This was posted 12 years 1 month 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Pete's Master Meats - OVER 35% OFF Moisture Infused Pork Loin




Valid for delivery 19th January 2012

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closed Comments

  • +12


    you mean, extra water injected into it to make it heavier so you make more money out of it because water is worth nothing and pork is worth lots (in comparison)? or did i miss something?

    • -7

      Good question - this is in fact a pure myth, moisture infusing is the act of injecting a salt solution through the arteries of the pig and aids in tenderising the meat and keeping it succulent and tender while cooking and eating.

      • +4

        i'm calling PETA!!

      • +5

        injecting a salt solution through the arteries of the pig

        how cruel….

    • +3

      i found your first "deal" very deceptive and using myths and BS to try and talk up your "deal".

      i also find this deal deceptive. here as OzB we want honesty and facts, not talked up sales pitches for overpriced crap. im a local (south aussie) and tend to buy all my meet from local butchers not supermarkets (usually from gawler river cattle) so if you had an honest product i would definitely be a potential loyal customer, but i just cant see past the over priced BS.

      maybe you can take this onboard for your next advertisement and actually supply a deal rather than just advertising your product.

      • Hi Nosdan, we at PMM believed 20% off all products to be a fantastic deal, not sure its deceptive/mythical - unfortunately the post got hijacked regarding the topic of free range and not actually about how good the deal was.

        Realistically we are here to offer new customers the opportunity to try us out. We try to offer a better quality product for people that are time poor - something it seems some people arent on this site.

        • +1

          we at PMM believed 20% off all products to be a fantastic deal

          It depends on the original price before the discount is applied.

          the post got hijacked regarding the topic of free range and not actually about how good the deal was.

          The supposed value of the deal would have depended on the original prices - some of these original prices were high because (supposedly) the meats were "free range" etc. However, you did not and could not supply proof of this.

          We try to offer a better quality product for people that are time poor

          You appear confused. It should be "offer (or provide) the best products and a better service for people that are time poor". Time poor customers would appreciate the delivery service. However, some proof of certification would be welcomed. Without this certification your prices should be lower.

          As regards the pork - I have found that the best pork (at the best prices) is found in the independent butcher shops run by Asian Australians (apparently Vietnamese and Chinese - I haven't asked).

        • +1

          we at PMM believed 20% off all products to be a fantastic deal

          thats assuming your not already charging 100% to 200% more than "retail"

          the post got hijacked regarding the topic of free range and not actually about how good the deal was.

          your the one who claimed free range etc, i simply pointed out that ALL chicken is the same as what you claimed yours to be, and what you used to charge double or triple market price for.

          We try to offer a better quality product

          im ALL for that. once you post something that is better quality and at less rather than more than market value i may well buy it. when its 100% to 200% more than i can walk into my local trusted butchers and get IDENTICAL products for i class that as not a deal

  • i'm hoping this is brined with herbs et al, and somehow got lost in translation.

    if it's just water… meh!

    • +1

      if you go back to his last (and first) post…… he conveniently answered everyone else except me….. seems he likes to cash in on myths and bullshit. sorta the rug salesman of the meat industry

  • From -

    "Moisture Infused Pork
    Moisture Infused (MI) Pork has been developed to provide high quality pork products of improved eating quality for consumers. It is produced from high quality pork, using specialised equipment.

    MI Pork is pork that has been infused with a solution containing water and salts, resulting in a meat which is more tender, juicy and flavoursome - it is easy to cook and is less likely to dry out if overcooked."

    Hmmm… they inject water and "salts"?

    "sodium and phosphate"?

    Ok, so the water adds weight, but the extra salt… and what about this "phosphate" stuff?

    • +2

      ive not googled to check, but im fairly sure the phosphate is a preserving agent. its used instead of salt iirc to make stuff like bacon etc…..

      or my memory could be failing…. and im totally wrong….

      • +1

        im fairly sure the phosphate is a preserving agent. its used instead of salt iirc to make stuff like bacon etc…..

        "Phosphate Use in Meat Products – Phosphates are used in meat products for several reasons. The principle reason being increased yields, which is accomplished by raising the pH of the meat protein, which in turn allows the protein to hold more water. This principle is referred to as increasing the water holding capacity of meat. Phosphates are alkaline in nature and, when added to meat, cause an increase in pH."

        • +2

          I found the page you quoted that from, Nassau Foods. Pity the writer couldn't distinguish between principal and principle. It should have read: The principal reason being increased yields… LOL

  • +4

    How much is it for the one without added water ?

    • Might have to get pork loin jerky…

  • Neg because it is a "CRAZY INTRODUCTORY DEAL".

    Salt, phosphates, and water added to increase "yields" - ie. profits.

    What, 750gram becomes 1kilo ? Or is it an even higher (better) 'yield'?

    I think I would prefer to add the salt myself, and leave out the phosphates.

    • -2

      People raging on about moisture content in meats - go buy beef jerky (or pork jerky if it exists).
      You guys have watched wayyy too much Today Tonight.

  • -2

    Just letting you know we have this product in many restaurants across Adelaide - they love it and swear by it - they have received some great feedback

    • +7

      they have received some great feedback

      you're receiving some better feedback here…

    • +1

      we have this product in many restaurants across Adelaide - they love it and swear by it - they have received some great feedback

      Yeah, so? Have the same chefs (NOT THE RESTAURANT OWNERS WHO COLLECT THE PROFITS) tried and reported on 'natural' (unprocessed) BRUEMAR pork?

      I see that chefs are warned about adding salt to already salted "moisture infused" meats.

    • +2

      they love it and swear by it

      obviously you have some way of verifying your claims? so that we can accept they arent just made up bullshit? as i said above im local so im happy to pop into any of these so called restaurants you speak of to verify your claims myself and will post back here as to what i find out.

      please supply a list of these so called restaurants so i can go verify them for everyone else here

  • +1

    are these kind of deals? or just average prices ~ I mean, I would hardly feel like its a bargain by trying to advertise selling meat on oz-bargain. I could be wrong ~ Howmuch would u normally pay for this kind of product? can anyone else tell me? Like a lot of people complaining but I see no other comparisons sigh!

    • +1

      on special at the butcher a leg of pork (bone in) is around $4/kg, not on special is $6 to $9. this is boneless which is obviously going to be a little more.

      but you then have to take into account that this has been injected into the muscle (not just the veins like OP is trying to claim) with a load of water to make it heavier than it really is. there may be 20 to 30 percent water in this.

  • +1

    isn't this the pork equivalent of corned beef silverside sold at supermarkets. I find them taste terrible, yuck!
    how come this is a deal on OZB? i can buy a pork roast leg (bone in) for $6.99/kg at my local butcher's,

    • +2

      corned beef silverside sold at supermarkets. I find them taste terrible, yuck!

      actually properly corned beef, cooked well, is VERY nice

      over processed cheap shit thats "infused" with crap water, salt and phosphates… not so nice…

  • +2

    Blergh! Moisture Infused Pork Is Crap!

    Posted by Hunydd on Friday, February 19, 2010 / Labels: cooking, grumpy

    Am I the only one who thinks that "moisture infused pork" is smeg? I bought a couple of pork steaks a couple of months back, and allowed myself to be talked into the moisture infused version, on the info provided that they were "tastier, juicier, more succulent and easier to cook". Sounds great - although in the back of my mind a little voice was saying "it's just soaked in water, you moron! Don't you rant about how meat is being soaked in water to make it heavier, and therefore better value for the supplier? Don't you? Huh?!?"

    I cooked it up that night, and served it forth with veggies and gravy or sauce of some kind, and I was very, very disappointed. The meat was, as promised, juicy and succulent. It was also really salty (that would be on account of the brine), really lacking in any other flavour, and the texture… well, the texture is a whole 'nother story. Have you ever had reconstituted meat? When they have taken "genuine pig parts" (or other animal) ground it up and reformed it into a meat-like product? Yup, I think everyone has. You know how it's a little bit… spongy? Yup, well that's what the "moisture infused pork" was like. Obviously the brine is forced into the meat under pressure, or it would just cook out. This high pressure "infusion" makes the meat spongy. In hindsight, it seems pretty obvious to me. Pity I wasted a perfectly good meal on it.

  • +3

    Moisture infused is a good thing? I call shenanigans.

  • +3

    If you're worried about "moisture infused" and more succulent etc… Forget it.

    Go buy a good smoker (i got one for $130 from cabelas, electric,$40 delivered to Aus, step down transformer needed) and get ready for the best tasting and most succulent meat you've ever had.

    You can buy cheap Boston butts and shoulder for pulled pork etc. Never buy the moisture stuff again. And what's more, butcher is happy because he's selling cuts he doesn't usually sell!

  • +4

    Wow tough crowd

  • +2

    Not a bargain.. moisture infused is a rip off. You probably pay 35% more from the extra weight…

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