Xbox 360 4GB console
Game 1 - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Game 2 - Duke Nukem Forever
Xbox 360 4GB console
Game 1 - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Game 2 - Duke Nukem Forever
very nice :P. Depends if you want to crappy games over kinect and kinect adventures
Indeed, personally I wouldnt make much use of the Kinect, but then again it would be more useful than a Duke Nukem Forever drink coaster :P Jokes. Also its $2.50 Vic metro delivery for this deal
There you go, Great bargain for you then :). haha
I was about to upvote your deal, then you referred to Halo CEA as a crappy game, all I can say now is good day sir!
damn, i thought id get hated on for saying their good games. Cant win!
the Dicksmith one is 100000% better because you can download games but must buy kinect (hardware) .
What do you mean?
I meant you can download any games but you cant get kinect for free so why waste$ on games. Doh…
Ehhh one the Xbox 360 gets under $150 I might get one :P same with PlayStation 3
I kinda think the Harvey Norman deal is better value (what is the world coming to?), 89$ more and you get 2 more games (all of which are better imho) and a 250gb HDD.
- 250gb Xbox 360 (drive costs about $70)
- Forza Motorsport 4 (costs around $30)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (download) (costs around $35)
- Gears of War 3 (costs around $35)
- Halo 4 (costs around $45)
all for $288…
I guess it depends if you want a Kinect pack or not. I don't, couch gamer forever :D
big w bundle is even better, 338, but u get max payne 3 and far cry 3 instead of Gears of war 3
Plus for you because posting a deal is really time consuming . Thank you
Guys, can anyone confirm this 4GB xbox version CAN be chip hacked? (to play games downloaded from net)???
Or $198 @ Dicks; Xbox 360 4GB Console + Kinect + Kinect Adventures (+$10 Delivery)…