Decor Refillable Oil Sprayer $7.50 (RRP $14.48) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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I got one of these a while ago and have been hanging out to get one for a family member. Reliably, it goes on sale every now and then and is on sale now.

It is a great product! I like that you can refill it at home, also it doesn't use a chemical aerosoliser. Very good for getting oil distributed for a salad, or vegetables for roasting, etc.

$7.5 is not an ATL but it seems that the price has been gradually inching up for past years - I think the days of $6 sprayers are behind us.

EDIT: It has now arrived. This is in fact a different model to the one I currently have. I haven't actually tried it but it doesn't have the interior plastic bag.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +1

    These are great. Worth having a spare cause they don't last forever.

  • +17

    these dont really spray. more like squirt.

    • +4

      I have found it comes out not as a point squirt but also not as a circle, more like a line.

    • contrary to the instructions and the customer service at Decor, you have to pull the trigger quickly to get it to spray. unlike the old ones.

      • +33

        In that case then I might just pull the trigger

      • +1

        yes you can get it to spray after a few pumps/priming but that defeats the purpose as I just want a little bit of oil…

        • +4

          I agree it's crap compared to the old one. The most annoying thing is the head coming off so easily. I reckon several times a week I find it loose…every couple of weeks it comes off in someone's hand and it's oil everywhere

    • +6

      There's two models labelled the same. There is one model that squirts, and then there is the model in the picture with the white cylinder dangling next to the tube that atomises and sprays property. I didn't realise until Woolies had both and I compared them side by side. Definitely get it if it is the one pictured, avoid the ones without the dangly bits.

      • +2

        One of the one-star amazon reviews has photos side by side of old-good vs new-bad.

      • Cheers, I didn't know the old style with the white cylinder was still around, I'll be keeping an eye out now to see if I can snag another.

      • Well bugger me - this days old when I learnt that. Looks like I've got 1 of each (plus Kmart ones that I think are infinitely better than the non-dangly Decors). Cheers

      • Just got mine delivered and can see what you mean.
        I have 2 of these from 2021 still going strong (with the white cylinder inside).

        The new one is different design altogether as per the comparison review on Amazon(

        I'm disappointed :(

    • +2

      i have this and it definitely sprays

  • How does the spray compare to pressurised cans of oil from supermarket?

    • +7

      more of a squirt than spray

    • +5

      not comparable but a lot less chemicals & certainly do the trick

    • Healthier and cheaper. Stuff from can reminds me of oven cleaner when it comes out

    • +8

      100 percent less propane and butane.

  • +6

    Price has gone up $2.50 on full price no thanks no price gouging going on here .

  • +1

    Is there much difference between this one and the Kmart one…?

  • +25

    These are rubbish. I've tried 3 and had to return them all.

    They squirt the oil, they do not spray…

    • +1

      What this guy said.

    • +4

      had mine for years and still going strong. sprays just fine.

      • +1

        Then maybe the issue is with recent ones. I tried them last year for the first time…

    • +1

      Agree, bought 3 from Woolies and returned all of them.

      I still have the old one with the pouch inside and it works.

      • Perhaps we need a 'bring back the pouch' campaign ?

  • +4

    These are sh1t compared to their old ones from a few years ago.

    1) The head unscrews a bit too easily and comes undone at inconvenient times.
    2) The spray mechanism is hard to get a spray. It comes out as a squirt unless you pull the trigger repeatedly, quite quickly.
    3) The head clogs up a lot more often then before. Soaking the head+ straw it in warm soap water, then putting the straw end in a cup of warm, soapy water & squirting will clear it.
    4) The price has nearly doubled for an inferior product.

  • Hi all,
    Does anyone have issues with oil dripping from the tip and coating unit and causing the trigger / body to get oily? I’m finding I have to clean mine quite often. This never happened on the previous “bagged” unit. Could be because I dropped mine (top broke off but appears to work fine). Thoughts anyone?

    • +4

      Yep. Current model is a piece of crap.

    • +2

      Yep, yep, yeppity yep yep yep.

  • +1

    I don’t like the design of these tall ones, seems too easy to knock over. Got a shorter glass one from Amazon for around 15. But even that one is not built very well. Oil spray is handy in general thou especially when using an air fryer.

  • +2

    I bought into the hype. These are terrible. Doesn't spray properly and love to leak.

  • We use this one on daily basis. It certainly serves the purpose!

  • +2

    Trash, don't buy

  • +1

    These only work if the straw is in the oil, so when it gets low, you need to hold it more vertical, which is a pain. I know sounds obvious, but does get annoying.

  • Anyone tried a Yarramate one? Might give it a shot.

    • That looks like it only squirts too.

    • +3

      Yes, I went through two of the Decor ones and they are no good. Now have three of the Yarramate ones, all flawless so far. They create much more of a mist than the decor so give better coverage. I recommend getting the green-tinted glass to protect the oil from being light affected.

      • recommend getting the green-tinted glass to protect the oil from being light affected.

        What about the dark amber one?(

      • They create much more of a mist

        Have you tried them with EVO oil?

      • Seems this is not tinted glass.
        instead they are use a coating to get tint effect.
        Not sure this is food grade.

      • Thanks mate. They'll be stored in the cupboard either way. Purchased!

    • +2

      Video( for anyone that wants to see how it sprays 👍. Bought mine a few months ago and still working well.

      • Finally a sprayer, not a squirter!

  • How would this go for spritzing apple cider vinegar etc for a smoker

    • The old ones worked perfectly for this purpose, was great. But worried about the reporting above that the new ones are inferior..

    • Is this sort of a less lethal pepper spray?

  • Given how trash this sounds…any alternatives?

  • +9

    Dont bother, the only olive oil dispenser you need is right here

    Source: am an olive grower

    • +1

      Do you sell good quality olive oil to the public? Can you link me to your stuff?

      • +4

        Yes I do, but keep in mind im not Cobram estate, i have 2000 trees (not 2 million) so prices reflect that. Ive won over 30 awards for my produce and im very proud that its all single origin picked, pressed and packaged on my own acreage here in Tasmania. I also have all the scientific analysis notes if youre interested in polyphenol count as its much higher than that of the supermarket

        Ive sent you a PM

    • +1

      Please send link to your oil

      • Done, cheers

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing got one of these. $2.54 delivered is pretty good.

    • +1

      Couldn't agree more. Have had both the this one and the Decor one and the one you linked is so much better. It actually sprays. You can also flip the lid and pour it.

    • AliExpress one linked above is a plastic bottle. Amazon one linked below is glass.

  • +2

    I stopped using this one as i don't like storing oils in plastic. The glass one from Decor didn't spray well at all. Currently using a glass one from amazon, higher price, but has a pour attachment + spray + seemingly larger capacity. Very happy with the amazon option.

  • +3

    These are great. Surprised to see little love for it here - we use ours daily and I now use one for bike maintenance to spray degreaser. It sprays, not squirts. Doesn't drip. Did we get lucky with ours?? Best part is you can use minimal oil. Love using it when bbq cooking as well.

    • I'm surprised too. After daily use, mine has been going strong for 2 years.

      • Amazon said out last one was purchased in 2022. It only just died, but worked perfectly up until that point.

        Had their previous version with a plastic bladder inside the bottle and it was a pain to fill, but still worked well enough.

        Definitely sounds like QC issues with the amount of people getting duds.

  • Cheap plastic bottle, $7.50 is too much.

    It uses the same spray head that Mr. Clean( cleaning solution comes in, which at least you get something with it. This one just comes with air.

  • +1

    These are a waste of money. Absolutely useless.

  • We bought a Temu clone of this like 12 months ago for a couple of dollars and haven't bought spray oil since. It works fantastic with a perfect spraying action - can't recommend them enough.

    • wouldnt trust Temu with stuff that touches my food…

      • +2

        I struggle to believe being on Temu makes it any better or worse than every other cheap Chinese product?

  • +6

    Yup, these are garbage.
    Old version miles better than the current version. But even the old one didn't last more than a few months.

    Screw decor selling this garbage for $7.50 "on special" when it's no better than the $1 temu version.

    In fact, on consensus of the comments, I'm negging this, even at 20% of this "special" price I'd struggle to recommend this to an enemy.

  • Actually these are easy to break.

    Mine's survived for a week only before it stopped working.

  • I bought 3 of these from temu for $1.50 each to use as a water hair spray. They work fine and looks exactly the same as this. I bought a more expensive glass oil spray from temu and it also squirts instead of spray. I think it has to do with the density of the oil and the menchanism works better with water.

  • Absolute waste of money!!

  • +2

    Kmart version $5…

    Used mine for well over a year now, no problem 😊

    Occasionally I give it a deep clean and run soapy water through the sprayer to clean any backlog

    • Does it spray or squirt? very excited to try this one out.

      • +1

        Sprays fine using the generic aldi canola oil

        Usually if it's coming out as a squirt it's because the nozzle is blocked up.

  • My first one was my favourite kitchen tool ever until I broke it. Second and third… well one shoots a straight stream and the other is completely jammed

  • Got mine for $6 five years ago… Hasn't missed a beat.

  • Useless product don’t buy, it doesn’t spray it squirts

  • +1

    coles one is glass oil spray bottle at 5 bucks vs this plastic one, while coles capacity bit smaller than Decor's

  • +1

    I won't buy if it is plastic to hold olive oil.

  • Useless, waste of money, even at half price. They break easily, I've gone through 3 of them to stop buying it. I used it to spray water. I just bought a stainless steel bottle and have been fine since.

  • +2

    Only thing is, it's not glass. Oil should be kept in glass to protect it from UV and making it rancid.

    • +1

      and to stop oil - soluble chemotoxins leaching from plastic bottle into the EVOO

  • +3

    Agree with the previous comments.
    The old version with the bag had the best sprayer imo, and could work for the longest between refills because of the bag. Quick vacuum re-inflated it. Eventually died and tried the couple of iterations since with no bag and varying spray strays and mechanisms, all rubbish.

    Have since tried the 2-in-1 glass ones linked above (got mine from Kmart) and so far it is looking the goods. Sure it's more of a fan spray than a mist, but not like I could ever get that sort of mist from these anyway.

  • +2

    I regret buying this, I don't get why everyone likes this. I bought it because ozbargain kept recommending it. The spray is like a fast jet. Doesn't event disperse. The best sprayer is the 2-in-1 spray and pour bottle from kmart. Actually sprays oil.

  • +3

    This product should be banned from OzB lol

  • Bad product, don't buy. Please stop posting these.

  • +1

    You're better off just spreading the oil manually at this point; these are absolute garbage.

  • +1

    Came here to defend these as love mine but mine are the older version. Always disappointing when a product is updated to something worse :(

    • I love mine too, I thought I had the old version too but it looks like it's the new one with the "dangling" white plastic at the bottom of the tube.
      Update: Actually there more than 2 versions. I have 2 with the plastic at the bottom, only one is spraying, the one on the left(rounder trigger)
      OP’s product picture shows a different model

      • I think there are 3 versions all up.

        v1 - has a bag attached to the wall
        v2 - has a bag but detached from the wall
        v3 - no bag (the version in the OP)

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