This was posted 12 years 1 month 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 for 10 Assorted Cute Animal Finger Puppets - Free Delivery


Pack of 10 brand new soft and high quality animal finger puppets

Each set includes duck, frog, rabbit, panda, mouse, cow, elephant, dog and bear and hippo

Fairy tale is fun with these finger puppets. Tell your children stories or encourage them to create their own stories. These finger puppets provide full pack of kids entertainment

Teach the children about the animals, the noise they make and their habitat. The kids will love these soft animals. Please make sure that the children do not put them into their mouth.

Kids can also learn counting and other sums. Use your imagination to create number of ways to play with these puppets.

Elastisized for snug fit on adult or child finger.

Width: 3.5-5.5cm

Length: 6 - 8cm

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closed Comments

  • -1

    How is this a bargain? What is/was your usual selling price?

    A quick search found what looks like the same (or very similar) item for $3.22, $3.99, and $4.55, all including delivery.

  • +2

    Yes, very cute.
    That's why I bought these ones for about $4-…

  • DavoX 2 min ago new
    Yes, very cute.
    That's why I bought these ones for about $4-…

    Now that is a true bargain. Were $5.99 - Now $3.99

  • +2

    No deal Walter

  • Don't be mean to the puppets.

  • +1

    Regular price 3 weeks ago was $10 sale price $5.…

    Not a bargain even by your own standards.

  • Or you could walk into IKEA and buy them for $9.99.

    Hey it's not cheap, but you don't have to wait for a slow boat from China either.

  • Expired or obargined…bahhaha

  • To make you guys happy, I am willing to make it $5 again.


      • The expected delivery time is 3rd March. If you are able to wait, you are more than welcome to purchase from therea

    • -2

      So admit you were ripping us off before and trying to take advantage of Ozbargain readers? Unethical and disgraceful. Also illegal price claims. Mega dodgey operation.

      • Please be advised that the postage costs are very high in Australia and these items are readily available to be shipped. Unlike Ebay items, there is no wait until 3rd of March to receive your items.

        I am making no money on this deal, I am still running this deal just to make sure that the people don't feel like being ripped off as the customers always come first.

        • -2

          Oh wow even after you type this you've still got a fake original price and a fake savings amount on your site.

          And if you're making no money at this price why were you selling it for the same amount a couple weeks ago?

        • I wasn't making any money at that stage either.

        • Please be advised that the postage costs are very high in Australia

          Send them from China then and drop your cost…

  • +2

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed huh…

  • Similar finger puppet atIKEA for 99 cents.

  • -3

    Plus from me to counter the overly heavy negativity. The guy is hardly going to drinking Don Perignon of the profits.

    • +1

      Agreed, not with those things all over their fingers…

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