Pretty good deal for blank t-shirts.
Quality is also very good judging by their popularity on whirlpool.
Pretty good deal for blank t-shirts.
Quality is also very good judging by their popularity on whirlpool.
Where do you put things when you wear T-Shirts? In your manbag?
Are you regularly pants-less?
Pockets in my denims/trousers/pants/shorts etc.
Wallet and keys in the rear trouser pockets. Phone in the side pocket or inside jacket pocket. of all my shirts maybe 2 have breast pockets and I rarely if ever put anything in them.
I think shaybisc's point is that there's no place to put your pocket protector in a t-shirt.
I hate putting anything larger than a folded piece of paper in my pants.
….that's too easy. Low hanging fruit.
^^^^ dear god..please tell me that atrocity isn't a real 'thing'
i lose more faith in humanity with each passing day
Not even smart enough to realise they didn't need the plastic (and that it obscures things too much as well).
Design fail.
Shipping isn't flat rate for me. Maybe the $10 is minimum?
I usually buy american apparel blank t's, the 50/50 poly cotton last for ages. But this is a 4.5 t-shirt. It's worth a gamble.
Having worn both all I can say is… if you are happy paying AA prices then keep doing so.
How long / how many washes do you think these last before they start to look shabby? A couple weeks? Months?
Saw some $5.50 blank t-shirts at K-mart a couple of days back, they seemed OK if your near a K-mart and don't want to pay for shipping
The sale tees are normally this price anyhow. and the block/sales tee is "eh"
Get the marble tees - better. sizing could be an issue.…
AScolour's better tees are great. Just not the ones in this topic
No Paypal; no sale.
Wish it was 99 cents
Well I vana toilet made out of solid gold, but it's just not in the cards now is it?
Sorry, it was a Macklemore reference.
Oh, and as for the solid gold crapper,…
Rivers also have blank T-shirts on sale (don't know for how long) for $4.95 if near a store - avoid shipping charge and slightly cheaper than K-Mart.
Just picked up 6 shirts from Rivers, 3 round neck collar for gym and 3 V neck collar for casual wear. Standard colours with slim fit and large fit for each size
200gsm is too heavy and uncomfortable in my opinion. Try their 150gsm shirts.
I've owned/worn numerous ascolour shirts (usually branded by various bands etc)… they don't last as long as some of the shirts you pay a bit more for, but for $4.50 you wouldn't think twice.