This was posted 12 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12 Month Xbox Live Subscription (Downloadable) for $39.99 from

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A 12 Month subscription to Xbox Live seems alright for $39.99 when you consider it's $70 from most Australian retailers.
And this subscription should work for the next-gen Xbox as well, if the transition from Xbox 1 to Xbox 360 is anything to go by.
Just put in an American address of a friend or make one up to be eligible to download.
Please help me by using my affiliate link below.
12 month Xbox Live Subscription:…
Just click "online game code".

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • This is normal everyday price from OzSave…

    • +3

      I don't like purchasing from stores with undisclosed reps on Ozbargain. nevilleb ( is obviously a rep because the majority of his deals are from and one of his only other posts is about which is PRACTICALLY IDENTICAL in design and products to OzSave. Does he own both sites? It seems like it, but yet he chooses to be dishonest. I don't like to deal with people like that.

  • the card is $5 cheaper than the code? what the hell Amazon

    • +1

      I know right. I think it's because they know that overseas people can get the downloadable membership, so they charge more.

  • Thats a good deali will buy one now ,any chance if you guys can help me ,i am in market to buy a Wireless Controller With Play & Charge Kit BLACK Xbox 360 .if any one came across a good price please post a link

    • i just bought 1 from ebay, sydney seller. not original ofcourse but quality is good, you cant tell the differences with original, and price is $41 incl delivery 2 days only.

      i heard the $20-ish from ebay will have bad quality so avoid.

      charge kit, this one you can get the cheapest from ebay i think doesnt really matter. i saw $2.50

  • This will work fine in Australia right?

    Even though it states "Xbox 360 Live Subscription Gold Card code does not work outside US. We cannot guarantee compatibility outside US. You contact the call center for more information on compatibility."

    • works.

    • +1

      Live subscriptions are region free, points are region locked.

      • Yeah that's correct, if you want to change your aus account to usa (so you can use USA pts) you can now:…

        Once changed I think you have to wait 3 months or so to change back so if you are not planning on buying all your pts online I suggest staying in aus region still

      • Some point cards are region free now as well. When buying on eBay/etc the seller will list if the points are region free. No idea if Amazon's points will work on an Australian account.

  • Physical card version is $5 cheaper than the code, with free delivery too. If you know a friend in the US…

  • Just popped up again at $39.99. after AUD conversion I imagine it would be slightly less. Literally minutes after I bought 12 months through another vendor :( oh well, I guess i'll extend to 24 months :)

  • Hi thanks for this just tried now 11/2 and it works :)

    Funny thing is i had to add a new Credit Card since all my existing ones at tagged with Aussie address, but i accidental entered an invalid CC and it failed through processing. And when it asks to review order, it gives option to enter another CC details which i enter an existing CC, but it lets you choose BILLING address which has the one i made up for this process and it still works after i clik it.. LOL! score!

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