• expired

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Wi-Fi for $344 (after Samsung $100 Cash Back Offer)

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and surrender old broken PC/tablet ….

After seeing the HN $100 E-Waste offer here, I went to HN Auburn NSW this morning and got myself Galaxy Note 10.1 16Gb for $544 (online price). So they only charged me $444 after handling over my old/broke Optus ZTE.


Then I went to Westfield Parramatta NSW to get my Samsung $100 EFTPOS Gift card, after seeing this offer from Samsung last night:



You can only do this together on the following HN stores:

Harvey Norman
i. 250 Parramatta Rd, Auburn NSW
ii. Westfield Carindale QLD
iii. Westfield Fountain Gate VIC
iv. Corner Ipswich and Barrier St, Fyshwick ACT
v. Corner Greenfield St and Albany Hwy, Cannington WA

Of course if you are travelling in 1 month then there is the GST back benefits (not included in this bargain) …..


PS: I am sure you can haggle even better to say get it to $300 but I don't have the time myself …

EDIT: The $200 off offer also applies to 32Gb and also 3G models of Note.
Ie 16Gb +3G is $492.00
32Gb is $492.00
32Gb +3g is $636.00

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closed Comments

  • OK read the term and condition understand now.


    • +1

      PSL non HD screen is the "only" reason I'm not going to go for this deal :)
      Waiting for the Nexus 10 "second gen" to come out.. My ipad 1 should last me a while longer.

      • It's HD screen, do you mean FHD?

        • yeah sorry .. full hd or greater

        • +2

          FHD difference on a tiny tablet is hardly noticeable.

        • Dont worry they are spec fags… the numbers are enough to convince them xD

        • +2

          if it is really that hard to notice, retina ipad wont be that attractive and successful.

        • lol you think ppl bought retina ipad because of its screen resolution?

        • Oh please.

          The iPad - in all its incarnations - is successful because of faux-hipster iCult twattery: if Apple introduced 'iCircumcision' using a rusty razor blade with rounded corners and the "please dear God let everyone notice I have an iThing" logo, there would be queues at iStores on zero-day.

          Since the very first Mac they have made overpriced low-functionality eye candy, with a huge doses of "if you want to be thought of as smart you need to belong to our cult" douchery. See David Thorne's 26slashb masterpiece "Do you have a Macbook Pro?" - the images are hilarious.

          (Disclosure: we have an iPad - our first and only iThing. It's a good device, but it's not 'all that': its wifi is rubbish (can't see through doors), it's as slow as a wet week, and the 'app-based' approach managing files is laughable).

        • This is just not true. I now sometimes wear reading glasses and yet even without them I can tell you even on a 7" tablet I can clearly see a big improvement from a Nexus 7 1280×800 WXGA pixels (216 ppi) over my Nook 1024 X 600, (169 PPI). I admit I used to have the same view about small screens, but text sharpness is everything to someone with eyes that aren't as good as they once were, and I promise you the higher rez can be very worthwhile for some of us. I also expect one day you will need glasses too and agree with me ;)

        • im going to dissect this a little bit

          "'app-based' approach managing files is laughable" - agreed, its their strategy to kerb piracy and buy through their itunes store. so i don't blame them for protecting their assets.

          "its wifi is rubbish (can't see through doors"
          i think your unit is a isolated case, my wifi seems to work brilliantly. 100 meters cross house through various walls.

          "it's as slow as a wet week,"
          android tablets, in all honesty, arent very "fast" either.

        • I'm pretty sure I remember having that laptop

      • I have been waiting for Nexus 10 33Gb for 3 months. Unfortunately with the lack of Aussie stock for Nexus 10 is causing me grief, and with this deal I just could not resist. I save myself almost $300 because of this (already have 32Gb card).

  • +1

    Westfield Shopping Centre Dates of Operation:

    Carindale QLD: 25 Feb – 10 March
    Fountain Gate VIC: 04 Feb – 17 Feb
    Carousel WA: 18 Feb – 3 March
    Belconnen ACT: 11 Feb – 24 Feb
    Parramatta NSW: 4 Feb – 17 Feb

    Participating Harvey Norman stores:

    250 Parramatta Rd, Auburn NSW
    Westfield Carindale QLD
    Westfield Fountain Gate VIC
    Corner Ipswich and Barrier St, Fyshwick ACT
    Corner Greenfield St and Albany Hwy, Cannington WA

  • -1

    Ooooh nice combo … do I want to drive to Carindale for this. . . tempting… very tempting.

    • +3

      Carindale QLD: 25 Feb – 10 March

      It is not Carindale's promotion period yet.

      • Yes and I just checked the HN deal T&C which ends before then… so no I dont want to drive there.

        Actually already decided against it, given I have an Xperia Z on pre-order it seems odd to buy a larger tablet with a lower resolution display.

      • Actually.. i think it should work…

        The Promotion commences at 9:00 am AEDT on 4 February 2013 and closes at 5:00 pm AEDT on 10 March 2013, or such earlier or later time and date as determined by the Promoter in its sole discretion by notice thereof on the Promoter's website (“Promotional Period”)

        It then states..

        The Promotion will operate at different shopping centres and at different dates and times throughout this period and claimants should refer to the Shopping Centre (defined below), Dates of Operation of the Shopping Centres (defined below) and Participating Retailers (defined below) before participating in the Promotion

        Westfield Carindale QLD
        25 February 2013 – 10 March 2013

        So maybe.. you can purchase now, and then claim the rebate in store at a later date..

        • Yes you can read it both ways… its not exactly 100% clear. They do specifically say purchase during the promotional period which as you point out is right now … the shopping center times are as you point out 'dates of operation' …

          I suspect even calling Samsung will not result in a 100% answer, as their people probably don't know either :)

          Good job I don't want this :)

        • It's definitely best to call Samsung to be sure, but it does sound like it should work as they define key points clearly in bold:

          • The "Promotional Period" is defined as 4th Feb to 10th March.
          • To claim a gift card, you must purchase a participating product during the "Promotional Period"
        • Who's a oz lawyer here in oz bargain?

        • @edisonau,

          IANAL, but The Lovely is - she's a barrister now, but she was a Senior Associate in Banking & Finance at Oz's biggest (or second biggest perhaps) law firm. Not sure it's at all relevant to your interests, of course: she has little experience in consumer law.

  • Online price is $586 and why the would they negotiate on price when they are already giving you $100 off?

  • So, if I was to buy it today, say from HN at carindale, can i then bring in the receipt to carindale between 25 Feb and 10 March. Because, the overall promotion period has started. Or do I have to wait til 25 Feb to purchase?

    It just seems counterproductive from a sales point of view, to encourage people to postpone their otherwise impulse buys. In the meantime something better could come up from a competitor.

    • +1

      I was considering this over a new ipad but I can't be bothered driving to Carindale twice.

      If you want to know for sure, ask them.
      Email: [email protected]
      Phone: call 1300 079 267 (8am to 6pm weekdays AEDT)

      • Such a sensible and practical solution.

  • There is also a valentines day promo, if elsewhere http://www.samsung.com/au/promotions/pdf/Terms_and_Condition…

    edit: seems to be only at the Samsung George street store…

    • You won't be able to claim twice. Once you claim your giftcard they stamp your receipt with a big Samsung stamp and endorse the giftcard has been supplied.

      • I can confirmed this as well.

        The staff at Samsung Studio at Westfield Parramatta said that is easily the best deal they have seen by far! They ask me about the details of the HN E-Waste deal themselves when they saw the docket!

        • The Velantines promotion is only for participating products purchased at the George Street Store.

          So you wont be able to buy somewhere else and claim there

        • Best deal by far? Maybe currently, but there was a better deal in November 2012 through The Good Guys.

          The deal was buy the Note 10.1 for $588 (although I ended up only paying $575 in store) then:
          - get a Breville Cafe Series Juicer for free(worth RRP$269, could easily be sold for say $130-150 since the cheapest online price at the time was $180)
          - then get the $100 giftcard from Samsung cashback promo
          - then use TGG 30 day price guarantee to get 110% of price difference back from any competitor within 30 days (I ended up showing them Bing Lee's price which at the time was $558, which meant they refunded around $18)

          So total out of pocket price was 575 - 150 - 100 - 18 = $307.

          The deal was posted here, although interest only appeared to be limited at the time for some reason.

        • thanks…?

        • Haha, best deal by their standards or a non-ozbargainer I guess

        • Didn't you get the Jamie Oliver kitchen accessories for paying via PayPal? I got mine just last week. They did promise delivery before Christmas though.

        • Didn't bother with that one.

  • Anyone know where is Samsung Studio in Fountain Gate?

    • Yes, upstairs near Myer store.

  • Nice found! I tried this tablet in HN before, it's a great table! the best handwriting experience ever.

    • +1

      Pretty small for a 'table' :) Also very low.

  • So tempted, but want to wait until after MWC top see what is coming out. When is the e-waste promo on until?

  • +1

    as much i i like Samsung products the build quality of the galaxy note 10.1 was very poor. Seams didnt meet, the back had flex. looked and felt very cheap in the hand.

    • -1

      Thats the same for all Samsung products except maybe tv's..

  • Good deal, was looking for a deal like this for my wife. $344 is a price good enough to me, only bad thing is have to drive up to Sydney from Wollongong.

  • Hang on, I just made an order online for picking up in Auburn store, will that be a valid purchase for claiming the giftcard from Samsung??

    • Never mind. I just re-read your question.

    • I don't think so. Online stores have a different store id. It might not be valid. You can try asking the store and see if they print you one of their invoices.

      • That's what I worried about. I called the 1300 number listed at the end of T&C, they have no idea about the eligibility. Then called HN Auburn, the girl gave me another 1300 number for Samsung promotion says they are in charge. Then Samsung person took my details and told me the store person should sort this out, if not then call him back again. And when I confirm the giftcard need to be collected from Parramatta, he wasn't sure at the first moment. Seems nobody can confirm this for me, any way, if I can't claim giftcard on this, at least there's one unit waiting for me in Auburn. I might see if I can return it and re-purchase.

        • Please let us know if you were able to claim with the unit that you bought online

        • Yes, got it today after 1.5 hour driving. The girl at Samsung studio had no problem signing me up for the giftcard. The invoice however was re-issued by HN auburn store as they need to process the $100 cashback to my credit card, but it still clearly states the order was made in their online store and the order number is different from in-store items. Now cross fingers and hope the giftcard arrive in post by the end of this week.

        • This is some dedication to drive from Wollongong to Auburn for the deal. How much money did you spend on petrol?!

        • About $30 I reckon.
          However on the way to Sydney, I found one and the only one Coles Express listing E10 at 134.9c, whilst all other petrol stations are around 151.9c yesterday. So I filled 54L of petrol at 17c~18c/L difference, that's some $9 unexpected savings.

  • Its a bit odd promotion. Only in Parramatta Westfield. I wonder why it is so specific. Should just be anywhere.

  • -1

    Why is the Harvey Norman price higher than the ipad equivalent, I thought galaxy notes are supposed to be far cheaper than ipads?

    • +1

      Yes because only apple ipads are premium products. Everything else is inferior and hence are worthless.

      That seems to be what you are implying.

      Have you even tried out the galaxy note 10.1? It is most impressive and not to mention its hardware cost might be higher because of the s-pen

      • 1 year from now, I bet the 2nd hand ipad will be worth far more than the 2nd hand Galaxy Note 10.1. I'm not an Apple fan, that's just the way it is, which means it is smarter to buy an ipad for resale value.

        • +6

          This is a tablet, not a car. Resale value isn't that important. Get whatever you need or like, not something you want to sell for half price as a 2nd hand device later.

  • +1

    Great work - thanks for posting.
    Will be heading out to the dumpsters to find an old PC and then to Parramatta to get the cashback.

  • Great trick…thanks OP!

  • Can someone suggest a simple but effective way to permanently erase the contents of my laptop's hard disc please before handing it in?

    • +2

      Just remove it before you give it in. That's what I did with my laptop - I removed the HD, memory, CD Rom, and the LCD display. I basically handed in a shell.

      • I have a shell of desktop that I'm going to hand in tomorrow, it has nothing but a power and a mainboard from Pentium II era. Unfortunately even this case misses it's cover, so it's very obvious hardly can be called a desktop computer, E-Waste will be a better word as per T&C.

        Anyway, I am going to try this first, in case it not works, I will bring my first laptop bought in 2004 with a celeron CPU, however I prefer not to as it's my first laptop and still under working condition.

      • Thanks unity1. Newbie question - can this be done by simply taking a screwdriver to the relevant bits and pieces?

        • +1

          Usually a single screw locks it in place,

          You would need to remove the screw and push some place (usually indicated) to remove the hard disk caddy.

          You can then remove the harddisk from the caddy and replace the empty caddy or just don't bother.

    • +1
    • +1

      Use DBAN (www.dban.org) and choose the option to wipe it at least 3 times (7 to be sure but 3 should be good enough)

    • There is a free program called CCleaner that can erase your drive and all history quite easily.

      Otherwise take out the drive and smash it with a hammer :)

  • +1

    NO SA. :-(

  • Anyone know where is the Studio in Melbourne?

  • Shame its ICS - any way to get Jellybean on this?

    • Yes they are releasing JellyBean worldwide ….

  • Would definitely jump on, if we could know for sure that at Carindale we could buy today from HN for the e-waste promo, and still claim the $100 later.

    • I reckon you can as long as you buy it in the promo period.

  • Awesome idea…. thanks for the post.
    I am going to HN Cannington store and Carousel in WA for this deal. Already got a Galaxy TAB… but this deal is too good.

    Dammit this deal is making it 5 items from OZ Bargain I purchased this week, 7 if you include the 2 KFC lunch !!

    • WA deal doesn't start until 18th …

      • according the the terms and conditions # 2. The Promotion commences at 9:00 am AEDT on 4 February 2013 and closes at 5:00 pm AEDT on 10 March 2013…

        I'll head to the Cannington store tomorrow and ask before buying…

        • well let's us know if you manage to get it..Good luck my fellow ozbargainer!

        • can you please let us know how this goes.
          be very interested if you can buy now and claim the gift card later.

        • Update….

          went to the Cannington store on Sunday and was told to talk to the guy in green T-Shirt "Tablet expert" (yes, there is a guy in green T-shirt HN uniform and is a tablet expert - learned something new everyday).

          he knows about the deal and we also went through the conditions and agreed we "probably" could buy now and claim later.

          The best thing I came up with is put a deposit and reserve one and pick it up on the 18th (last day of the recycle deal).

          there are heaps in stock, but I think, the deal would be very popular

          I went for the 16gb 3G version ($692 - their price was $724) just tell them the online store was cheaper and they'll match it. same with the 16gb wifi only ($544 vs $586)

      • Does it mean for those in WA has to buy and claim on 18 feb?

  • +1 for OP finding a way to save $200, 0 for HN. I have to maintain my professional standards.

  • wait so what can the giftcard be used for?

    • It is an EFTPOS card just like credit card or debit card.

      • oh right.. so you can use it anywhere. i thought its only for samsung or something.

        regarding the giftcardpromotion it says "b) "purchase" means that full payment is made for the Participating Product;" if we buy the tablet at 444 will it still qualify?

        • Full payment. Not full price. So, yes it should be fine.

        • Yes it means you have to pay in full not put down some deposit.

        • Probably means no layby…

  • I don't even want a Galaxy Note but +1 for super ozbargain combined mode! :)

    • +2

      …30 minutes later…
      Where is your +1 vote?

      • I reckon that's a +1 post.

  • Hmm, I'm considering driving 70kms or taking public transport from western suburb to get this deal, does it worth the effort?

    • Where from though? This is oz bargain, so anything to save a few bucks is probably worth the effort

      • St Albans, Vic, takes approx 70kms from west to east, sigh :~

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