[PC, Steam] Dragon Age: The Veilguard $44.97 @ Steam


All time low price according to isthereanydeal.com

Also available on the EA store for the same price.

Fairly recent game at 50% off less than five months after release.

Have fun.

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  • +5

    Are there any mods to remove that cringeworthy Trash, I mean Taash character from your team?

    • +4

      Won't find that mod on Nexus Mods.

  • +6

    Would not recommend this "return to form" masterpiece.

    • +4

      Next round of Bioware layoffs incoming…

      • Such a shame, been following Bioware game since Mass effect 1. I was really looking forward to this release.

        • +1

          Same. It's not looking good for Mass Effect 5.

    • @Raven1366 Are we all talking about the same game ?


      Eurogamer said "This is the best Dragon Age, and perhaps BioWare, has ever been." in their five star review 🤷🏼‍♂️

      • Apparently!!!

  • +2

    waiting for freebie on epic

    • +5

      Freebie for the PSN Essential subscribers this month but people complained that game took a free game spot.

  • +3

    I am going to have to pull a Barv and push away from this one

    • Going a Barv and beyond.

  • I'd probably give it a go for el cheapo, but this is still too much.

  • people really like to hate on this game but it's decent overall.

    it's not perfect but has some great moments and executes well enough overall to cover for its missteps.

  • -1

    not worth $4 let alone $44

    • As post above - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/16370870/redir - Eurogamer gave it a truly excellent review, what's wrong with it ? I haven't played it, but it's on my wishlist on the strength of the reviews.

      • -1

        the reviewers where paid off anyone saying this game isnt terrible is paid off

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