This was posted 12 years 1 month 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Batman-Motion-Picture-Anthology-1989-1997-Blu-Ray $22.83 Delivered (Was $14.97 Pricing Error?)


4 Movie set on blu-ray (Includes Batman (1989), Batman Returns (1992), Batman Forever (1995), and Batman & Robin (1997)), great buy from a local supplier

Info from
Product Description

Boxed set including the first four Batman movies.

Batman: Inspired by Frank Miller's graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns, this gothic, Wagnerian treatment of the Batman mythos explains the origins of Batman and his nemesis, the maniacal Joker (a ripe Jack Nicholson), who has sinister plans for the citizens of Gotham City.

Batman Returns: As the pitiful, orphaned psychopathic freak the Penguin and the power-hungry capitalist villain Max Schreck (named after the actor who played Nosferatu) plot to gain domination over Gotham City, the Caped Crusader battles an equally fatal distraction… Cat Woman.

Batman Forever: Gotham City is once again under siege, this time by the mind-controlling Riddler and the diabolical Harvey Two-Face. The Caped Crusader cleans up with the help of his new side-kick Robin in this effects-laden thrill ride.

Batman And Robin: The Caped Crusader returns to battle the abominable Mr. Freeze and green-thumbed Poison Ivy. To save his ailing wife, Dr. Victor Fries turns to a life of crime after a hideous accident makes him unable to tolerate even moderate temperatures, while Dr. Pamela Isley falls victim to mutated plant DNA when things go awry in a jungle laboratory funded by Wayne Industries. Of course, though their interests are diametrically opposed (Freeze wants another Ice Age; Ivy wants to make the world safe for plants), the two villains team up to defeat Gotham's dynamic duo of Batman and Robin, who are joined by butler Alfred's motorcycle-obsessed niece as Batgirl. And when Alfred is diagnosed as having the same terminal disease as Freeze's wife, the trio find themselves not only fighting an altruistic battle, but a personal one as well. A frenetic, colourful, and often overwhelming sequel to the films that precede it.

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  • +1

    Who are You?

    • +9

      I'm Batman.

  • Wait till they get a load of me!

  • I have this, it's great.

    While Batman and Robin is the worst of these 4, I've seen it heaps and it's really not as bad as everyone makes out (except for maybe Bane). It is pure cheese though…

  • Great find, have been looking for this for a while but only seemed to be $50+

    • Wtf? My wife bought this for me on release day from JB for $19.95. Can't see it there now.. has it been discontinued or something?

  • You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you???

  • Great companion set to The Dark Knight - Trilogy!

  • $14.97 delivered? How do you get it for this price?

    I get $22.83

    • me too…. ?price error?

      • price just gone up. Hard lines :-)

    • My fishpond says "FREE SHIPPING Available On Every Order" so not sure what's happening with yours, I actually bought 2 copies 1 for me and 1 for a mate, cost $30.13 with the 19cent paypal fee.

      Edit: on review looks like they've adjusted their price to $22.83, original email from them stated $14.97 and I bought 2 at that price, will adjust title.

  • Price went up to $23 shipped. But here lies the rub - it's discontinued around the globe ;-)

  • Anyone had their order approved at the lower price? My order is currently "Admin Processing"

    • 20th Feb to 26th Feb, that's what my account says and I got 2 at 14.97

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