Spelling Police

I'm no spelling nor grammar queen, but I just had this terrible urge to correct spelling in a thread because I saw the same mistake multiple times whilst reading the threads… I couldn't stop myself.

I know it's the internet and I should get over it. No one spells correctly on the internet — we're not at school!!


Does anyone else suffer this problem??
Would a spelling/grammar wiki be any good for Crazies like me to get it off our chests???


  • +13

    I think they have rehab centres for issues like this.
    (mental hospitals.)

  • cool story bro lets put the break on it like the break on my car

    • /almost faints/

      Try harder.

      • +17

        I'm no spelling nor grammar queen

        Did you mean:
        I'm neither spelling nor grammar queen

        Verdict: You fail as a Grammar Nazi.. cocks Luger pistol

        • +1

          hehe oops ……… um… colloquial speech? lol /grammar fail/

        • +1

          haha funny yt clip! =D

      • *I am not either a spelling or grammar queen.

        One might get over his or her high horse, though it is quite satisfactory to help.

        • *Neither [a] nor [b] (exclude both);
          not either [a] or [b] (incl. one [a]/[b]);
          or None of [a], [b], [c, etc] (to excl. all).

        • discard '(not) either/or'. (a)or b apply, or both (a + b).
          *correct reversal: neither/nor.

        • It's actually "get off" ones high horse, not "get over" the horse, but I get what you mean :)

        • Usage of "I'm no…" = AAVE?
          Does anyone know?

  • +1

    There is two many spelling and grammar mistakes. I no I'm not perfect.

    • +1

      There are too many spelling and grammar mistakes. I know I'm not perfect either. I still do my best.

      Sorry I couldn't resist, I need help!

      • +3

        I hope you didn't think I was being serious :(

        • Sorry, I can never tell on the internet as most people write like that!

  • +1

    I got negative voted into non-existence for correcting:

    Me and a friend made this site = My friend and I made this site…

    • -2

      You were almost correct:

      "Me and a friend" made this shite.

      • +3

        The easy way to determine whether you should you use 'me' or 'I' is to take the third parties' names out and see if it still makes sense.

        "Me and Bob went to the shop" becomes "Me went to the shop" which is obviously wrong.
        "Bob and I went to the shop" becomes "I went to the shop" which is correct.

        • Which is why I made my comment. "Me and a friend" is incorrect and thus made the sentence ungrammatical, or to use a colloquial expression, "shite". If he had put an "h" in "site" and put quotation marks around "Me and a friend", the sentence would then have been grammatical.

        • -2

          I like how you used the word thus like you're all hoitey toitey..

        • I did attend a grammar school for 5 years, albeit all of them were in grade 8

        • Not necessarily showing he is hoitey toitey, just showing his age.
          "Thus" from Old English þus , and from Middle English thus, thous, thos

        • +1

          But you understood what he meant. :)

  • we could have an auto spellcheck feature on this site so we could try to improve that at least if we chose.
    grammar checks are more difficult to justify

    • Spelling checkers are available using Firefox and Chrome if you have the right extensions installed.

  • -2

    Get off the internet is my best advice for you. Such things as texting, social media (twitter), it's only going to get worse.

    • I read a message of despair, but notice you have spelt "advice" correctly. I deduce you are one of us. Don't give up. Stay strong.


  • +2

    A wiki might be a nice idea, but the people who make the mistakes actually don't know when they are wrong, and so would have no idea that they needed to visit a wiki. So ultimately, a waste of time.

    I cringe at mistakes but I recognise that the Australian education system has seriously let down at least three generations of kids, by not insisting that at the very least they learn correct grammar and spelling. Then again, even when they do, half the teachers can't spell, anyway. The son of a friend came home with his spelling list many years ago, with "Medicine" spelled "medecine". His mother told him the correct spelling, and he told the teacher… got into trouble for his efforts. That's what we are up against. A daft system, idiot teachers, and kids who don't actually know any better.

    Give up now before you go nuts.

  • +1

    Ahh glad some people can admit being Grammar/Spelling Nazi's, perhaps its a strain of OCD and help should really be sought.

    Perhaps there is a couple of english teachers (from various points of view) in previous lives

    Although the advice would probably be lost as most would be correcting this right now! :)

  • +4

    @eevee888 Just correct it if you want, or leave it alone, and either way don't feel guilty. More people cringe at the more egregious errors than you suspect. You are not alone.

    I should also add, sometimes it's obvious the writer does not have English as a first language so I cut them a bit of slack. Some (sometimes hilarious) typos are introduced by Swyping or texting so you have to discount those. And finally there are some common mistakes that have taken hold in society that you'll probably never eradicate those and some day dictionaries will just accept them. The one I'm thinking of right now is "would of", which should really be "would have".

    • Would of, Could of, Should of - all three are regularly used incorrectly!

      • Argh!
        This is one of many many pet grammar/spelling issues.
        People do not understand what they are saying (or at least fail to take a second to think about what they are saying) and constantly make this mistake.
        If you take half a second to think about what you are trying to say without the contraction you would realise you mean 'I would HAVE done this/that' therefore making it would've - NOT would OF.
        There/they're/their is another big one for me, closely followed by incorrect and unnecessary apostrophes.
        The rules for each of these issues are quite simple and just take a moment's thought to get right.

  • +1

    I'm quite sure they're quiet about their spelling there!

  • Idea for a browser plugin; something like BabelFish or Google (boo) translate that can translate, correct grammar and correct spelling on any site you view. You could select your preferred language (Oz English, Tudor English, Street, Txt etc.) and have it correct all the text before displaying it.

    I'll look into it when I complete the final touches on the Infinite Improbability Drive.

  • Are power users and moderators allowed to make edit to correct spellling and grammars?

  • +3

    Brought = bought

  • +4

    Normally I am not fussed about grammar and if you use "ur" I have no problem but if you use your or you're incorrectly I go insane. Sometimes I wonder if I should check myself in for anger issues. Seriously, how hard is it!!!

    • +3

      Grammar, the difference in knowing your sh%t or knowing you're sh%t.

  • +1

    Most people are offended but some people just enjoy making the English language correct and learning their mistakes. It all comes down to how you feel about learning and you react to criticism. It took me a while to catch the grammar bug but I love learning correct grammar. Things like whether to use effect or affect are important when sending letters and such especially for people like web designers, secretaries, etc.

  • +1

    your over reacting

    • You can't be serious, can you?

      You're overreacting. =D

  • I'm all for the advancement of correct spelling and grammar, but making a thread of it seems to be more of an attention grab, IMO.

    • Yes, there must be an element of narcissism underlying the intentions of someone who corrects a typo. One can feel proud that she is fulfilling her civic duty - her moral obligation - when she corrects the spelling of "their" to "they're", in a clearly disintegrating society. We are preventing the degradation of civilisation, and yet you wish to belittle our heartfelt quest. Are you with us or against us? Spellcheckers, Grammar soldiers, come out of the woods, we must unite!

      Dude… This is a joke post… although truly, I can only stand to see "could of" a certain number of times before I crack. =)

      Can someone explain to me how to use the semi-colon? I was never taught in primary school and it's never been able to make sense to me since….

      • A semicolon is between a comma and a full stop in strength. Whereas a full stop ends a sentence sometimes you feel what follows is really an addition and does not merit a sentence to itself, but needs a bit more separation than a comma; in such cases you would use the semicolon.

        But it's not a big deal if you avoid its use altogether and stick to comma and full stop.

        • Personally I only really use ';' where what follows is really a new sentence, but requires to previous sentence for context, so it is a hint to the reader that the context is important.

          Example stolen from wikipedia:

          I told John that his shoe was untied; he looked.

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