This was posted 12 years 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

White Night Melbourne: Over 80 Free Events @ 7pm-7am Next Saturday 23rd February - Melbourne CBD


A Night Like No Other - The First Time This Global Event Has Been Held In Australia.

THEATRE OF DREAMS @ Flinders Street Station
ALL NIGHT MUSIC @ State Library of Victoria


FROM THE DEEP @ Yarra River In front of Alexandra Gardens Boat Shed
WONDERLAND @ Flinders Street (between Swanston & Russell Streets)

From dusk til dawn the city will be transformed into an all-night wonderland celebrating music, food, film, art and light. Melbourne’s program will feature more than 100 local and international artists, activities and acts across 35 sites throughout the city centre.

There will be over 80 free arts events in every crevice of the CBD, including glowing orbs on the river, rolling stages of pied pipers on the tramlines, subterranean bars filled with surreal installations and processions of delirious musicians.

Food courts will be set up in closed-off streets, trams will run all night and the NGV, Melbourne Museum, ACMI and State Library will throw open their doors to welcome nocturnal wanderers.

Free program highlights of the dusk-till-dawn major event will include:
• giant glowing spheres floating on the Yarra River projecting images of love in Melbourne;
• stages set upon rolling tram cars on St Kilda Road featuring circus and musical snapshots;
• an inflatable cinema screen on Birrarung Marr;
• a Melbourne Conversations series hosted by John Safran featuring discussions around literature and philosophy; and
• a giant outdoor dance event in Federation Square featuring hundreds of mirror balls and 12 different dance styles.…

White Night creative director Andrew Walsh's top 10

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closed Comments

  • Sounds very interesting - thanks for posting!

    • And sydney misses out again!

    • +12

      this is a free 'product' like anything else on this website.
      actually looks great

    • +7

      This isn't OzNegativity, at best your comments should be directed to a shrink.

    • +1

      I agree with you even if I get negged. But the admin don't mind so meh

    • I agree it belongs in forums

  • +8

    Oh yes! After black out for one hour every earth night, here we go a 12 hours white night as a good compensation.

  • +1

    Sounds awesome!!!

    • +5

      The forums are a dungeon, for hiding non deals. I'd call bs if you told me there was even 10% of the unique hits on the main site. Splitting the site like this is a flawed concept imo.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting OP.

  • +1

    Looks amazing! Nice one.

  • A Night to Remember – Test Drive the Arts in February…

    With so many things to do and see over the course of the night (including many free events), we've taken some of the hard work out of planning your night by providing you with our top tips for the festival, (as well as some giveaways and special offers thrown in for good measure!)

    • Accidentally pressed + instead of -…


    • +2

      boring because you consider them no-name?

      no-name because you're not in-the-know and so haven't heard of them?

      to enlighten you, here are a few artists appearing that are internationally successful, award-winning and critically acclaimed:

      • Cat Empire
      • Christine Davis
      • David Chesworth
      • Electric Canvas
      • -6

        ahahaah never heard of them in my life!

        • +2

          And I don't have a kid, but I don't go into the nappies bargains and say "BORING THIS DOESNT APPEAL DIRECTLY TO ME SO WAH WAH"

        • -8

          That has got to be one of the worst analogy i have ever had the displeasure of reading lol!!!

          If they had justin bieber, one direction, taylor swift, rihannna and taylor swift performing , i would be more inclined to give it a postive feedback. But this show is a bunch of failed no name wannabe stars.

        • +1

          ahahaah never heard of them in my life!

          obviously - why else would you label them no-name?

          now that you have - go check them out

          failed no name wannabe stars

          who's failed?

          wannabe stars? none of them

        • -7

          No thanks i would rather stick to successful stars like justin bieber, one direction, taylor swift, rihannna and taylor swift.

          The people you list are not famous and work at safeway to fund their music

        • +2

          don't confuse fame with excellence

        • ever heard of marketing?

        • -2

          hahah try all you want but you can't market a 40 year bum wanna be singer.

          You can't market unless you have money, you don't have money unless you are famous first.

        • -1

          Stop trolling champ.

        • You can't market unless you have money, you don't have money unless you are famous first.

          sorry but marketing doesn't require money, nor does wealth require fame

          do you believe that all famous people are talented?

        • -1

          Tell me how you can cheaply market to become a global phenomenon. And then tell me why your bunch of no-name wannabe stars haven't tried it.

          maybe you should be their marketing consultant.

        • Tell me how you can cheaply market to become a global phenomenon.

          heard of the internet and social media?

          And then tell me why your bunch of no-name wannabe stars haven't tried it.

          they're not wannabe stars

        • illuminati

        • +1

          Stop feeding the troll :P

    • Had to open up each individual comment just so I can neg this dude.

      Obviously a troll based on his other comments:

      "Condoms are for pussies. Real men go without manmade protection. Natural is best"

  • +5

    Sounds good, better than sitting at home hitting f5 on Ozbargain but only just:)

  • +3

    Why did this only just pop up on the front page today!! If i'd known about it a week ago i would have gone XD

  • +4

    just came back from this, granted the best is yet to come but my god was it hectic. Never seen so many people out and about in Melbourne could barely move! Lights were fantastic though especially around flinders station and the stage they set up was pretty awesome too!

    • Agreed

    • +1

      Sucks I had to come back before The Cat Empire was on since METRO ran their usual Saturday timetable…

      • +1

        I couldn't believe Metro ran their usual Saturday timetable. To me, they're a joke company full of pathetic, out of touch management. Good on Yarra Trams and everyone else for making it work. Fantastic night.

  • New Years Eve crowd all over again.. maybe even worse?

  • I loved it! We went with our little 3 year old son for only the first 3 hours. Heaps of things to discover and I must they they put up an amazing show. Lots of people and it was a little overcrowded but hey … it was free and very well put together. Impressive light installations and I would say the most fun was the dance event on Fed Square :-)

    Here are my 30 secs:

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