• expired

Scoopon - Learn to Fly. 40 Minute Flight for $59 or 1 Hour Flight for $99 with MAS in Melbourne


Scoopon are not the most popular mob around but this is excellent value and a fantastic experience. The 1 hour session is usually $199.

Prepare for the Adrenalin Rush of a Lifetime! Get Behind the Controls of a Fully Certified Training Aircraft with a Professional Instructor by Your Side! Your Experience Includes a Pre-Flight Briefing, Daily Inspection of Aircraft and Airborne Lesson! Upgrade to a Full Hour and Fly Along the Magnificent Coastline of the Mornington Peninsula! Plus Get 3 x $50 Vouchers for Future Flights! Available 7 Days a Week!

Take to the skies with Moorabbin Aviation Services
Get a 40 minute lesson for $59 or a 1 hour lesson for only $99
Just make your choice when you click Buy Now
40 minute lesson: kicks off with a pre-flight briefing, inspection of the aircraft and safety check before you start the engine
Then, if you feel comfortable, you’ll do most of the flying during the flight!
Fly with a professional instructor in a fully certified training aircraft
1 hour lesson: Includes everything you get in the 40 minute lesson PLUS you'll experience a cross country exercise
Fly along the spectacular Mornington Peninsula coastline and back!
Both packages include 3 x $50 vouchers to use towards your next 3 flights, or to give to a friend
Grab a Scoopon for yourself and as many as you like to give as gifts - great idea for the adrenalin junkie in your life!
Available 7 days a week

Fine Print:
Valid from 30 January 2013 to 30 April 2013
Scoopons available in your account & bookings taken immediately after purchase
Bookings essential on (03) 9587 5159 quoting your Scoopon number
Subject to availability and weather conditions
72 hrs' notice required for booking changes/cancellations or your Scoopon is voided
1 Scoopon redeemable per person; multiple Scoopons may be purchased as gifts
Scoopon valid for 1 person
Participants must be aged 14+
Scoopons for this offer are limited
Scoopon tip: book early to secure your desired date and time
3 x $50 vouchers must be used across 3 separate future lessons. Vouchers are transferable
Departs from Moorabbin airport

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closed Comments

  • +1

    The one hour session involves a 20 minute briefing and 40 minutes flying time. I imagine the 40 minute session involves the same 20 minute briefing with 20 minutes flying time.

  • Wait… Wouldn't you be better off buying 2 40 min flights?

    • +1

      They allow you to control the aircraft while you are in the sky, it's not a proper course. I am more interested in the scenic tour.

  • 1 Scoopon redeemable per person; multiple Scoopons may be purchased as gifts

  • +2

    20 min briefing, 10 mins taxiing, 1 circuit, land, have following aircraft land on you. Welcome to Moorabbin

    • So where else do you suggest people go to get such an experience and such a cheap price?

  • -2

    I deleted the email straight away… So I'm actually not quite sure why I bothered opening this thread???
    Ps. Also had to note this in the listing: "Prepare for the Adrenalin Rush of a Lifetime!"
    It's a little 4c Piper Warrior… Maybe if you have 20 knot crosswinds or run out of fuel over the Peninsula!!!

  • Please put the location in the title.

  • +1

    I did one of these years ago, it was the best way to "have a fly" cheaply.
    ironically only talking about going again the other day with friends.

  • I would doubt if they would give you a 20 minute brief beforehand on just scenic/initial flights. Maybe if you were planning on taking the training further you might get it but even then its usually charged on top of the flight. 40 minute flight might be a bit rushed but as a joy flight you wouldn't notice.

    • I did a "basic flight training" session before i went years ago. They talked about "flaps" and "air pressures", fundementals of flight, etc etc.
      Stuff you should already know if you were serious about taking the training to become a pilot though.

  • if the 40' flight* costs $59 shouldn't the 60' flight cost max $89 ?
    * it says flight so i suppose this is the flying time

  • .

  • Sounds good, anybody has such experience? Is it very hard?

    • No, the guy said its like driving a car. You don't have to do anything if you don't want. You can just sit there and enjoy the view.

      • +2

        Yep, sounds like some drivers ;-)

  • This is a good deal. I recently went up in a Victa Airtourer for a 30 minute flight over the Mornington Peninsula with my father in law. The fuel is fairly expensive,I can't remember how much it worked out to be per minute but these people would not be making much profit. I got to hold the flight stick for a few minutes. There are 2 foot pedals on the ground one to yaw ( turn ) left and another to the right. It feels a bit like a driving lesson with dual controls. The second time we went we tried some basic acrobatics which was a good experience. My 7 year old son went on it too. All I did was keep the nose on the horizon flying straight. We went over the coast line a bit as I was asking him where the good fishing spots might be. I have never been on one before except for a few weeks ago, I went on it for free obviously but I would pay $100 bucks to do it again easily. I do not know anything about the people who run this deal or have any affiliation or can I recommend them. I am soley talking about the experience.

  • According to their brochure:

    If you are really keen to see what learning to fly is
    all about then this flight gives you an excellent
    introduction. You will cover everything that we do
    on our 40 minute flight, but you will be doing this
    while on a cross country exercise. You will travel
    to Philip Island (The home of the Fairy penguins)
    Returning by the spectacular beach coast of the
    Mornington Peninsula and where you will turn for
    your trip home.
    A spectacular flight home awaits, concluding with
    an exciting arrival back at Moorabbin Airport.

    Flying to Philip island is a fairly decent flight

  • I went on a calm day. I would not want to go on a wet or windy day if it is your first experience.
    If it is a hot day you can expect to sweat.
    When you are in the air it does not feel like you are going fast. It is relaxing.

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