Coles Hot Roast Whole Chicken & 1.25L Coke, Fanta or Sprite Drink for $13.50 (Save $3) @ Coles in-Store


Spotted this hot roast chicken & drink combo deal for $13.50 (Save $3) at Coles. Expires on 24th Feb 2026.
(Individually roast chicken is $12.50 & 1.25L drink is $4 at full price)

Awesome $13.50 Coles deal shoppers are loving

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  • +8

    Usually end of day roast chicken is half price

    • +8

      yeah, but then it's been sitting there for a few hours. I'd rather a fresh roast chook, so ideal time for my store is about 4pm (for an early dinner) or 6pm

      • At that point it has been dead for weeks :)

    • +5

      True, but there's also the chance that they've sold out for the day if you're too late =(

    • +11

      My locals essentially never have any left at the end of the day, so not really an option.

      • +14

        i work for coles, if theres none of the coles brand chickens left you can ask for a voucher for a free one.

        • +3

          I asked for a roast chicken from deli counter when there were no any available on the place, but they simply ignored me. This is like 2 hrs before the store close,

        • +1

          Is this really true? I have never been offered this.

          • +1

            @zarbicore: This is true but stores have conditions. I think my local says you must ask before 6pm or something

            • @CodeXD: How could you find out a store's policy without travelling there?

          • +1

            @zarbicore: You have to ask. The staff will NEVER offer it.

    • +3

      Just over $1 at local Metro if you time it right. Have to be there 5 minutes before throw out time. 30 mins before throwout it is around $3. I get the Macro free range ones.

      But yeah the local Woolworths usually has plenty of half priced ones to go around too.

    • +17

      Good for the 20 people that have a Costco nearby.

    • +1

      Fart Chicken is my new band name

      • +4

        Your debut album Feathers and Flatulence is awesome!

        • LMAO

    • +12

      I'm just gonna put this out there:
      Coles roast chicken is better than Costco roast chicken.

      I've had plenty of Coles chooks in my time, and in recent years have tried the Costco ones a few times when I had the membership. I would rather pay more for the Coles (or Woolies) ones.

      • Try an IGA Lilydale roast chook. King of bachelor handbags IMHO.

        • +1

          Nah I disagree. Lilydale lack flavour (and size). Woolies chooks supreme in taste.

      • +1

        Have to agree.

        Costco chooks are dry af and don’t seem to have any seasoning sprinkled onto them like Coles and Woolies.

        • +2

          It's not just the seasoning, it's the lack of proper brining to keep it succulent

    • Pump up the brine! Uh huh, uh huh. Pump up the brine! No taste, no taste.

    • They're $8 now

    • +2

      If I drive an hour to a random industrial zone that has a costco, how much money am I saving?

  • +1

    And what ever happened to the paper and foil chook bags.
    These plastics bags shite me. If I do get one I put it in glass storage.

  • +17

    Ooooh the bachelor's handbag now comes with a drink

    • +4

      You need @Jimothy Wongingtons' deluxe version.

      • +5

        Coles - if you are reading this , I do accept marketing consultancy fees in Coles bakery good, specifically the blueberry or apple danishes

    • I am sad solo ( THE THIRST QUENCHERRRRRRR) is not a choice

    • It is now called the bachelor picnic pack

  • +2

    I say it's deal. Add an expiring coleslaw and bread and you're shouting smoko for $20.

  • -1

    Good deal.

    • +8

      No, it's not really. But this thinking is why Coles (and the other two) are some of the most profitable supermarkets in the world.
      Whilst it's not considered 'price gouging', it's been shown that their margins on many products are far higher today than they have been.
      Take this 1.25L Coke, for example… $4? Poppycock! Just a couple of years ago, you could get a 2l for half this price. We're now one of the most expensive in the world for this stuff. And the chooks, as mentioned below, have jumped 50% over the past few years. I know they may be a little harder to source at the moment, but farmers haven't seen increases anywhere near this.

      Whilst there may not be a huge amount we can do about this as many are happy to accept this pricing as the new norm, let's at least acknowledge that it's far from being a "Good deal."

      • I agree. I cannot believe they charge $4 for a bottle of coke these days. Syrup and water and a plastic bottle.

        Keep your eyes peeled though, in another month that $4 coke will cost $4.20. For absolutely no reason.

  • +3

    It used to be $8-9 for years.
    Then all of a sudden it jumped up something like 25% (I don't know how they calculate the official inflation). And now to compensate for that they give you some crappy soft drink, that's sad.

    • +4

      In my memory they were as low as $7? (Somewhere between 2016-2019 - I remember this range due to where I was living at the time)

      I used to compare pretty much any purchase I made to whether or not I would prefer the equivalent price in Coles chickens =S

      • +1

        Possibly $7… Memory is a bit hazy on this one, I remember they changed it a couple of times. I would say that maybe between 2010-2020 the price were pretty consistent and then all of a sudden went up and up.

        • same for all other deals after 2021 aka COVID - it all went up 20-30%

          one of my local burger places pre COVID - Meal deal for $9.95

          NOW - $12.95

    • This is what I don't understand. Groceries have gone up WAY more than inflation. 25%, 50% on most items. It is insane if you actually look at price differences between now and a year ago. Daily Orange juice is now $7.50. How did that happen!?

      • A major component of manufacturing is electricity costs.

        Those costs have increased exponentially over the last few years and are passed onto the consumer by way of price increases on their end product.

  • IF you can pick up a half priced cooked chook on clearance (everyday, at the right time) this offer includes a ~$6 litre of cola. Good if you want the cola but questionable if you just want to work with value.

  • +5

    Sounds ordinary to me, 1 big brand of 1.25l softy is always cheap and really that’s barely 1 warm glass each for an avg family if that is the idea and I don’t think $12.50 is a cheap chicken either, like others have said if a dinner run, often cheaper at end of day on way home from work

  • +4

    Grabbed this yesterday. Didn't think it was Ozbargain worthy. I was wrong. I apologize and will do better.

    • Such a typical dad - embarrassing its ‘spring chickens’.

      • +3

        I'm 26 with no kids yet. Albie is my dogs name 😅

        • +1

          Good boy Albie. Here's a virtual rub for you.

  • +3

    Coles bbq chicken used to be my 'usual'. Now it's way easier to pay the extra $5 at a chicken shop, it's a sure thing instead of the Coles chook lottery, it's fresh and not a soggy mess in a plastic bag, and it's bigger and better seasoned.

    • +1

      I wish they put them in the alfoil bags like they used to back in the day.

    • Yeah of course it is always easier to pay more money for a better product

  • +9

    Time for everyone to remember the "Hot Roast Chicken Promise" - even if a sign isnt displayed (and as long as it's not a resort store) : if there's none of the red bag chickens available and it's between 9am and 8pm ask for a free chicken voucher. I've scored 5 this month.

    Staff are a little begrudged to hand them out, but I'm poilite and after "checking" they will hand one over.

    I've worked out the roasting times to push the odds in my favour.

    • +1

      Can you explain more about the roasting times?

      • In my case it was before and after uni

      • +2

        Chickens come out of the oven at 7:30pm and 3:30pm at my local. I time my visits for 20-30 minutes before then.

        It helps that I have two coles within an 8 minute walk.

        • Are we neighbours? Westfield and Chase?

    • Damn, didn't know (or remember) this. Had to go without one just a couple of weeks ago.

    • From where should I ask it? From the checking out area or the deli counter?

      • +5

        Deli-counter is my go-to, the second coles near me that does not have one: I just go to the service desk.

        The conversation goes like this:

        Me: "Hi, I wanted a chicken, but you dont seem to have any"
        Staff member, with a why are you telling me this look: "yes, we're sold out for now"
        Me: "Oh, can I have a free roast chicken promise voucher"

        80% of the time you'll get one right away. 20% they'll want to call someone or they say that it's not applicable as they've started cleaning for the day. In which case refer to the sticker. 100% of the time I get one

        • +2

          Also don't feel guilty if they say the next roast chickens will be ready in 10 mins and to ask you to wait. If they're not on display they're not available and get a voucher

  • -1

    Rather not support Coke and the American tariff B/S

    • I didn't think Coke was imported…

      • I mean profits still end up going to the US, so the OC isn't that far off the mark, minus the tariff rambling.

        • Dividends from CCA go to the US parent. Otherwise it goes into paying for the Aussie bottling and distribution business

          • @serpserpserp: We can mince this up as much as we want, the core fact is that you are still supporting a US company by buying Coke.

  • -1

    These coles roast chickens are tiny now.
    Maybe 50% to 75% the size they used to be.
    Not worth it.

  • +1

    I fine these salty and dry, am i eating eat wrong? lol

    • +6

      I fine these salty and dry, am i eating eat wrong? lol

      Perhaps that’s why they include a drink now lol.

    • You need a sauce. I find BBQ, ketchup, or sweet chilli sauce hits the spot.

  • +7

    Masses considering this a deal is why corporations push up profits.

  • +2

    So a bottle of poisonous rubbish for a dollar ..

  • +2

    I particularly like the obviously sponsored article at the bottom thats super good fun.

    I don't have the data and numbers to refute as others have posted above but this genuinely isn't that good of a deal, you are supposedly saving $3 on two items that are already heavily inflated so those deals aren't really deals to begin with. People are getting excited over paying what we used to pay like 10 years ago and we complained about the price then!.

  • Are coles stupid?! its a roast chook and a 2L Farmers union iced coffee or its nuthin!

  • +1

    Another 'special' that sounds more expensive than what the normal price should be.

    If I didn't know the chicken price I'd have expected to pay say $10 for the chicken and $2.50 for either brand of soft drink on special.

    Make it $10 for both and it's not complete robbery.

  • More evidence that supermarkets in Australia are trying to elevate themselves to fast food price and "convenience".
    Look, time was — not that long ago — you'd be slugged much more for meal from an established fast food merchant.
    Similarly, you'd have to be desperate to buy anything from a convenience store, as prices were often twice that of supermarkets, or more.

    In the last ten years, supermarkets have established virtual price parity with other sources of sustenance. The old wisdom of "save at the supermarket" is all but gone. Find a wholesaler if you can.

    • Which BBQ chicken wholesaler should I be shopping at?

  • Checked out the local cole this morning, no sign of this combo.

    • Some Coles don't have the sign but the combo offer is for all Coles. They would scan at the discounted price.

  • Grateful that my local IGA still does hot chooks for $9.99, and they tend to be a bit bigger and plumper than the Coles own brand ones.

  • Expires on 24th Feb 2026.

    Sweet! I have next year's Valentine's Day sorted!

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