Best Exchange Rate for USD to AUD for cash

I was wondering where in Sydney (including the suburbs) I would be able to get the best exchange rate to convert USD in cash to AUD to deposit into a bank account. I have heard that Australia Post provide the best exchange rate from relatives, but not sure whether they actually do or how long it takes to convert the cash.

Could fellow Ozbargainers please provide me with their expert advice.

Thank you


  • definitely not at the air port, they are thieves. shop around.

  • +1

    I'm based in Melbourne, have used these guys before and they offer the best cash exchange rate after calling around. Give them a buzz on the day you intend to do the transaction and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the rates they provide.

    Feel free to shop around though, I am by no means associated with them in any way!…

    • +1, have had great rates with kvb kunlun (in Sydney). Just be aware of the long waiting lines.

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