Chepaest place to buy decent quality badminton shuttlecocks?

Started playing badminton to get a bit active physically. Was wondering where would be the good place to buy decent quality shuttles. Found a lot of sellers on ebay from hong kong who sells them at a good price but not sure about the quality of them. Any help is appreciated.



  • +1…
    Contact: [email protected]
    Calibre Australia Pty Ltd
    Location: Unit 23, 14-16 Stanton Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
    02 9620 9562

    • Thanks mate. Postage is the only downside as I live in Melbourne but I guess its not that bad.

  • +1

    If you're in Victoria, there's a badminton specialty shop in Vermont South named KPH, owned by a good bloke named Victor.

    • I dont live particularly close to Vermont South but I could give it a try.

  • +1

    If you've heard of the brand HiQua then i can put you in touch with the australian rep/distributor.

    • Yes please

  • +1

    I haven't bought shuttlecocks for a while but did buy probably, 20 dozen, off eBay and they were okay. I used to pay about $65 for 5 dozen delivered :)

    We have been using good quality plastic lately and they are almost as good :)

    • I thought I would initially buy them off ebay and wasn't sure of the quality as most of them were coming from Hong Kong. Any particular brand or seller you receommend from ebay? Thanks

  • +1

    Calibre is good address noted above, have bought many items from there. Shuttles are normally aeroplane or Victor brand, range of weights, bulk price even cheaper.

  • Thanks everybody. Was tied up with work for the past few days and couldnt check the forum. Will look in to your suggestions.

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