Last minute as gold coins will no longer be claimable after tomorrow!
Best way to browse is by selecting the Argentinian region via Dekudeals. Link here
If you have any Switch titles that have released in the past 12 months and haven't claimed the gold coins on them, now's the time to maximise their value.
Sign into your Nintendo account from a browser, change your location to Argentina, sign into the Eshop on your switch console and redeem Gold coins from your physical games by inserting, pressing '+' and following the prompts.
For example, Xenoblade Chronicles X will net you ~1150 gold coins in Argentina which equates to ~575,00 pesos. With this you could get Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Wizard of Legend and still have enough left over for Nexomon and some shovelware!
There are many other comparatively dirt cheap games on the Argentinian Eshop (use Dekudeals to assist you). Would normally not condone such an exploit, but with gold coins redemption ending, it will soon be unavailable anyway.
Happy hunting!
More for your consideration:
Don't Starve Together 179,99
Sky Racket 179,99
Knight and Bikes 224,99
Cursed to Golf 224,99
Lost in Play 224,99
Sam & Max titles from 224,99
Fashion Police Squad 224,99
Huntdown 225,00
Vampire Survivors 299,00
Omori 329,99
Nobody Saves The World 399,99
Lego City Undercover 399,99