This was posted 12 years 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Boost Juice Valentine's Day BOGOF Deal - Kiss Your Special Someone for 5 Secs!


Show your love and get juicy on Valentine's Day! Give your special someone a passionate kiss for 5 secs and you get a BOGOF original smoothie. No pecks, pash's only!

From the brochure:

Buy One Get One Free!

Bring your special someone to Boost on Valentine's Day Thursday 14th Feb!

Give them a passionate 5 second kiss so you can buy 1 original smoothie & then GET 1 ABSOLUTELY FREE!

no perks. pash's only!

<MOD: Requested by Boost Juice to clarify the description>

This is part of Valentine's Day Sales for 2013.

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Boost Juice
Boost Juice

closed Comments

  • +27

    Considering all the employees of my local Boost juice are teenage girls aged under 16, it's going to be awkward trying to make out with my right hand for five seconds…

    • +28

      if we have no special one, can we kiss Boost girls instead?

      • +13

        was going to suggest the same, most of them (the female ones anyway) are fairly hot! they must have some dodgy hiring rules!

        This might be a good way to start something with someone you've had your eye on for a while…reduces the rejection factor…

        You: Hey you want to score a free boost juice today….?

        • +7

          kisses other person
          "Oh what… that was only 4.5 seconds? Looks like we'll have to do it again."

      • There are also the guys there to that work there lol.

    • +2

      blue card?

  • +30

    The apostrophe man is shaking his head in disgust.

  • +47

    Looking for male or female to meet up at a Boost juice store in Melbourne to score free smoothie. Please respond here. Strictly no beards, or mustaches if you are female

    • +44

      Also looking for female to score free smoothie in Sydney, plus willing to give 2 pairs of swarovski ear rings which I have no use for (apparently valued at $64.99 each :P). Possibly another pair arriving in 7 days :D

      • +9

        Doesn't actually want the boost juice.

      • +11

        Same here, but instead of the ear rings I can offer a Trouble board game, a 12-pack of Huggies Little Swimmer nappies and my old Motorola Defy+ that is waterlogged but still works, you just have to squint.

      • +3

        dont forget the aussie condoms!

      • I'll be your escort.

  • +16

    does it have to be consensual?

  • +15

    I'm going to tell my grand parents about this deal!

    • +4

      That's hawt!

  • +18

    Son : Dad how did you meet Mum?
    Dad : 5th February 2013, it was a hot day, I was thirsty. Saw your mum, walked away with 2 drinks (and a landline number).

    • +3

      Son: And what did you ever do with those 50 iPad covers?

      • +10

        Dad: I broden'ed them Son, I broden'ed them… (looks at mums's engagment ring)

        • +9

          Why Broden for a diamond ring when you can just re-set those freebie Swarovski crystals?

    • +3

      Whats a landline?

      • -1

        its also known as home phone

      • House phone number instead of mobile phone number

      • +22

        It's like a VoIP number, but from the twentieth century.

  • +13

    From these comments, Boost still hasn't found the limit for what OzBargainers will do for a freebie.

    Good luck trying, Boost.

  • +20

    How awkward for the people behind the Boost employees. I doubt they want to watch people make out all day.

    • +7

      Exactly, especially the single ones

      • +2

        I know right? Poor kids.

        Gonna be lots of these at Boost's across Australia on V-Day!

      • think it positively, might be a good chance to hit on them

    • +2

      Not sure if positives are for my weird - possibly dirty - typo (originally said 'people behind the counters') or if nobody actually noticed until I mentioned it…

  • +15

    It doesn't say anything about your 'special someone' having to be human.


    • +1

      i am bringing my cat!

    • It has to be consensual, though.

      It would have to be a pretty well-trained dog, too.

      • +4

        Line your mouth with peanut butter.. I don't know if that works though cough

        • Wilfred says it works.

  • +2

    pash's only!

    like these two?


  • +5

    Gave it a +ve in the hopes that it makes it to the front page and we get more hilarious comments :p

  • Did anyone take part in the other weird promotion they ran a while ago where you had to wear your underwear over your head for a free smoothie?

    • Of course.

    • that wasn't a real promotion - it was a sketch for the new Candid Camera and you got rolled!

  • +7

    Can you get your back facing them and wrap your own arms around you?

  • -4

    Another ridiculous promotion, another reason for me to hate boost.

    • +14

      ^ foreveralone.jpg

    • +2

      It's not like they are asking you to give a complete stranger a rusty trombone!

      Come to think of it, you'd probably want a free boost after that!

      • +8

        rusty trombone

        I want to google that to find out what it means but I know I shouldn't.

      • +1

        If only they made listerine flavoured boost juice

    • Oops, sorry, accidentally negged this comment, have revoked that and it won't let me vote positively now :( I agree, this is a weird and ridiculous promo.

  • delete

    • +11


      • exterminieren

  • +5

    Must be some real voyeurs working in the Boost marketing department.

  • Edit

  • +2

    Boost has craziest ideas for marketing their products,
    remember the last one (undies outside)

    • +1

      Wow, really? I guess it works out for you if your name is Clark Kent.

  • +1

    Boost Juice - helping the spread of viral Herpes

    The sight of 2 hairy bikers tongue-kissing would put anyone off their drink.

    • Thought you were going for a Happy Gilmore quote there.

      • +1

        oh, like "Yeah. Alright, now, if you get that puck in that net over there, I'll never bother you again. But if you miss, you got to give me a big fat kiss. And you have to pretend you like it too."

  • +16

    sets up kissing booth beside Boost

    Cost: $0.50

    Ozbargain profits.

    • Just get Bar Refaeli to work there and charge $1.

  • Any ladies here after a free Juice?

    • +1

      What are you taking about? Ozbargain is a all man community

      • +3

        Call me a man all you want, but my boobs say otherwise.

        • +3

          lol… I'm not sure if your seriously a woman or jesting about your man boobs?

        • +2

          pics or it didnt happen.

        • +2

          Haha! Definitely a woman.

        • +1

          I didnt even know they could talk

        • +1

          Boobs have definitely spoken to me in the past!!

  • +1

    hot 15 year old girls, underwear, pashing .. Janine Allis is Australia's answer to Dov Charney

  • +1

    Any ladies want a free protein slurpie?

  • I love lamp.

  • -1

    How much do escorts cost nowadays?

    I'm guessing we can't hire by the seconds? That's all I need.

    • +1

      Someone's desperate.

    • Prostitution costs depending which grade I guess, Megan fox costs alot tho.
      Go and wtch this 40.

    • No, 5 seconds.

    • Watch out for the call out fees

    • +1

      they never said about BYO partner, so technically 50 people could hire and share the escort

      • That would be like kissing a man, through a woman… Are you sure about this?

  • +1

    Any hot birds want a free drink with me?

    • +2

      Just bring two of your pigeons with you. I'm sure they'll kiss eventually.

    • +1

      Aww… how sweet :>
      If only I had a female pigeon :<

  • +3

    I can't wait for next year's promo "Second base for a Smoothie" !!

  • I don't see how the 16 year old Boost girls are going to like people making out in front of their store rofl.

  • Might bring my dog in. She will be sure to give me a long wet smooch!

    • +2

      I think you're mistaken. "Smooch a pooch for a smoothie" is on next month

      • I'm waiting for an instant turf company to come up with a "Smooch your pooch for some couch" promotion!

  • These are the funniest comments ever.

  • +1

    I love this post. LOVE IS EVERYWHERE :)

  • can I bring my teddy bear instead??

  • +1

    I'm still wondering how Broden can cash in on this…

    • +1

      he's just hoping like hell that his cold sore goes down before the 14th

  • I, too, knew the comments here would garner major chuckles for moi! Ta! :)

  • +4

    Now to remember to go to the shops with my girlfriend on valentines day and not my mum…. Awkward

  • +2

    What's to stop the enterprising young Boost girl offering a "special" to select guys in the queue who would otherwise have to pay full price.

    "That'll be $8 thanks, and you can get another for free if you give me a big fat wet one (kiss, that is)"

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