I’m in the market for a tablet for my son. Mainly to watch kids shows and we will use to browse net from time to time. I have been looking at the Ainol range as I see here its got some good raps.
I was about thinking about getting a media player to the spare room so we can play from USB sticks so to kill two birds with one stone I would like HDMI output if possible.
I am looking to spend quite minimal (less than $85) as I don’t want to experience heart palpitations if he accidently drops it.
The HDMI output seems to only be on the mid-high range Ainol tablets and the low range seem to have sucky resolution.
I noticed that the Cube U25GT seems to fit my criteria, HDMI output, 1024*600 resolution, 1gb ram and comes with 4.1 android which I assume would be a bonus.
I have no idea about comparing CPUs/GPUs/chips but looks like it comes with single core A9. Will this be sufficient for general web browsing and video playback or will it be slow and laggy?
If no good, please throw in your recommendations and suggestions on a tablet in the less than $85 range.
I have no experience with the U25GT, but I have a U23GT. I can recommend Cube. Cube build quality is good and it is compatible with Play Store. I don't know if it's still available and it cost me over $100, more than your budget. It's also 4:3 aspect ratio rather than 16:9, but I actually like that.
If you don't need portability and it's going to be in the same room all the time, why not a LCD TV and one of those Android TV sticks? Would cost more in total but you won't have to worry about dropping it and you get a big screen.