• targeted

Event Cinemas Gold Class Double Pass $67 @ Event Cinemas via Commbank Yello


Discounts off Events Cinema tickets including 2x Gold Class tickets for $67 (usually $47 per adult ticket! Even with family offer these are usually $35 per ticket with restrictions).

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Event Cinemas
Event Cinemas
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Commonwealth Bank


  • I got village cinemas

  • Isn't all the food and drink on top of the ticket? So what is the point of gold class?

    • +1

      Probably just having inclined and bigger seats and a table to put your food and drinks on. :/

    • +1

      So you don't have to deal with annoying kids during school holidays (hopefully)

  • Thanks, OP. I got it in my Yello offers.

  • -2

    Next-door German blonde buys the tickets.

  • Thought was MSI SPATIUM ssd by the thumbnail.

  • +2

    NGL Event belongs in the trash
    if you're in WA this is a better deal

    Reading or Hoyts all the way.

  • Would there still be booking fees for redeeming these online?

  • No wonder audiences are reducing in numbers with these prices.

    • +1

      Audiences are reducing because nobody is making any decent films anymore? It’s all junk!

      • That too.
        I could accept the quality if the price to attend a viewing wasn't so high.

  • Nah. Was $25 per ticket for four end of last year direct from Village. Stocked up then.

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