Instant Pot Pro 8L $279 Delivered ($251.10 after Sign-up Discount) @ Instant Pot Australia


Had my eye on this unit for some time, but have been waiting for a killer deal to pull the trigger.

Myer had it for $279.20 all last week, and I'd been eyeing it all week waiting for a cashback bump. Lo-and-behold, Cashrewards bumped to 8% for home on Sunday afternoon, I went to check out, and the unit had immediately sold out. Sadge.

But I checked today, and the manufacturer seems to have price matched Myer (?), and they also have a 10% discount code when you sign up to the newsletter. So I ended up with an even better deal!

Compared to the non-pro version, this one has 20% faster heat up time, an extra "cake bake" function, and the stainless steel pot has handy side handles with silicone grips (and the pot can be used on induction and gas cooktops, so it can pull double duty).

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  • -5

    Instant Pot

    Reported for 'Illegal/Banned Items'.

    • Means

    • Illegal? Are they used to cook meth in them?

      • They tried to claim it can be used for sterilisation but lacked the evidence to back it up, it has since been wearing that illegal label.

        • Googling said the InstantPot can be used to sterilise jars but not for canning food. I sterilise in the InstantPot then dry in a hot oven. So who, exactly, has given it the “illegal” label, I would like a link please.

  • +2

    I still enjoy my original one from the amazon price in basket error for $40

  • -1

    Instant Pot Pro 8L

    ^ Something about that spacing/letter pattern just doesn't sit right. Sounds like it comes with a red and white checked tee-towel and a burnt cookbook.

  • The 8L Duo model is $180 at amazon, often on sale for al low as $140. I wanted one with a stainless inner pot rather than a non-stick coating. It's got fewer options but all I ever use is pressure cook and set the time. I use it all the time for meal prep curries, chilli and recently apricot chicken.

    • Sounds good, recipes? At least for the apricot chicken

      • +3

        1, In instant pot - Whole chook ($8) + 1 litre of water on high pressure for 40 mins. Allow to cool to handle, separate meat and bones.

        1. In instant pot - Cook 1kg brown rice ($4) in stock from chook. Add another say 250ml water so it's cooked good.

        2. While that's happening caramelise 4 onions in a fry pan then add four packets of French onion soup mix (55c at coles), a can of apricot nectar ($2) and a can of apricot halves ($2). Simmer for a while.

        3. In instant pot - Half to 3/4 fill it with available veggies, I've been using zucchini, cabbage and cauliflower ($5). Add 200 ml water. Cook on high pressure for five minutes.

        4. Mix it all together in a big bowl, ladle it into tupperware for freezing/meal prep. Makes 12-15 serves at around $1.50/serve.

        I should probably add salt, msg and citric acid to end of the fry pan stage during simmering but it goes okay without.

        • I've never owned an instant pot and my rice cooker recently got scratched so bad i'm thinking of buying an IP to use it as a rice cooker and other things. From your experience, does it cook rice well and is it easy to clean?

          • +2

            @macr0hard: Yep. The stainless inner pot probably needs a little more effort to clean than the non-stick but the stainless will last for years whereas non-stick is on a more limited schedule. I mostly like the cooking timer, where I can turn it on and walk away. On the stove I need to be back to stir it and make sure it doesn't burn.

  • Cheapest I've seen in awhile - Minimax has been the best priced for an extended period at $259, however appear to no longer sell it.

    I'm still umming and ahhing about purchasing this.

    • I've had my eye on it for a month or 2 maybe, and Minimax hasn't sold it at all in that time at least. My experience is that this model is out of stock everywhere usually. So at this price I grabbed it.

  • -1

    I saw the 5.7L for around $110 at costco. The 5.7L is misleading since you can only fill up to 2/3 max of the 5.7L.

    • Pro model? Seems unlikely……

    • They're all like that, I've got the 8 Litre but it's got a 2/3 max fill line.

  • How much food or how many servings of food can this cook at a time? Suitable for a household of 3 adults or? Thanks!

  • Is the inner pot of this one stainless steel or non stick? I couldn't tell from the website

    • stainless steel with handles

  • Is this overkill for just slow cooking and pressure cooking? We very often slow cook 2-2.5kg brisket and lamb in the oven in a large cast iron pot, however something like this seems a lot easier. Would probably need this size for the amount we cook at a time

    • It’s quicker to cook with than a traditional pot in the oven but not drastically so. It takes about 3hours to pressure cook a leg of lamb, so not exactly fast.
      The unit spends a good hour warming up, building pressure and then releasing it after the cook is done.
      I like it for saving a few hours but don’t expect miracles.

      • An hour? My mid-size Instant Pot takes but a few minutes. I'm guessing you're not having much moisture in there?

      • I saw some youtube videos that complained about this too but I grabbed one anyway, will have to figure out if the settings can be changed to make it shorter

      • Not my experience either. Have you checked your seals and how you are cooking it? We don’t do a leg but we do multiple lamb shanks and it certainly takes nowhere near that amount of time.

    • this one have more temperature settings and handles on the inner pot. the duo plus version is aroudn half the price on sale and have both functions as well. from memory, you can change more with this model: pressure level, temp, pressure release mode. there is a comparision video on youtube

      • We have a Pro version and non pro version. The handles are good because they stop the bowl rotating when stirring. They also allow you to take out a hot bowl when you serve up. Also this does Sous Vide which we use a bit to cook steaks. Also the Pro version has the diffuser for steam release.

    • +1

      My 8L duo does a whole chook in 40 minutes + heating + cooling time. Mostly it's the timer that's great, you set it and walk away, very little chance of overcooking it.

      • +1

        Absolutely agree. I have a pressure cooker than has been in my drawer for twenty years because I didn’t feel confident using it. This is pretty much set and forget.

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