Came across this:, and was wondering if I'm missing something?
$7 for a 4 States RSA (QLD, NT, SA & WA) seems too good to be true, surely this is an error..
Cheap RSA Course/Certificate - real or fake?

Yeah I've taken the .edu domain name into account but it still seems suss. There is no way to contact them; the phone number gives an automated message and the email form under 'Contact Us' gives this error:
"Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact administrator by other way."
Funny thing is there is no other way to contact "administrator".Seems pretty legit if you google their ABN.…
Yea I threw in the towel and tried it. Took me about an hour and a half to complete and I got a certificate + statement of attainment at the end of it.
Great bargain if you're in QLD, NT, SA or WA and want to widen your job opportunities or just add something extra to your resume.
Lol yeh sure… Can't believe you guys pay peanuts for an rsa. Nsw is so expensive comparatively.
Don't know why kangaberries got downvoted.
I got mine when they were $60 each (RSA and RCG each, right before the price increased and they started introducing cards), now it's usually $120 per certification, and you only need common sense to pass to get the certs anyway..
Now I'm doing it and I have no intention of working in a bar lol
Has this page been ozbargained? The price has now increased
For those interested the price has dropped back to $7 again!
I am not sure. According to the cheapest course in Melbourne is around 45$. I am not sure about online courses or other states.
There are so many course providers out there. Price is getting cheaper and cheaper. But price is not ever thing when looking for quality RSA course. You can try to see how people review and rate the courses. Then you decide if it is worth it. Hope this helps
This could possibly be a government initiative subsidizing the payment.
This happens a lot. For example, NSW RTA gets a subsidized payment for anyone wanting to receive their motorbike license. To get your L's on your bike it's $77 which includes a 2-3 day safety lesson and a general riding induction which includes the use of motorbikes supplied by them. All fuel etc is included. This is originally far more around $170+ but to promote safe riding, and about 70% of L plate riders not actually using their license this is purely a training lesson on bikes on the road.
Again, this is promoting safe drinking.
besides that, not anyone can just register a ( domain name.
This is legit.
The domain eligibility criteria are designed to ensure that only entities that are recognised by Australian, State or Territory Governments as education and/or training providers, associations or organisations are able to register a domain name. This includes entities such as Universities, Training and Further Education facilities (TAFEs), Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), schools, pre-schools and childcare centres.
The domain also provides eligibility criteria for entities which provide services related to the education and training sector in Australia. This includes entities such as:
If you are considering applying to register a domain name that refers to an educational project or program, your entity must be the owner or principal administrator of that educational project or program.