Saw this posted on whirlpool and thought some of you here may be interested:…
Saw this posted on whirlpool and thought some of you here may be interested:…
What's a good international price?
A good international price is about $199 with a game and a memory card.
can you use a flashcard with these like in a DS???
EDIT: Just googled it. Answer = No flashcards, no homebrew yet…sigh
Google wololo psp iso and ps1 support if you jailbreak your vita.
Can you buy an international vita for that $199 price from asia - say malaysia, or japan (im going to both places over the easter long weekend)? Will they work in Australia, there's no region locking or anything for handhelds is there? Or am is till stuck in my ps1 ntsc/pal days?
last Nov, roughly $200 for vita white limited edition + 4gb + assassin's creed liberation (card) + playstation all star battle royale (download) + 3 months trial ps plus from Amazon US
Thanks guys.
That was a black friday deal, so that deal probably won't happen too often.
I also got one from Amazon US but that was from the black Friday deal.
Wow, is the Vita really selling that badly?
Why people keep neg you? lol
I love the negs. Bring em on.
Handheld gaming market has been slaughtered by mobile phones/tablets.
Sony stuffed this up in every way possible.
Price, own memory format, terrible app/game store/transfer existing purchases.
Sony however, could have done something amazing.. imagine an android phone, with ps vita hardware, and a proper market where you could buy all your stuff, social networking/trophy stuff, backwards compatibility etc.
Handheld gaming market has been slaughtered by mobile phones/tablets.
This simply isn't true — the Vita is just priced too high. The same happened with the 3DS — it launched to poor sales, but after a significant price drop, it became one of the fastest selling consoles of all time.
Yeah this is baloney. The type of games available on PSP and vita are of hugely better quality and variety to smart phones.
The price point, lame selection of release titles and the slow growth of homebrew is what skewed sales.
why do you say its selling badly?
It sold badly in Japan, that's for sure. And Japan is infatuated with mobile gaming.
Vita is No. 23 - 21 Consoles And Handhelds That Crashed And Burned…
No PSN game discounts for Vita over X-mas when PS3 had heaps is a let down.
Direct link to Vita No.23…
Reasons for failure - quote from the above link
Alright, so we're trolling a bit. But there's a kernel of truth to our jest. The PS Vita has some serious advantages. But, for the moment, its sales figures are disastrous, totaling 2.2 million units worldwide as of June 30. Meanwhile, the Nintendo 3DS has sold more than 22 million units. These disappointing results call Sony’s economic model into question at a time when games on mobile devices are strongly appealing to mainstream gamers.
at what point do you start critiquing anything by its sales figures???
well justin bieber has sold shit loads of albums so he must be amazing :S
Amazing? No…
Successful? Unfortunately yes.
There's no accounting for taste.
at what point do you start critiquing anything by its sales figures???
No one is arguing that it's a bad system, they are arguing that it's not a successful system, which is determined by sales figures.
Totally. I bet Bieber has a real problem sleeping at night - on piles of money, with many beautiful women - due to his lack of musical chops.
Additionally, I'm pretty sure that Sony (and every other corporation in the world) use sales figures as a key indicator of performance.
What kind of ongoing support (games, updates, features) do you think they will offer if their product sells much less (10%) than their direct competitor, regardless of the tech specs?
Then what other measures are there?
Reviews by critics?
Reviews by fans?
Awards by critics?
Average review of games?
Those are all personal taste, which is fine, but not definative, sales are. Also Sony is a business not an artist, they want $$$ much more than critical acclaim.
This might be good for people who got frustrated with their Kogan $10 'PAP' because it runs at 2 fps.
got mine from amazon us with 2 games and 4gb card for $190AUD. I think the problem with the Vita is that most of the game are only for download (or 3 times the price online) and the push is for downloadable games so stores don't want to sell the Vita as there is no profit in selling the console only and if the games are purchased online the store can't make a profit from the games so they will promote something they will make profit on.
Good console and just for the uno hack to work so can play all my "backup" PSP games as well :)
oh and game prices in Aust SUCK !!!
E.g: Wipeout 2048 (I want to get this but I want the physical version)
Via Download (using a US account so not sure about AUS accounts) $17.99USD =$17.10AUD
EB Games ( = $53
Amazon (…) $18.99USD = $18.05
even ebay $35-$87
Its the same game why are we asked to pay more that 3 times the US price ???
Because this is Australia, we get ripped off in everything from houses to cars to games.
I would have bought the Vita but since most games will be download only I couldnt be bothered. No point in trying to make a push for download games only, I like the physical copies not downloads but thats just me. Plus there arent that many Vita games atm to choose from anyway.
The Vita will fail just as bad as the Psp GO, clearly they havent learnt anything from the Psp GO's fails
Wait, houses? Ripped off by who? Compared to what? Sure our house prices are relatively expensive compared to wages, but it's not like there's a monopoly on housing.[email protected]/featurearticlesbyCat…
Housing prices have gone bonkers in last 10 years, even builders are taking advantage of the good economic times
double post for some reason, sigh
Have you been living under a rock, we have higher minimum wages than say the US but where are all these so called 6 figure jobs that they expect every Australian to be on? Majority of people dont even come close, our wages to house prices ratio is ridiculous. Pick a house/car/game and start comparing with other countries, its a no brainer. Apparently we are 'isolated' so they can tax and charge us what ever the hell they want
Its no secret either, we Australians get ripped in every direction… Hence why I dont buy games or anything for that matter locally anymore
And they wonder why the Australian gaming market sucks.
$249 with two games at EB.
"Bundle includes PS Vita (WiFi) console, Fifa Football & Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale games"…
Dont you mean JB, lol
my bad
$250 delivered. :)
ah the deal is back,was on during the christmas/new year period and was taken down. Also note, no memory card so $250 (delivered) + $25 for basic 4GB Memory card = $275
Good price for a great handheld. It's a shame about the developer support for this, but most of the First-Party stuff on it is amazing. Also, MGS3 on a train. That is all.
Nvidia 's project shield console looks like it might trump the vita/ds tho they are after a different market segment anyway
Almost down to the price point where it's worth it just to play Uncharted!
That's why I want one!
WHY GOD WHY ISN'T THE 3DS XL THIS PRICE?! is? Was down to $188 from Big W, and was pretty cheap from Amazon Italy / Germany
not anymore, it's back up at Big W, and I need to buy locally cause of gift cards.
Pre-owned wifi vita is "shock" $198 at EB!…
Hope EB isn't selling pre-owned consoles in new packaging. :S
How about the 3G version?
Doesn't really have games i'm interested in. Wake me up when it gets Monster Hunter.
It'll be awhile then.
Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate is going to the 3DS & Wii U.
Monster Hunter 4 is going to the 3DS.
WOW that's an awesome price drop. Still, memory card for the PS VITA is expensive.
I got one in November from Amazon, with assassins creed, also grabbed LBP. Still just cant get into playing it.
They need to get ps3 cross play working for all games, I think that will be my main use of it.
199 is great price for the tech.
Great price. Much better than the 3ds.
Great price. I paid full price for my Vita when they launched here and have no regrets. I have owned (and still own most of) the following handheld gaming devices over the years:
And let me tell you that in no uncertain terms the Vita is the one that has left me most satisfied and has had almost constant use since I bought it. I have a backlog to get through which will take ages, so don't let anyone say that it's rubbish and certainly don't let anyone tell you that in a world of fart apps and angry birds that the sales numbers mean anything! Consumers by and large choose… poorly.
man GB and GBA- gotta dig those out of the drawer and my GOlden Sun game… old school. Hmm gotten old now, working life, haven't picked up a handheld in ages haha . I just thought it went PSP ———-> PSP Vita, didn't even know there were the slim & lite, and ps go lol or what their differences are even :O
Those were all just various models of the PSP, they weren't completely new consoles like the PS Vita. The PSP Go was a model which didn't accept UMDs anymore, it only played PSP games downloaded from the PlayStation Store. It was an enormous flop, which is probably why you've never heard of it.
Indeed. The Go flopped badly. I do like the form factor though and if sony had pulled their finger out and gotten content on the PSN quicker with more realistic pricing it might have had a chance. I'm back to physical media only again now.
It was showing 346 this morning, but it is back to 199 again.
Cheers op picked one up today.
Ebgames are also selling preowned 4gb memory cards for $9 (depending on stock availability)
Paid $208 all up with the memory card
I have been happy with my vita bundle I got from amazon before Xmas. I setup a us psn account and purchased a ps plus membership which IMO is good value just wish the memory cards were cheaper as one 4gb card isn't enough.
For an Australian price, that's pretty good.