Whitehorse council recently installed signs saying "Electronic monitoring of parking in this area"
But where are these sensors? I can see a metal number being put on the pedestrian path, have they hidden sensors on the street?
Whitehorse council recently installed signs saying "Electronic monitoring of parking in this area"
But where are these sensors? I can see a metal number being put on the pedestrian path, have they hidden sensors on the street?
Thank you!!!, i want to find out a way to bypass these sensors…
btw what is google?
Smaller version of OzB…
You're not going to be able to bypass this unless you tamper with the detector unit. Even then, the unit is buried underground.
Drive a car that doesn't change the inductance of the loop. As plastic cars don't exist perhaps you could try a jacked up 4wd.
Failing that make up your own number plates and call yourself a sovereign citizen.
They may have wire loops in the road.
Edit: What MS Paint said ^^
waiting for the Temu magnetic field generator that bypasses this
In car parks in Adelaide, where they are used, you can see the sensor set in the middle of each bay. You might not notice if you're just parking, but are obvious in the spare spaces as you walk past.
If it is just wire/inductive loops, then, each vehicle is not uniquely identified, right? So, if I exit and re-enter the same parking bay, would the timer reset?
Yes it will reset. The detector needs an X seconds vacant time.
While you'll overcome the detection, you may still encounter issue with road rule compliance and (depending on State) needing to leave the restricted area before returning. Eg. If a Council officer sees what you're doing, then you may still receive an infringement despite their device not showing 'overstay'.
Monash council has had them in Glennie and Oakleigh for years
I believe its this circular depression/hole I see in the middle of each lot, if I had to guess, circa 5cm diameter.
You need a jack hammer to dig out the wires.
i wonder, if you left some scrap metal in the parking spot, would a ranger rush around to give it a ticket
sauceYou are going to have your mind blown when you discover Google.