even specify a different google image search for each monitor (left monitor "supercars black" right monitor "awesome nature backgrounds" - it's quite powerful
- Hot keys for monitor functions.
- Ability to save a monitor layout profile, so in my case I hit one of 4 pre-defined hotkeys, enable 1 monitor, enable left and middle monitor, enable middle and right monitor and finally enable all monitors AND it remembers the height location / rotation
- Window 'snapping' have windows snap to each other if you like and define at what pixel distance they should snap together.
List goes on and on, check out the trial - support these guys, I'm very happy with how frequently they patch and update the product and post on their forums.
Been using trial for years and have been waiting for this to come down in price as I feel it was not worth it for $30. It is worth $17.50 however. It was on sale about 9 months ago for the same price so I guess it will not get cheaper. You beat my bits dejour e-mail!. Thanks OP!! Finally unlocks some pretty neat features.