ING Direct 5% Paywave Question

I just recieved my ing card and tried using paywave for the 5% discount, does anyone know if the cash back is deducted from when paywave is used or u get the money later? Cause it doesn't look like my 5% has be recredited back yet.

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  • It gets credited as soon as the transaction has gone through.

  • i noticed it credits on the statement online. you wont see it on the receipt at the store.

    on another note, are there any caltex/woolies that accept paywave? my local servo (bass hill) doesn't

    • my local servo (prospect) also doesnt have one, so what I do, I'd buy a gift card using the paywave, and pay petrol using that same gift card. Bit of a hassle, but it saves me $2.50 each fill, on top of the 4c per litre off.

  • Most Caltex have pay wave now. Not sure about the Woolies ones.

    • Most woolies should have paywave. Some still use the old ones on express or self-serve, but they rolled out all the paywave terminals a few months ago. Same with coles (except a bit earlier I think)

  • I paid today using paywave for $33 and that $33 still doesn't show in my account the only thing that shows is the $200 cash out via ATM rebate. Is there a delay for the 5% return?

    • The rebate appears at the same time the debit is made from your account. So when the $33 is taken out, you will see a rebate of $1.66.

  • +1

    It is because paywave/paypass are treated as if you were to select credit on debit, so the purchase will take anywhere from 1-5 days to clear, sometimes more or less depending on the banks involved. It should appear in your account under charges after a day, and then later on it will move to your statement as it clears, which is when you receive the 5% cash back.

  • It takes a couple of working days for me to get the 5% back. It's been great, been using it even for the smallest of purchases. Shame some stores still don't have the paywave thingy.

  • Cheers! Was abit worried.
    In most cases does anyone know if u can do separate paywave payments of $100, and totalling of $1000? Since paywave cashback needs to be under $100?

    • Actually the limit is $99.99. It all depends on whether you can sweet talk the cashier into the hassle.

      • Some stores have a policy against breaking it up like that, as I believe they might be charged a little more with the eftpos fees (not sure, it could just be a percentage, but if it's a flat rate + percentage, I guess it would cost them).

        At woolies/coles you could ask them to put 99.99 on card a few times, it's not a huge hassle on their machines.

        • I think it's a percentage as I haven't been turned down for even the smallest purchases, a few bucks, except one 7/11 where the worker complained of 4% EFTPOS charge, so I just went to the next 7/11.

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