1st time poster
Just saw that ToysRus at Bankstown had Playstation Move starter pack for 29.98 and playstation charging Dock for 4.98.
There was around 5 move starter packs and 8 charging stations.
1st time poster
Just saw that ToysRus at Bankstown had Playstation Move starter pack for 29.98 and playstation charging Dock for 4.98.
There was around 5 move starter packs and 8 charging stations.
Oh wish I was living near Bankstown..This is just what I have been waiting for
Many Bankstown residents would gladly trade places with you..
I joke I joke… relax people :)
clicked in for comments like these. got what i came for, i have zero interest in move.
They had $99 dollar dsis and ds xls at my local in Adelaide. Oh and a kinect for $39, amogst other accessories.
Any cheap games?
got the last one from hurstville (move)
there are heaps of the charge kits
and also ds xl for 100 buck
games were not cheap yet
Only at that particular ToysRUs?
Any luck in Perth?
I found some DSI's at Toys r us Knox (vic) this morning. I then went to Chadstone and picked up a 250gb 360 with Connect for $150 (same price they were clearing the 4gb connect models out for). They also had DSI's etc available. Apparently it all started on Friday and everything has moved pretty quickly. Couldn't find any move controllers anywhere for my ps3 though :(
I posted this in the forums yesterday because I wasn't sure if it was nation wide. It would seem it is. Same prices for me.
Can anyone post some pictures of the $99 3DS or other bargains at Toysrus?
Time to try my luck in price matching other retailers.
Cheers mate.Hope JBHIFI will price match it when i show them the image.
Cheaper then Dicksmiths $119 3DS clearance.
No move starter packs at Highpoint. About 6 chargers left. Apparently Toys R Us are not stocking XBOX or PS3 any more. Games seems expensive.
I just bought one of these last week for $50 on ebay. I only got that price because I won an auction. The minimum buy it now is around $60 from HK.
Picked up a wii motion plus remote for $30 at the Hurstville store.
Is it worth venturing out into the jungle from my cushy North Shore abode? I think I'll pass.
Don't you just hate it when you see these items you paid top dollar for, drop down to rock bottom? It just gives me the irrits LOL.
Ive called half the TRUs in Sydney
All the console stock is gone
Which ones did you call?
just brought one in Doncaster victoria
Erina Toys r us had 2 3DS's left, tried to get JB hifi to price match but they said because it was technically a closing down sale they couldn't honour it.
A friend sent me a pic of a $99 Aqua Blue 3DS in Toys R Us yesterday